meier是什么意思 meier的中文翻译、读音、例句

meier是什么意思 meier的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 可能是一个人名:Meier是一个普及度较高的德语姓氏,相当于英语中的“Smith”、“Jones”等姓氏。在英语中,可能也会把Meier作为名字使用。


- My neighbor's last name is Meier.(我的邻居姓Meier。)

- Meier is a very common last name in Germany.(Meier是德国非常常见的姓氏。)

2. 可能是一个地名:Meier也可能是某个地方的名称,也可能是城市、村庄、乡镇的名称。


- Have you heard of Meier Township?(你听说过Meier乡镇吗?)

- I'm planning to visit Meier City next month.(我打算下个月去Meier城市旅游。)

3. 可能是一种缩写词:在某些上下文中,“meier”也可能是一些术语的缩写,需要根据具体情况进行解释。


- MEMS(micro-electromechanical systems)的一种类型是称为MEMS纳米力传感器(meier)。

- MEIER(Minimal Essential Information for Experimental Reporting in the Life Sciences)是生命科学实验报告中必要信息的最小标准。

4. 可能是一个单词的错别字:有时候,“meier”也可能是一个单词的错别字,需要根据上下文来判断。


- The correct spelling is "major", not "meier".(正确的拼写是“major”,不是“meier”。)




读音:mài ěr


1. Meier是一位享誉国际的建筑师。

(Meier is an internationally renowned architect.)

2. 我们公司的首席执行官是Mike Meier。

(Our company's CEO is Mike Meier.)




例句:Meier designed a series of louvered skylights to capture that light and cast it inward to illuminate the art within, but indirectly. (麦尔设计了一系列的天窗 来捕捉光线 向内投射照明内部陈列的艺术品 不过是间接的)


例句:Also in September, Wolfgang Meier simultaneously released both eXist 1.0 and 1.1. (Wolfgang Meier也在xx月份同时发布了eXist 1.0和1.1。)


meier一般作为名词使用,如在Meier Helmbrecht([网络] 佃户黑尔姆布莱希特)等常见短语中出现较多。

Meier Helmbrecht[网络] 佃户黑尔姆布莱希特


1. The print says that it's James Quency Meier. (翻译:指纹显示 他是James Quincy Meier)

2. I spent a lot of time undoing Richard Meier's aesthetic. (翻译:我花了很多时间颠覆 Richard Meier的审美观)

3. I spent a lot of time undoing Richard Meier's aesthetic. (翻译:我花了很多时间颠覆 Richard Meier的审美观 )

4. We're investigating the murder of james meier. (翻译:我们在调查杀James Meier的谋杀)

5. I didn't kill him. I wonder why meier didn't talk to etienne about her. (翻译:我在想为啥Meier没有跟Etienne说起她)

6. The Meier brothers, Moushein and Tzak, 221 Sherwood Avenue, Jerusalem. (翻译:Meier兄弟 Moushein and Tzak 耶路撒冷舍伍德大道221号 The Meier brothers, Moushein and Tzak, 221 Sherwood Avenue, Jerusalem.)

7. Uh, quick question-- When meier asked you if matt etienne was involved In your scam, what did you tell him? (翻译:小问题 当Meier问你 Etienne跟你是不是一伙的 你怎么回答?)

8. Why didn't you tell us you were involved with mrs. Meier (翻译:为什么你一开始没告诉我们 你和Meier太太的外遇)

9. I mean, action's action, And jessica meier is a nice piece of pie. (翻译:说到做到嘛 Jessica Meier可是个美人)

10. Explain for us the nature of your relationship With jessica meier-cardeira. (翻译:Cardeira 和我们解释一下 你和Jessica Meier的关系)

11. You let that dealer, alexandra yee, run her scam Because she knew about you and mrs. (翻译:你任凭那个荷官Alexandra Yee出老千 因为她知道你和Meier太太的关系)

12. Are you certain that he isn't still out there alive? (翻译:Meier住所 内华达州Calida 你们确定他肯定死了?)

13. Let's start at 8:00 p.M. The night jim meier was murdered And stuffed in your fridge. (翻译:从Jim Meier被谋杀 并塞进你家冰柜那晚八点说起)

14. See if ann meier and matt etienne (翻译:看看那晚Ann Meier 和Matt Etienne是否在那儿)

15. White panels are straight out of Meier but the interior color coming through the front windows, that's different. (翻译:白色镶板是麦尔典型的风格 但内部色彩是来自前面的窗户 这点不一样)



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