sick是什么意思 sick的中文翻译、读音、例句

sick是什么意思 sick的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:


2. 用途:


3. 英美用法:


4. 同义词:



1. He was feeling sick and dizzy after eating the stale food.(他吃了发霉的食物后感觉恶心头晕。)

2. She had to take the day off work because she was too sick to go to the office.(她因为太虚弱而无法去办公室,不得不请假。)

3. That rollercoaster ride was so sick! I want to go on it again.(那个过山车真是太酷了,我想再去一次。)

4. I've been feeling sick for a week and I think I need to go to the doctor.(我已经感觉不舒服一个星期了,我觉得我需要去看医生了。)

5. She's been off sick for a few days because she caught a cold.(她因感冒已经请病假几天了。)





1. I feel sick today, maybe I caught a virus.(我今天感觉不舒服,可能是感染了病毒。)

2. The smell of the garbage makes me feel sick.(垃圾的味道让我感到恶心。)

3. The thought of eating raw fish makes me sick.(想到吃生鱼让我感到很不舒服。)

4. He has been sick for a week and needs to see a doctor.(他已经生病一周了,需要看医生。)

5. The news of the earthquake made me sick to my stomach.(地震的消息让我感到极度不舒服。)




例句:I mean, this is what gets people sick, you know? (久郁成疾 你知道么? I mean, this is what gets people sick, you know?)


例句:And, um, I have a sick fancy that I want to see some play. (I have a sick fancy that I want to see some play.)


例句:Some of them got sick along the way. (有些人是被带坏的 Some of them got sick along the way.)


例句:♪ Looking kind of sick, all green and pale ♪ (翻译:* Looking kind of sick, all green and pale *)


sick一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在is sick(恶心,呕吐)、on the sick([口语]病残的,领取病假补贴的)、sick at(〈口〉对…感到不愉快,遗憾)等常见短语中出现较多。

is sick恶心,呕吐
on the sick[口语]病残的,领取病假补贴的
sick at〈口〉对…感到不愉快,遗憾
sick of厌倦了, 厌烦了
sick with生…病
the sick病人
to be sick患病
was sick[网络] 生病了;病了呀
dope sick[网络] 涂生病
fall sick生病


1. Some of them got sick along the way. (翻译:有些人是被带坏的 Some of them got sick along the way.)

2. ♪ Looking kind of sick, all green and pale ♪ (翻译:* Looking kind of sick, all green and pale *)

3. # Blame it on my own sick pride (翻译:# Blame it on my own sick pride)

4. I wonder if I might request a sick day. (翻译:我想能否请一天病假 I wonder if I might request a sick day.)

5. Truce is the dying cry of the weak and the sick. (翻译:休战是弱小无能之辈的哭喊 Truce is the dying cry of the weak and the sick.)

6. He said the SICK country means Syria, Iran, China and North Korea. (翻译:文章里提到的SICK国家代表着叙利亚 伊朗 中国和朝鲜 )

7. The regional tooth fairy called in sick. (翻译:这个区的牙仙病了 但他什么都没做 The regional tooth fairy called in sick.)

8. You're sick, the pair of you! You're so sick! (翻译:你们很恶心,你们两个 太恶心了,我不能相信)

9. A family made sick and torn apart by traitors. (翻译:这些叛徒让这个家族衰弱 分崩离析 A family made sick and torn apart by traitors.)

10. How sick do you have to be to not even remember your own face, huh? (翻译:连自己的脸都不记得了 Oh. how sick do you have to be huh?)

11. I think he said something about his dad being sick. (翻译:I think he said something about his dad being sick.)

12. (sneezes) Are you getting sick? (翻译:你是不是病了 Are you getting sick?)

13. Marcia, you filed on Thursday. (翻译:这真让我觉得恶心 Just makes me sick to my stomach.)

14. Thank you. Dad, come on. This place is so sick. (翻译:This place is so sick.)

15. They were sick, spreading a disease. (翻译:他们病了 会传染 They were sick, spreading a disease.)



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