happend是什么意思 happend的中文翻译、读音、例句

happend是什么意思 happend的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Definition:

'happened' is the past tense of the verb 'happen', which means to occur, take place, or come into existence. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that occurred or took place in the past.

2. Usage:

- It is commonly used in storytelling to describe events that have already occurred.

- It can be used in daily conversation to describe something that happened to us or to someone we know.

- It can be used in news reporting to describe recent events or incidents.

3. Collocations:

- Something happened: Something unexpected happened and the situation changed.

- Happened to + subject: Something occurred to a person, a group of people or something in particular.

- It happened that + clause: An event occurred in a specific way.

Example sentences:

1. Something happened to the car and now it won't start. (发生了什么事把车搞坏了,现在它打不着火了。)

2. I can't believe that it happened to me. (我不敢相信这个发生在我身上。)

3. It happened that I ran into my old friend on the street yesterday. (昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的老朋友。)

4. The accident happened on the highway last night. (昨晚的事故发生在高速公路上。)

5. What happened to make you so angry? (是什么事让你如此生气?)



1. What happened last night? - 昨晚发生了什么2. I can't believe that happened. - 我简直不敢相信那发生了。

3. It was bound to happen sooner or later. - 这迟早会发生的。

4. Has anything happened since I left? - 自从我离开后有什么发生了吗5. I don't know what happened to my phone. - 我不知道我的手机怎么了。




例句:The same thing happend. He was the first to topple during the Arab Spring. (所以相同的事情发生了 他成了在阿拉伯之春运动中 第一个倒台的总统 )


例句:What happend when you told him your concern and invited him to solve the problem with you? (当你告诉他你的担心,并且让他和你一起解决问题,看看会发生什么? )


1. A very first thing they wrote down, is something that actually happend to them, (翻译:他们最初所记载下的东西 一定是切实发生在他们身上的)

2. But Zobell said that he had been worked in the museum for 23 years, and there's nothing happend, and now he's fired, he couldn't accept it. (翻译:但左贝尔说,他在这个博物馆工作xx年,过去都没问题,现在突然把他解雇,让他无法接受。)

3. The company has been promising a rise in salary for six months, but nothing happend yet. (翻译:该公司一直允诺加薪,但是什么都没有发生。)

4. It's nowhere in the region, What happend to it? (翻译:在这一整片地区都没有 那么 那些瓦砾到底去了哪里呢?)

5. What would happend if just one piece of evidence turn up, one stone, one key, that prove that Von Daniken had been right all along? (翻译:假如哪怕是小小的一项证据被证实 一砖 一瓦)

6. Did you hear what happend to Mary? (翻译:你听说玛丽的事了? )

7. - No one knows what happened yet. (翻译:- 到现在还没有人知道发生了什么呢 - Please. - No one knows what happend yet.)

8. it was also an astrological device, so that some could tell you, oh, if you are born at this date and your planet side is this, then certain things are going to happend to you when the planets were on this alignement. (翻译:其二 这也是占星的仪器 也就是说可以告诉你 如果你是这天生的 你的星盘是这样的)

9. It arrived at the top of human ancient civilization, which had never been happend before. (翻译:雅典几乎在所有领域取得了前无古人的成就,达到了人类古代文明的最高度。)

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