1. 含义:stay out of 表示避开、避免涉及某件事情或某个地方,或者阻止某人参与某件事情。
2. 用法:stay out of + 名词或动词的ing形式,其中名词可以是具体的地点或事情,动词的ing形式则通常表示某种行为。
3. 相关短语:stay away from、avoid,这些表达方式都表示避免接触或参与某件事情。
4. 使用场景:在日常生活中,stay out of一般用于提醒别人避免某种不利的行为或情况,也可以用于自我提醒和避免自己参与某些有风险的事情。
1. Stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to avoid getting sunburned.(避免在早上10点到下午4点间暴露在阳光下,以避免晒伤。)
2. The teacher warned the students to stay out of the abandoned building.(老师警告学生不要进入废弃的建筑。)
3. He decided to stay out of the argument between his two friends.(他决定不卷入他的两个朋友之间的争论。)
4. The club strictly forbids members to stay out of the designated area.(俱乐部严禁会员离开指定区域。)
5. The doctor advised the patient to stay out of alcohol for a while after surgery.(医生建议病人在手术后暂时避免饮酒。)
读音:[steɪ aʊt ɒv]
1. Stay out of my personal life!
2. The boss told us to stay out of the meeting and let the experts handle it.
3. It's better to stay out of political discussions if you don't want to cause arguments.
stay out of通常被翻译为"置身于…之外、仍然没有"的意思,还有不插手的意思,发音是[stayoutof],stay out of来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到48个与stay out of相关的例句。
Stay out of的翻译
例句:- But I asked him to stay out of it (我开枪了,但他把我的话当耳旁风! - 你竟然对罗德尼开枪!)
例句:But the longer you stay... (But the longer you stay...)
例句:Did she manage to stay out of trouble in LA? (她在浴杉矾没管什么闲事吧 Did she manage to stay out oftrouble in LA?)
例句:The herds stay easily out of range, (翻译:The herds stay easily out of range. 兽群轻易就能逃开)
stay out of一般作为动词使用,如在stay out(呆在户外)、stay out late([网络] 晚归;在外面呆到很晚;在外面呆得很晚)、stay(停留 )等常见短语中出现较多。
stay out | 呆在户外 |
stay out late | [网络] 晚归;在外面呆到很晚;在外面呆得很晚 |
stay | 停留 |
stay at | 停留在… |
stay by | 〈美口〉呆在…的旁边,留在…旁边 |
stay for | 应邀在…家留下;为…而逗留;等待 |
stay on | 继续停留 |
stay to | 为…而留下,留下来(吃饭等) |
stay with | 与...并驾齐驱 |
1. Did she manage to stay out of trouble in LA? (翻译:她在浴杉矾没管什么闲事吧 Did she manage to stay out oftrouble in LA?)
2. The herds stay easily out of range, (翻译:The herds stay easily out of range. 兽群轻易就能逃开)
3. I stay out of their hair, they stay out of what little I have left. (翻译:其他的我都不管 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}I stay out of their hair. 她们给我留下点钱就行 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}They stay out of what little I have left.)
4. Stay out of my head, you perv. (翻译:没门 色狼 不要打我主意 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}Stay out of my head, you perv.)
5. - You wanna stay and find out? Everybody inside. (翻译:你想留下来查个究竟吗 {\3cH202020}You want to stay and find out?)
6. Pretty soon, Nemec is gonna find out that John Paul is dead, and when he does, you two need to stay out of sight. (翻译:Nemec很快就会发现 Pretty soon, Nemec is gonna find out John Paul死了 在此之前 that John Paul is dead, and when he does, 你们要藏起来 you two need to stay out of sight.)
7. As long as they stay, we have to stay. (翻译:As long as they stay, we have to stay.)
8. Wydd, stay low, and stay out of the way. (翻译:Wydd,趴下,离开这里 斯凯利格,开火! 持续开火!)
9. Look, Jack, I need you to stay out of this. (翻译:I need you to stay out of this.)
10. Most of the time, the keys stay in the jar (翻译:the keys stay in the jar)
11. Hunter, Hunter, OK, talk to me! AMBER: (翻译:- Stay away from me!)
12. [ Overlapping questions ] Give her a smooch! REPORTER: (翻译:Stay! Give her a smooch!)
13. Costello and Johnson are gonna do anything they have to to stay out of prison. (翻译:Costello和Johnson会不惜一切 Costello and Johnson are gonna do anything 离监狱远远的 they have to to stay out of prison.)
14. Just stay close and look for anything that stands out from your vision. (翻译:跟着我 Just stay close 找找看有没有你预见到的东西 and look for anything that stands out from your vision.)
15. Stay Mocha... my favorite. (翻译:Stay Mocha系列... 我的最爱 Stay Mocha... my favorite.)