greentea是什么意思 greentea的中文翻译、读音、例句

greentea是什么意思 greentea的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源起源:介绍单词或缩写词的来源,背后的文化背景和历史渊源。

"Green tea"是指从茶叶树的叶子中获得的健康饮料。它的历史可以追溯到中国唐代,因为在那个时候,绿茶首次作为草药使用并被广泛吸食于寺庙和宫廷。

2. 拼写和发音:介绍单词或缩写词的正确拼写和发音方式。

"Green tea"的拼写和发音是g-r-e-e-n t-e-a,读音为 /ɡriːn tiː/.

3. 词法搭配:介绍单词或缩写词的常见搭配方式,包括主要词性和相关词性。

"Green tea"通常作为名词使用,并可以与其他词汇组成词组,例如:绿茶冰淇淋(green tea ice cream)、绿茶香皂(green tea soap)、绿茶粉(green tea powder)等。

4. 词义解释:介绍单词或缩写词的含义、用法和常见表达方式。

"Green tea"是指采自茶树叶子,去除了发酵步骤的新鲜茶叶,呈现出淡绿色的颜色,具有清新的香味和轻淡的口感。它含有各种营养成分,以及抗氧化剂、多酚和咖啡因等天然物质。

5. 应用场景:介绍单词或缩写词在实际生活和工作中的应用场景,如何使用它们。

"Green tea"在中国文化中被视为一种传统的健康饮品,不仅可以代替咖啡或红茶进行日常饮用,而且还可以用于烹饪、制作糕点、香水、护肤品等方面。在全球范围内,“绿茶”也被广泛应用于各种产品中,例如:绿茶口红(green tea lipstick)、绿茶精油(green tea essential oil)、绿茶饮料(green tea drink)等。


1. Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas.


2. Green tea is known for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been linked to lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and other serious illnesses.


3. I usually drink green tea in the afternoons, as it helps me to stay alert and focused during work hours.


4. There are many different varieties of green tea available in the market, including sencha, matcha, and genmaicha.


5. Green tea extracts and supplements are believed to have health benefits, but it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming them regularly.



读音:lǜ chá


1. Drinking greentea every day is beneficial to health.(每天喝绿茶对健康有益)

2. The fragrance of greentea is refreshing.(绿茶香气清新怡人)

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