cxk是什么意思 cxk的中文翻译、读音、例句

cxk是什么意思 cxk的中文翻译、读音、例句

'cxk' 不是一个常用词汇,它是网络上的一个流行语。通常被认为是中国内地一位著名的综艺节目主持人蔡徐坤的缩写。在网络上,'cxk' 也常被用来形容一种具有搞笑、卖萌、做作等特点的表现方式。一些网友甚至将其视作一种文化符号。






1. Some netizens use 'cxk' as a symbol of their humorous and exaggerated behavior.

有些网友使用 'cxk' 这个符号来表达他们幽默夸张的行为方式。

2. 'Cxk' has become a trending topic on social media platforms.

'Cxk' 已成为社交媒体平台上的热门话题。

3. The video of 'cxk' performing on stage went viral overnight.

'cxk' 在舞台上表演的视频一夜之间就走红了。

4. Fans of 'cxk' are passionate and supportive of his every move.

'cxk' 的粉丝们对他的每一个举动都充满激情和支持。

5. Some people believe that 'cxk' represents a new generation of Chinese youth culture.

一些人认为 'cxk' 代表着中国青年文化的新一代。

6. 'Cxk' has inspired many memes and parodies on the internet.

'cxk' 在互联网上催生了许多模因和恶搞作品。

7. The popularity of 'cxk' reflects the changing tastes of Chinese audiences.

'cxk' 的流行反映了中国观众口味的变化。




1. 我很喜欢cxk唱的歌曲,他的声音和曲风都很好听。

2. cxk是一位非常有才华的年轻艺人,他的舞蹈、唱歌和表演都非常棒。

3. 在中国的流行文化中,cxk是一个非常受欢迎的偶像,他拥有着大量的粉丝和支持者。




例句:Our earrings are available in 14K yellow gold white gold, please specify when ordering. (这款耳环还有14K黄金,14K白金的相同款式有售,请在订货时详细说明。)


例句:The stabilizer of the number K, written Stk, is the set of all permutations of G that leave K fixed. (G中保持K不变的置换所成之集称为数K的稳定子,记作Stk。)


例句:To further increase the inline length, you can settle on a larger page size of 8K, 16K, or even 32K. (为了进一步增加inlinelength,可以将表放在页宽为8K、16K甚至32K的表空间上。)


1. To further increase the inline length, you can settle on a larger page size of 8K, 16K, or even 32K. (翻译:为了进一步增加inlinelength,可以将表放在页宽为8K、16K甚至32K的表空间上。)

2. Is it O.K. to call you at work? (翻译:Is it O. K. to call you at work?)

3. So, that's happening in the U.K. with U.K. government data. (翻译:英国人正在用英国政府提供的数据资料做这些事情。)

4. These are not your traditional Klan robes you would see at any KKK rally. (翻译:这不是你能在三K党集会中 看到的传统的三K党长袍。)

5. And then, king, after exactly five seconds. (翻译:然后, K牌 -- 正正... 5秒. )

6. Chris, Ansel, you hungry for some K-Fry-C? (翻译:Chris, Ansel, you hungry for some K -Fry)

7. Three new color combinations are offered on CX and CXL, the primary colors being Cashmere Metallic, Cardinal red Metallic and Platinum Metallic. (翻译:三种新的颜色组合,开办CX和第一百四十,暂时羊绒金属,金属和鲜红铂金属原色。)

8. King of hearts, king of spades, king of clubs and king of diamonds. (翻译:不论红桃K、黑桃K、梅花K,还是方片K上的国王)

9. Let's meet in the lobby of the K Hotel. (翻译:我们在K旅馆的大厅见面吧! )

10. Yes, we have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (翻译:有,我们有14k和18 K的金项链、手链和金耳环。)

11. I, um¡K¡K are you and carlos having some sort of money trouble? (翻译:我,呃... ... 你和Calos经济上有问题吗?)

12. Since it does not take in any K, it can safely be declared to be covariant on K. (翻译:因为它没有传入任何K类型的对象,它能安全地声明为对于K可协变的。)

13. Fashion with Flair: Intertwining 14K yellow and white gold create a look that is eye-catching and elegant. (翻译:因为特别,所以时尚。14K黄金、14K白金相互缠绕,创造出迷人优雅效果。)

14. As is also the case with other recent vehicles in the Mazda lineup, the 2010 CX-9 receives a Nagare-inspired exterior and interior. (翻译:也是如此与其他最近的马自达汽车阵容,xx年马自达CX-9获得流启发外部和内部。)

15. Solid 14-karat or 18-karat gold. (翻译:固态14 k或18 k金。)

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