soka是什么意思 soka的中文翻译、读音、例句

soka是什么意思 soka的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Soka是日语中一个单词,它通常用作“创价学会”的简称。创价学会是一种日本新宗教,它的成员主张通过念经和修行来实现人类的幸福和和平。

2. 词性:Soka是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:Soka在日语中可以与其他词组合成多个词组,例如创价学会(Soka Gakkai)、创价学会会长(Soka Gakkai Kaicho)等。

4. 短语:没有与Soka直接相关的短语,但它可以出现在许多关于创价学会的文章和讨论中。

5. 发音拼写:Soka的发音是So-ka,bet365亚洲唯一官网它的拼写用katakana字母写作ソカ。


1. 她是一个虔诚的Soka学会成员,每天都会念经和修行。

She is a devoted member of Soka Gakkai and chants and practices every day.

2. 我们的公司每个月都会向Soka Gakkai捐款以支持他们的慈善活动。

Our company donates money to Soka Gakkai every month to support their charitable activities.

3. Soka Gakkai的信徒相信,通过念经和修行,他们可以获得内心的平静和幸福。

Followers of Soka Gakkai believe that chanting and practicing can bring them inner peace and happiness.

4. 有些人批评Soka Gakkai过度渲染自己的理念,吸引了过多的信徒。

Some people criticize Soka Gakkai for exaggerating its beliefs and attracting too many followers.

5. 他们的创价学会教义中强调了通过个人修行来实现世界和平的重要性。

Their Soka Gakkai teachings emphasize the importance of achieving world peace through personal practice.



1. 日本传统文化中,Soka(僧家)扮演着重要的角色。 (In Japanese traditional culture, Soka plays an important role.)

2. Soka(出家人)们通常会在寺庙中住宿和修行。 (Monks usually live and practice in the temple.)

3. 我们去了京都的一个古老的Soka(寺庙)。 (We visited an ancient temple in Kyoto.)

4. 这位Soka(僧人)有很高的修为和智慧。 (The monk has a high level of cultivation and wisdom.)

5. Soka(宗教)在日本有着广泛的影响力。 (Soka has a wide influence in Japan.)

6. Soka(禅宗)注重冥想和内观。 (Zen Buddhism emphasizes meditation and introspection.)

7. 这所Soka(大学)是一所著名的私立大学。 (This university is a famous private university.)

8. Soka(哲学)强调关注现在和自我觉察。 (Soka philosophy emphasizes focus on the present and self-awareness.)

9. Soka(文化)是日本独特而重要的一部分。 (Soka culture is a unique and important part of Japan.)

soka 的中文翻译是“创价”,读音为“sōu kè”。


1. 我很喜欢创价学会的理念,它带给我很多正能量。

2. 创价教育强调“人间革命”,即通过个人的自我改革来改造社会。

3. 创价学会的成员们常常一起参加志愿活动,为社会做出贡献。




例句:On the princess and soka overlooking the fire burning super-villains aquatic tribal nations warships. . . (月公主和索卡俯视来犯水族部落的火烈国战船……)


例句:Ah soka is so anxious about getting her lightsaber back, her own anxiety interferes with her ability to track it down . (阿索卡是那么急迫地想夺回她的光剑,她自己的焦虑妨碍了她追踪的能力。)

例句:Currently teaching Chinese language and culture at Soka University of America in California. (现在加利福尼亚州的美国创价大学教授中国语言和文化。)


例句:In September 2001, Soka Art Center officially settled in Beijing as the first Taiwan gallery in mainland. (翻译:xx年设立北京索卡艺术中心,是台湾第一家于大陆设立的画廊。)


1. Currently teaching Chinese language and culture at Soka University of America in California. (翻译:现在加利福尼亚州的美国创价大学教授中国语言和文化。)

2. In September 2001, Soka Art Center officially settled in Beijing as the first Taiwan gallery in mainland. (翻译:xx年设立北京索卡艺术中心,是台湾第一家于大陆设立的画廊。)

3. As far back as 2013, of 2,600 cherry trees surveyed in one town - Soka in central Saitama Prefecture - 100 had already been affected by the pest, and some had died. (翻译:早在xx年对一个小镇——埼玉县中心的索卡镇——2600棵樱花树的调查中,已有100棵树受到虫害,且有的已经死亡。)

4. Soka Art Center was founded in 1992 in Taiwan, acting mainly as an agent of art works by outstanding Chinese artists. (翻译:索卡艺术中心成立于xx年台湾,主要经纪代理优秀华人艺术家作品,是台湾最早有系统代理大陆艺术家的画廊。)

5. Currently teaching Chinese language and culture at Soka University of America in California. (翻译:现在加利福尼亚州的美国创价大学教授中国语言和文化。)

6. In 2005, Soka Beijing Contemporary Center was open to promote contemporary art. (翻译:xx年成立北京索卡当代空间,致力于当代艺术的推广。)

7. In 2002, Soka Korea Office was founded, in charging of the communication between artists from China and Korea. (翻译:xx年在韩国首尔设立办事处,负责中国、韩国当代艺术的交流推广。)

8. In 2002, Soka Korea subsidiary Office was founded, in charging of the communication between artists from China and Korea. (翻译:xx年,索卡在韩国首尔设立办事处,负责大陆、韩国当代艺术的交流推广。)

9. In more recent years, as I have indicated, I have been supported by my work for the Soka Gakkai. (翻译:我之前也提到,前些年我在创价学会工作赚钱维持生活。)



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