nbb是什么意思 nbb的中文翻译、读音、例句

nbb是什么意思 nbb的中文翻译、读音、例句

作为一名人工智能语言模型,我根据我的语料库以及思维程序,会为您提供有关'nbb' 的信息。



1. 社交媒体领域:有人认为'nbb'是"Nothing But the Best"的缩写,表示只追求最好的,维护自己的品牌形象。在这个语境下,'nbb'也常常用来作为一种自我激励和鼓舞的口号。


- I always strive for nbb in everything I do, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

- My motto in life is to give my nbb and let success speak for itself.

- We only accept nbb when it comes to customer service, nothing less.

2. 计算机科学领域:'nbb'也可能是"Notebook"的缩写,表示笔记本电脑。在这个语境下,'nbb'可能用于描述计算机硬件或者软件方面的特点和功能,比如操作系统、存储容量等。


- My new nbb has an amazing graphics card, making it perfect for gaming.

- I always carry a small nbb with me to take notes and keep track of my schedule.

- This software is compatible with all major nbb brands and models.

3. 医学领域:'nbb'也可能是"Nucleated Blood Cells"的缩写,表示细胞核有机体。在这个语境下,'nbb'可能用于描述血液中细胞核的数量或者类型,这与人体健康状况有关。


- The patient's nbb count is within normal range, indicating no significant health issues.

- An increased number of nbb in the blood may indicate infection or inflammation.

- Certain diseases can cause abnormalities in nbb morphology, which can be detected through blood tests.


1. She's always striving for nbb in everything she does. 她总是追求最好的,不论做什么事情。

2. We only accept nbb when it comes to customer service. 我们对客户服务只接受最好的。

3. My new nbb has an amazing graphics card, making it perfect for gaming. 我的新笔记本电脑有一个了不起的图形卡,非常适合玩游戏。

4. The patient's nbb count is within normal range, indicating no significant health issues. 病人的核有机体计数处于正常范围,表明没有明显的健康问题。

5. Certain diseases can cause abnormalities in nbb morphology, which can be detected through blood tests. 某些疾病会导致核有机体形态的异常,可以通过血液测试检测到。





例句:"A," that's not true, and "Bb," even if it were, I'm a cop. (首先 没这回事 其次 就算是 我是个警察)


nbb一般作为名词使用,如在NBB([=normal buffer base]正常缓冲碱)等常见短语中出现较多。

NBB[=normal buffer base]正常缓冲碱


1. We will have BB King, The Spinners... (翻译:还有B·B·金和The Spinners We will have BB King, The Spinners...)

2. -Brennan, but she can't have visitors. (翻译

3. Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, BB 114 (翻译:为弦乐,打击乐和钢片琴而作的音乐, BB 114。)

4. Didn't get much sleep last night, old son, did you? (翻译:\ n你好。- 你睡得太多昨晚\ n啊,杰里?)

5. So if one day our baby wants to know where they come from... then they have a right to know. (翻译:若有天BB想知道自己的身世 他们有权知道)

6. Qualifying - n/a, 2009 Race - n/a (翻译:排位赛 - 无, 2009 正赛 - 无 )

7. For each pair of people in room, set n = n + 2. (翻译:对于房间中的每一对人, 设n=n+2。)

8. Welcome to the Sunshine, Hegg's only BB. (翻译:欢迎来到阳光旅馆 Hegg唯一的含早餐式旅馆)

9. You can see the little BB in the box is my tilt sensor. (翻译:你们可以看到,这个在盒子里的小宝宝是我的斜传感器。)

10. General, I regret to inform you but this map recovered from BB-8 is only partially complete. (翻译:长官 我很遗憾的通知您 General, I regret to inform you but 从BB -8中读取的地图数据并不完整 this map recovered from BB)

11. No, n-n-n-no, no, no, no, no, see, that's where you're wrong. (翻译:不 不 不 不 你瞧 你错就错在这里 No, n -n -n)

12. I bought an N gage locomotive. (翻译:我买了辆N轨距火车 I bought an N)

13. Now legally Elizabeth was not your child... and so you have no claim over her children. (翻译:因为法律上,伊莎不是你的女儿 因此没权要求领回BB)

14. And, we could learn to love a baby in a minute, even if it wasn't ours. (翻译:我们在瞬间会学会爱BB 不是亲生也没关系)

15. If you were having a baby yourself... a baby of your own, you'd want a boy or girl? (翻译:若你怀自己的BB 你自己的,你想要仔还是女?)

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