byredo是什么意思 byredo的中文翻译、读音、例句

byredo是什么意思 byredo的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源和拼写


2. 发音


3. 含义和用法


4. 相关词汇



1. I love the unique fragrances of byredo perfumes.


2. She always wears a different byredo scent every day.


3. Byredo is known for its high-quality and long-lasting fragrances.


4. I bought a byredo perfume as a gift for my friend's birthday.


5. The new byredo fragrance is my favorite scent so far.


Byredo的中文翻译为“比瑞多”,读音为bǐ ruì duō。


1. 比瑞多是一个瑞典香水品牌,以其独特精致的气味而闻名于世界。

2. 她喜欢用比瑞多的香水,因为它们的香味很舒适,不过度浓烈。


Byredo means "比瑞多" in Chinese, and its pronunciation is bǐ ruì duō.

Example sentences:

1. Byredo is a Swedish perfume brand that is well-known for its unique and sophisticated scents around the world.

2. She likes to use Byredo perfumes because they have a comfortable scent that is not overly strong.




例句:I was gonna redo the list, but then... (我想重新列一张 但是... I was gonna redo the list, but then...)


例句:And it turns out I'm handier at programming universal remotes than I realized, and my wife is helping her mother redo the bedroom closets. (结果是,我在通用远程编程方面所做的工作比我意识的要简单多了,而我的妻子正帮她妈妈重新整理卧室衣柜。)


例句:I had the decorator redo it nine times. (你可以感受到他的怒火从墙壁里渗出来 You can feel his anger in the walls.)


1. I had the decorator redo it nine times. (翻译:你可以感受到他的怒火从墙壁里渗出来 You can feel his anger in the walls.)

2. way as Undo works. You can select as many operations to redo as desired and all operations up to that specific one will be redone . (翻译:恢复的工作方式和撤销一样,你可以像所期望的那样选择恢复多个操作,那么在指定操作之前的所有操作都可以恢复。)

3. Anyone can take Pleo and they can totally redo his personality. (翻译:每个人都可以拥有Pleo,而且他们完全可以进行个性重置。)

4. the next call undoes the previous undo operation , performing a redo. (翻译:下一次调用将撤消上一次的撤消操作,即执行重复操作。)

5. He will spend the next five months or so trying to redo the rules of finance so we don't go through this again. (翻译:他还要在今后五个月左右的时间里重新制定金融法规,以确保类似的一幕不会重演。)

6. I called my lawyer and I asked him to redo my will. (翻译:我给我的律师打电话 要求他重新改写我的遗嘱)

7. Josh, we have to redo the interview in a new dress. (翻译:- 截屏党遍地都是... - Josh 行了 我们得换条裙子重新录)

8. Resetlogs simply means the sequence number for the redo logs is reset. (翻译:resetlogs只表明重新设置了重做日志的序列号。)

9. Rewrite, redo, and rearrange. (翻译:重写——重做——重排。)

10. Anyone can take Pleo and they can totally redo his personality. (翻译:每个人都可以拥有Pleo,而且他们完全可以进行个性重置。)

11. Pistons, suspension, timing belt, crankshaft, and redo the valves, the head needs new spark plugs... (翻译:活塞、悬吊 正时皮带、曲轴,还有 气阀要重做,)

12. Because I will not redo it again. (翻译:因为我可不会再做一次了。)

13. The on-disk RBA is the point up to which LGWR has flushed the redo thread to the online log files. (翻译:磁碟央行是这点已刷新LGWR的重做线程的在线日志文件。)

14. - I told you I was coming by with the swatches so that we could redo your office. (翻译:- 我说了我拿这些调色板来 这样我们就能重新装修你的办公室了)

15. TSOP: 2 page requests simulation experiment to generate the page address in the form of a mapping have serious problems, I did not redo. (翻译:实验二页面请求模拟,生成表单一中的页面地址映射有严重问题。)

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