1. 意思与用法:
缩写词"STATOR"则可以表示比如国家人口统计局(State Administration of Statistics,缩写STATOR)等。
2. 派生词语:
stator winding -静子绕组
stator core -静子铁心
stator coil -静子线圈
3. 相关专业知识:
1. The stator is a stationary part of the motor, and is commonly composed of steel laminations that are stacked together to provide a stable magnetic core.
2. The stator winding of a generator is responsible for producing the magnetic field that interacts with the rotor to generate electrical power.
3. The stator core is typically made of laminated silicon steel sheets to reduce electrical losses and improve efficiency.
4. The STATOR database contains statistical information on the population of a given country, including demographics and socio-economic indicators.
5. The STATOR program is an essential tool for government agencies and researchers to analyze population trends and formulate policy recommendations.
1. Cesar Augustus fuit Romanus stator, qui magnum imperium populi Romani tenuit.(凯撒·奥古斯图斯是罗马帝国的领袖,统治了罗马人民的大帝国。)
2. Stator legum est qui eas condit et conservat.(法律的领导者是制定和保护它们的人。)
3. Regimine stator est qui gentem ducit ad gloriam.(领导者是引领民族走向荣耀的人。)
4. Franciscus Iesus Christi stator est.(弗朗西斯是耶稣基督的领袖。)
5. Stator civitatis est gubernator.(城市的领导者是市长。)
6. Philosophus est stator vitam bonam.(哲学家是好生活的领袖。)
7. Stator scholae est rectorem.(学校的领导者是校长。)
8. Stator rei publicae est praeses.(国家的领导者是总统。)
9. Stator industriae est director.(工业的领导者是董事。)
1. The stator winding is usually made of copper or aluminum wire.
2. The stator is the stationary part of an electric motor or generator.
例句:Three normally closed, automatic reset thermostats connected In series shall be embedded In adjoInIng phases of the stator wIndIngs. (三个串联的、能够正常关闭、自动重置温控器应该植入定子绕组的相邻相位上。)
例句:furthermore, the abrasion of a rubber stator is small, thus prolonging the service life of the rubber stator. (另外,对橡胶定子的磨损小,从而延长了橡胶定子的使用寿命。)
例句:The synchronous hysteresis motor consists of a polyphase-wound stator and a magnetically hard rotor . (同步迟滞电动机由一个多相缠绕的定子和一个硬磁转子所组成。)
4.定子 、航导向叶片压气机
例句:Electric machines are composed of stator and rotor. (翻译:电机是由定子和转子两部分构成的。)
stator一般作为名词使用,如在elastic stator(弹性定子)、external stator(外定子)、generator stator(电机定子)等常见短语中出现较多。
elastic stator | 弹性定子 |
external stator | 外定子 |
generator stator | 电机定子 |
groove of stator | 子槽 |
hydrogenerator stator | 水轮发电机定子 |
inner stator | 内定子 |
internal stator | 内定子 |
laminated stator | 片定子 |
linear stator | 直线定子 |
1. The synchronous hysteresis motor consists of a polyphase-wound stator and a magnetically hard rotor . (翻译:同步迟滞电动机由一个多相缠绕的定子和一个硬磁转子所组成。)
2. Electric machines are composed of stator and rotor. (翻译:电机是由定子和转子两部分构成的。)
3. Active magnetic bearings (AMBs) make rotor suspended in the middle of stator by magnetic force. (翻译:磁悬浮轴承利用电磁力将转子稳定悬浮在定子中间,是典型的机电一体化装置。)
4. The invention improves the efficiency of the electric generator by adding at least one stator rotor generating unit. (翻译:本发明通过增设至少一组定子转子发电组,提高发电机的效率。)
5. The invention relates to an electric motor stator structure, which consists of a magnet conductive component and a winding. (翻译:一种电机定子结构,包括一导磁组件以及一绕组。)
6. the stator is sleeved on the rotor and an air gap is formed between the stator and the rotor. (翻译:该定子套设于该转子并与该转子间隔一气隙;)
7. That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could... (翻译:那个控制定子的单元 可以反转磁极 就会有足够长的时间脱离磁悬浮 并且...)
8. Since the rotor is fed by a invertor, the waveform supplying the stator can be affected. (翻译:由于转子采用变频装置供电,该电机的定子供电波形将受到影响。)
9. Both stator and rotor are made of ferromagnetic materials. (翻译:定子和转子都是由铁磁材料构成。)
10. A new technology and equipment of annealing and bluing for finished stator and rotor of uncoated cold-rolled electric steel lamination in bell-type hytrogen furnace was introduced. (翻译:介绍了无涂层电工钢冲片叠片成型后的电机定子和转子在罩式炉内进行退火和发蓝处理一次完成的新工艺及装置。)
11. The stator winding must be impregnated with insulation paint and dried before refitting. (翻译:定子绕组在重新安装前必须侵绝缘漆和烘干。)
12. Each stator lamination includes an outer section, and a set of teeth coupled to the outer section. (翻译:每个定子叠片包括外部部分和耦合到外部部分的一组齿。)
13. Stator Temperature Fields Calculation of Large Hydrogenerator after Interturn Insulation Aging of Stator Wings (翻译:大型水轮发电机定子绕组内股线绝缘热老化下的定子温度场计算)
14. Analysis and Treatment of Stator End-winding Looseness for No3 Generator of Shajiao A Power Station (翻译:沙角A电厂3号发电机定子端部松动分析及处理)
15. A new type of disk piezoelectric micromotor was given, which is non-contact between the stator and rotor. (翻译:提出了一种新型圆盘压电微电机,定子与转子间是非接触型的。)