secas是什么意思 secas的中文翻译、读音、例句

secas是什么意思 secas的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. El clima en el desierto es muy seco. (沙漠气候非常干燥。)

2. Mis manos están muy secas. Necesito usar crema hidratante. (我的手非常干燥。我需要用保湿霜。)

3. Esta comida está muy seca. Necesito agregar un poco de salsa. (这个食物非常干燥。我需要加一点酱汁。)

4. Después de la lluvia, el aire se siente menos seco. (下雨后,空气感觉不那么干燥了。)

5. La tierra está muy seca. Necesitamos regar las plantas. (土地非常干燥。我们需要浇水给植物。)

6. Mis labios están secos. Necesito usar bálsamo labial. (我的嘴唇很干燥。我需要用唇膏。)

7. Los ojos de la chica estaban secos después de llorar tanto tiempo. (女孩哭了很久后,眼睛很干燥。)

8. La ropa en el tendedero se secó rápidamente en el día soleado. (晒在晾衣绳上的衣服在阳光明媚的日子里很快就干了。)

9. El pan se pone seco después de estar en la bolsa por unos días. (面包放在袋子里几天后变得干了。)


读音:sè cǎ


1. 这个地区的气候非常干燥,需要节约水资源。

2. 由于长时间缺水,农田变得干旱,影响了农作物的生长。



例句:Mom, can I talk to you a sec? (也许我们得把他从方程序减掉 MAYBE WE NEED TO SUBTRACT HIM FROM THE EQUATION. 你可以不要再讲数学了吗?)


例句:Can I borrow you for a sec? (能和你谈谈吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Can I borrow you for a sec?)


例句:You can figure this out, right? (Hang on a sec. You can figure this out, right?)


例句:Regulators at the SEC and around the country said they would be investigating other deals beyond ABACUS. (翻译:SEC和美国其他地方的监管单位都表示,将调查ABACUS以外的交易。)


1. You can figure this out, right? (翻译:Hang on a sec. You can figure this out, right?)

2. Regulators at the SEC and around the country said they would be investigating other deals beyond ABACUS. (翻译:SEC和美国其他地方的监管单位都表示,将调查ABACUS以外的交易。)

3. But the SEC never called DTC. (翻译:但美国证券交易委员会从来没有所谓的DTC。)

4. I got to steal him for a sec. (翻译:- 我俩要单独说点事 - 好吧 -I got to steal him for a sec.)

5. Hey, Walt, can I get a sec? (翻译:沃特 能跟你聊聊吗 Hey, Walt, can I get a sec?)

6. Avesnes-Le-Sec, France, March 1918 (翻译:Avesnes Le Sec,法国 xx年xx月)

7. She ran a personal best of 13.01 sec. (翻译:她跑出了13.01秒的个人最佳成绩。)

8. Uh, hang on a sec, Geraldo. (翻译:Uh, hang on a sec, Geraldo.)

9. - Hey, tremors, you got a sec? (翻译:嘿 你有空吗? Hey, tremors, you got a sec?)

10. He couldn't believe that my stuff was that good, and the SEC ignored it. (翻译:他简直不敢相信 我的东西是好的, 和SEC忽略了它。)

11. - Hold on a sec. There's good junk? (翻译:碎玻璃 其他药物相比较来说 任你发挥想像)

12. Aggeliki... hang on a sec. (翻译:Aggeliki... hang on a sec. Aggeliki...)

13. One sec, I want to respond. (翻译:等一下 我来回复 One sec, I want to respond.)

14. And there's this SEC investigation going on with your company. (翻译:还有的这种 证监会调查 与你的公司发生的事情。)

15. At this point, Harry got nervous, because Harry was the guy out front with the SEC. (翻译:在这一点上, 哈利紧张了, 因为哈利的家伙 出门前给SEC。)

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