xenosaga是什么意思 xenosaga的中文翻译、读音、例句

xenosaga是什么意思 xenosaga的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义和起源:Xenosaga是一个由Monolith Soft开发并由Namco Bandai在PlayStation 2上发布的JRPG系列游戏。游戏于xx年首次推出,由于其引人入胜的故事情节,令人惊叹的音乐和高质量的视觉效果而受到欢迎。这个词的根源来自希腊语单词“xeno-”,意为“陌生人”或“外国人”。

2. 游戏背景和故事情节:Xenosaga系列的故事围绕人类与机器人之间的长期战争展开。游戏中的主角们必须面对自己内心的恐惧和挑战,以保护未来的未来。这个故事是在一个虚构的宇宙中展开的。

3. 游戏特色和元素:Xenosaga系列非常注重角色和情节的发展,有深度的探索和探索元素,也有不少的谜题和战斗。玩家可以根据自己的喜好和需求来选择自己合适的角色和系统进行游戏。

4. 影响和文化意义:Xenosaga系列不仅仅是一款非常受欢迎的游戏,同时也是一个惊奇的动漫文化符号。这个词在玩家和动漫迷之间广泛使用,以指代一种既有创造力又富有凝聚力的多元文化。


1. The Xenosaga series is one of the most popular JRPG franchises of all time. (Xenosaga系列游戏是有史以来最受欢迎的JRPG游戏之一。)

2. The story of Xenosaga explores themes such as fear, sacrifice, and the nature of humanity. (Xenosaga的故事探索了恐惧、牺牲和人类本质等主题。)

3. The Xenosaga games feature a complex battle system that allows players to customize characters and abilities. (Xenosaga游戏具有复杂的战斗系统,玩家可以自定义角色和能力。)

4. The impact of Xenosaga on the gaming industry and anime culture cannot be overstated. (Xenosaga对游戏业和动漫文化的影响不容忽视。)

5. Many fans of the Xenosaga franchise are eagerly anticipating a potential remastered version of the original games. (许多Xenosaga系列游戏的粉丝都非常期待原版游戏的重制版本。)


读音:xié dù chuán shuō

例句:玩家们对于异度传说系列的续作期待已久。 (Players have been eagerly anticipating the next installment of the Xenosaga series.)




例句:Saga Bordeaux White is made from Sauvignon, Semillon and, in some vintages, Muscadelle. (佐贺波尔多白葡萄酒由苏维翁、赛美蓉和某些年份的马斯卡德尔葡萄酒酿造而成。)


例句:In the world of finance and among greens, the Papuan saga is being watched closely. (金融世界和森林之间,巴布亚佐贺正被密切关注。)


1. The origin of this piece harkens back to the saga of the Sons of the Earth and the creation of the fabled Golden Army. (翻译:它的起源可以追溯到... 大地之子的传说 和打造黄金军团的故事)

2. I dedicate my comforting much celebrated saga to my brave friend, Erik. (翻译:我要把我最受欢迎的温暖人心的故事献给 我勇敢的朋友艾力克。)

3. April also brought the final act in the long saga of little Elin Gonzlez. (翻译:埃连·冈萨雷斯的长篇传奇故事在xx月也终于有了落幕之戏。)

4. Except a story told by a French company: a saga about a little girl and a giant elephant that came to visit for four days. (翻译:唯一例外的故事是 一个法国剧团来此演出, 演的是一个关于小女孩 和一头巨象的故事。他们一同进城进行为期四天的 游行表演。)

5. Ingredients: Lactic Acid, Salvia Offcinalis Saga, Limonene. (翻译:主要成分:乳酸,凤梨鼠尾草,柠檬烯。)

6. In the midst of this grim summer, my faith in humanity has been restored by the saga of Rachel Beckwith. (翻译:在这个苦闷的夏季,瑞秋·贝克薇斯的故事让我重新看到人性的美好。)

7. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse was the big winner at the 2011 MTV Movie Awards, picking up five gongs . (翻译:xx年MTV电影奖近日揭晓,《暮色3:月食》斩获五项大奖,成为最大赢家。)

8. "The idea that Tom Hicks was an innocent party in the Klinsmann saga is a joke, " said the senior figure. (翻译:要说希克斯在克林斯曼事件里是无辜的,那可真是个笑话,高层如是说。)

9. At the completion of the Star Wars saga, it finally came time to realize Kashyyyk on the silver screen. (翻译:等到星战的传奇即将圆满的时候,卡希克也终于要出现在银屏上了。)

10. I think it's the perfectly fitting conclusion... to the saga of father's all-important fortune. (翻译:我认为这是最合适的 对于我父亲这一生的财富来说)

11. The saga sounds daft but threatened to spiral into a controversy about race in a country that has just elected its first black president. (翻译:该传闻听起来很愚蠢,但是却有可能在这个刚刚选举了首位黑人总统的国家演化成一场有关种族问题的大辩论。)

12. I dreamt that Black Wolf attacked the herd and ate Mom... and Saga. (翻译:我梦到黑狼袭击了鹿群 然后吃掉了妈妈... 还吃掉了Saga)

13. Saga is a famous Japanese ceramic village, northwest of Arita, Imari, Karatsu are world famous pottery origin. (翻译:佐贺是日本著名的陶瓷之乡,西北部的有田、伊万里、唐津是世界知名的陶器产地。)

14. Chesney died 30 years ago, but the saga of his IRA involvement has refused to do likewise. (翻译:切斯尼在xx年前死去,但是他卷入的爱尔兰共和军却拒绝随之消身匿迹。)

15. Nagasaki, Saga, Kumamoto, and Kagoshima prefectures expect strong rains over a wide area. (翻译:受低气压影响 长崎、佐贺、熊本、鹿儿岛县等地区 遭遇广范围降雨)

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