soar是什么意思 soar的中文翻译、读音、例句

soar是什么意思 soar的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 财务和经济领域



- The price of gold has soared in recent months.


- The company's stock price soared after the announcement of the new product.


- The economy is soaring and businesses are thriving.


2. 飞行学领域



- The eagle soared over the mountain peaks.


- The plane soared high into the sky.


- The seagulls soared gracefully above the ocean.


3. 情感和精神领域



- My heart soared with joy when I heard the good news.


- She felt her spirits soar as she reached the top of the mountain.


- His confidence soared after he received the promotion.





- The price of gold has soared in recent months. 最近几个月金价急剧上涨。

- The company's stock price soared after the announcement of the new product. 新产品宣布后,公司股票价格急剧上涨。

- The economy is soaring and businesses are thriving. 经济蒸蒸日上,企业蓬勃发展。

- The eagle soared over the mountain peaks. 老鹰翱翔在山峰上空。

- The plane soared high into the sky. 飞机高高飞入云霄。

- The seagulls soared gracefully above the ocean. 海鸥在海面上优雅地翱翔着。

- My heart soared with joy when I heard the good news. 听到好消息时,我心里充满了喜悦。

- She felt her spirits soar as she reached the top of the mountain. 当她到达山顶时,她感觉到自己的精神飞扬。

- His confidence soared after he received the promotion. 他得到晋升后信心倍增。


以下是9个含有 'soar' 的例句:

1. The stock market soared yesterday. (股市昨天大涨。)

2. The eagle soared gracefully in the sky. (鹰在天空中优美地飞翔。)

3. Temperatures soared to record levels this summer. (今年夏季温度达到了创纪录的高度。)

4. The band's popularity has soared since they released their new album. (自从乐队发布新专辑以来,其人气飙升。)

5. Airline ticket prices soared during the holiday season. (假期期间机票价格暴涨。)

6. Sales of the new product soared after it was featured in a popular magazine. (新产品在一本流行杂志上推广后销量大涨。)

7. The number of tourists visiting the city has soared in recent years. (近年来,到这个城市旅游的游客数量激增。)

8. The company's profits soared due to successful marketing strategies. (公司由于成功的营销策略而实现了利润飙升。)

9. The balloon soared high into the sky. (气球高高飞升至天空。)




1. The eagle soared high in the sky.(鹰在天空中高飞。)

2. Sales of the new product soared after the positive reviews came out.(新产品的销售在积极评价出来后暴涨。)

3. The stock market soared to new heights this week.(股市本周猛增至新高。)




例句:Vultures circle in the air because they are too big to flap their wings and fly, so they soar. (秃鹫在天空中盘旋, 是因为它们太大,所以 无法拍打翅膀飞翔, 因此,它们在高空翱翔。)


例句:At the end of the last century, marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the German skies. (上世纪末期,它又被加上了完美的塔尖,俏丽地矗立在德国的天空。)


例句:Free of the water they soar on elongated fins, leaving their predators far behind. (它们跃出水面 靠加长的鱼鳍翱翔 把它们的掠食动物抛得远远的)


例句:we believe that it will not be long for the economy to soar when vocational education in the bohai rim region prospers . (翻译:有理由相信,职业教育繁荣之时,将是环渤海地区经济发展腾飞之日。)


soar一般作为名词、动词使用,如在soar to([网络] 骤增到)、Kingston on Soar([地名] 索尔河畔金斯顿 ( 英 ))、soar up(高飞, 翱翔, 升高)等常见短语中出现较多。

soar to[网络] 骤增到
Kingston on Soar[地名] 索尔河畔金斯顿 ( 英 )
soar up高飞, 翱翔, 升高
soar upwards[网络] 飙升
Normanton upon Soar[地名] 索尔河畔诺曼顿 ( 英 )


1. Free of the water they soar on elongated fins, leaving their predators far behind. (翻译:它们跃出水面 靠加长的鱼鳍翱翔 把它们的掠食动物抛得远远的)

2. we believe that it will not be long for the economy to soar when vocational education in the bohai rim region prospers . (翻译:有理由相信,职业教育繁荣之时,将是环渤海地区经济发展腾飞之日。)

3. Help you to grow, watch your wings spread, and help you to soar. (翻译:滋养他们的灵魂 帮助你成长 看着你 羽翼不断丰满 助你腾飞万里)

4. Walt Whitman inciting the American eagle to soar was of considerable importance to the native man of letters. (翻译:惠特曼激励美国之鹰凌空翱翔,这是对于美国文人至关重要的一件大事。)

5. At the end of the last century, marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the german skies. (翻译:上世纪末期,它又被加上了完美的塔尖,俏丽地矗立在德国的天空。)

6. Sylphs are creatures of the air, and their great wings allow them to soar with the eagles. (翻译:精灵是空气里的生物,它们巨大的翅膀使它们能象鹰一样滑翔。)

7. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law needs some room to soar. (翻译:鸟人哈维:法律代理人需要一定的空间来爆发。)

8. Reynolds' popularity continues to soar in the Midwest with appearances scheduled in Indianapolis, Detroit and Flint, Michigan later in the week. (翻译:总统计划先后访问 印第安纳波利斯 底特律 弗林特 本周晚些时候还将造访密歇根 这次行程安排公布后 她在中西部的支持度急剧上升)

9. It's long, fixed pectoral fins enable it to soar through the water, with the least expenditure of energy. (翻译:它的长长的垂直的胸鳍 可以让它花费很小的力量在水里巡游)

10. The IPPR predicts the number of long-term unemployed will soar even higher due to fierce competition for jobs. (翻译:公共政策研究学会预测,由于激烈的就业竞争,长期失业人数将激增。)

11. When the parade begins, all eyes turn to the sky as the largest balloons in the world soar above this city. (翻译:游行开始时,所有的目光转向天空 When the parade begins, all eyes turn to the sky 世界上最大的气球翱翔在这个城市。as the largest balloons in the world soar above this city.)

12. Whenever stuff got soar for me... (翻译:每当东西了 为我翱翔... ... 乔利知道。)

13. Insurance claims are expected to soar. (翻译:预计保险索赔会急剧增加。)

14. Frigates are the world's lightest bird, relative to their wingspan and they can soar for weeks on end with minimal effort. (翻译:阿森松军舰鸟是世界上最轻的海鸟之一,翼展特别长 它们只需要很小的付出就能在海上飞行好几个星期)

15. Basically, prices soar and crooked politicians then milk the rents from the sector, but it doesn't generate any jobs. (翻译:基本的,价格飞涨, 不良政客还要从中牟利, 却没有新的工作岗位产生。)



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