1. 意思:'noggin'是指脑袋或者头部。在口语中使用较为频繁,通常用于描述人的头部或者脑部。此外,在酒吧或者餐厅中,'noggin'也可以指一种量杯,容量为1/4或1/2品脱。
2. 来源:'noggin'这个词源于古代英语,最早被用来指液体测量器。后来,这个词最常用于英国口语,现在也普及到美国和其他国家。
3. 用法:'noggin'这个单词通常被用在口语中,而不是正式的文章或者文学作品中。它可以作为名词或者动词。
1. The robber hit the victim on the noggin with a blunt object.(盗贼用钝器击打受害者的脑袋。)
2. He walked into the bar and ordered a noggin of whiskey.(他走进酒吧,并点了一杯威士忌。)
3. She's got a good noggin for business, always coming up with new ideas.(她的商业头脑不错,总是想出新点子。)
4. I noggin myself on the side of the counter and almost knocked myself out.(我把头撞在柜台侧面,差点晕倒。)
5. He poured himself a noggin of brandy to help him sleep.(他倒了一点白兰地,以帮助自己入睡。)
1. He hit his noggin on the low ceiling.
2. Use your noggin and think of a solution to this problem.
noggin在中文中有"小杯 、一小杯"的意思,其中文解释还有"〈美俚〉头"的意思,发音是['nɒgin],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到66个与noggin相关的例句。
例句:In the early morning, when subjects were dreaming, signals careened around the noggin similarly to when they were awake. (在清晨,当被试在做梦的时候,在他们大脑所监测到的信号与他们清醒时很相似。)
例句:So, if you don't want to slow down for your own good, do it for the good of your noggin. (所以,如果你不想为自己的好而慢下来,请为你的头完好的缘故也慢下来吧。)
例句:The demon trap in your noggin is gonna keep you from smoking out. (你脑袋里的魔鬼陷阱 让你无法变成烟雾逃脱)
例句:So, if you don't want to slow down for your own good, do it for the good of your noggin. (翻译:所以,如果你不想为自己的好而慢下来,请为你的头完好的缘故也慢下来吧。)
noggin一般作为名词使用,如在use one's noggin(动脑筋)等常见短语中出现较多。
use one's noggin | 动脑筋 |
1. The demon trap in your noggin is gonna keep you from smoking out. (翻译:你脑袋里的魔鬼陷阱 让你无法变成烟雾逃脱)
2. So, if you don't want to slow down for your own good, do it for the good of your noggin. (翻译:所以,如果你不想为自己的好而慢下来,请为你的头完好的缘故也慢下来吧。)
3. He said that we have in our noggin the perfect idea of what we want, and we force environmental resources to accommodate that. (翻译:他说我们对于想要什么的完美的想法就在我们的脑子里,我们利用自然资源来实现它。)
4. Your noggin. Your noodle. Your smarts. (翻译:你的脑筋,你的脑袋瓜 你的机灵,你的思维能力)
5. The late Ming, the head of noggin party to this hang, left " Maundy Yuantouzhu edge" sites. (翻译:明末,东林党首领高攀龙常来此踏浪吟哦,留有“鼋头渚边濯足”遗迹。)
6. But we can't tell until we fish around inside his noggin. (翻译:但是,我们不能告诉 直到我们自己的noggin内捕鱼各地。)
7. Kid, I only got so much room up in this noggin... and it's fillin' up fast! (翻译:孩子,我的脑袋只有这么大... 现在快一个头两个大了!)
8. A wrestling match inside your noggin. (翻译:在你的意识里较量一番 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}A wrestling match inside your noggin...)
9. and Jim, you'll bring me one noggin of rum, now, won't you, matey ? ' (翻译:吉姆,去给我拿杯朗姆酒来,好不好,伙计?)
10. Just last week, we heard that snorting stem cells might be the best way to get them into your noggin. (翻译:就在上周,我们了解到鼻腔吸食是使干细胞进入脑部的最好方法。)
11. I'll hunt you, then I'll skin you, hang your noggin on a peg... Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made. (翻译:我会逮住你,剥下你的皮,钉起你的头 当然,我们都知道我们还是要做一个决定)
12. As part of the traditional ceremony an evergreen bough was nailed to the stage and a 'noggin of ale' was drunk. (翻译:作为传统封顶仪式的一部分,台上摆放有常青树枝。与会嘉宾也共饮了一小杯啤酒。)
13. That way everything will still be, right upfront in my noggin by the time when i get to work to take the test . (翻译:我会学习在早上 这样一来,一切都将在我的脑海 当我去上班,以测试)
14. He said that we have in our noggin the perfect idea of what we want, and we force environmental resources to accommodate that. (翻译:他说我们对于想要什么的完美的想法 就在我们的脑子里, 我们利用自然资源来实现它。)
15. Finally, don't neglect your noggin. (翻译:最后,别忽略你的头部。)