mae west是什么意思 mae west的中文翻译、读音、例句

mae west是什么意思 mae west的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Mae West'是一个有多重含义的词,从不同的角度来看,可以得到不同的解释和用法。以下是我对'Mae West'的四个方面的解释:

1. 一位著名女演员的名字:Mae West是一位20世纪初期的著名女演员、歌手、剧作家和电影制片人,她以其幽默、性感的表演风格和挑逗人的台词而闻名。在现代文化中,她的名字通常用来描述那些具有类似于她的性感、幽默风格或者以她为主题的艺术作品。


- I love watching old Mae West movies, she was such an iconic figure of her time.(我喜欢看老的Mae West电影,她是她那个时代的标志性人物。)

- That dress makes you look like Mae West!(那件衣服让你看起来像Mae West!)

2. 一种紧身衣服:Mae West还可以指一种紧身救生衣,这种救生衣在外观上与20世纪初期的女性内衣有相似之处,因此得名。


- Make sure you have the right size Mae West before you go on the boat.(在你们上船前确保你们有合适尺寸的Mae West救生衣。)

- The Mae West is essential safety equipment for any sailor.(Mae West是每个船员必备的安全装备。)

3. 一种枪械配件:在枪械领域,Mae West指的是一种可带式弹夹,通常用于自动武器。这种配件被命名为Mae West可能是因为它的形状和Mae West在她的早期表演中穿的紧身衣相似。


- I prefer to use a Mae West style magazine for my rifle.(我喜欢用Mae West风格的弹夹作为我的步枪配件。)

- The Mae West magazine made reloading much faster and easier.(Mae West弹夹使得重新装弹更快、更容易。)

4. 一种天气标志:在航海领域,Mae West指的是一种大型、快速上涨的气压系统,通常会带来暴风雨和恶劣天气。这种天气标志可能也是以Mae West的名字命名的,因为这种天气状况可能会使得任何船只都需要紧身的救生衣才能生存。


- The forecast is calling for a Mae West to hit the coast tomorrow night.(天气预报说明明晚会有一股Mae West袭击这片海岸。)

- We're going to have to wait for the Mae West to pass before we can continue sailing.(我们必须等待Mae West过去才能继续航行。)

'Mae West'这个词语来源于英语,指的是一种女性穿着的紧身胸衣,胸部部分呈现出拱形,类似于电影明星Mae West的胸部。

以下是9个含有'Mae West'的例句:

1. She wore a Mae West to emphasize her cleavage.她穿着Mae West紧身胸衣以凸显自己的胸部。

2. The Mae West was a popular undergarment in the 1950s. Mae West在xx年代是一种流行的内衣。

3. The actress's chest looked like she was wearing a Mae West. 这位演员的胸部看起来像是穿了Mae West。

4. She put on a Mae West to enhance her figure. 她穿上Mae West以增强身材。

5. The Mae West provided support and shaping to the bust. Mae West为胸部提供了支撑和塑性。

6. The Mae West was invented in the 1930s. Mae West在xx年代被发明出来。

7. The Mae West was named after the famous actress. Mae West得名于这位著名女演员。

8. Mae Wests are still sold today for vintage fashion enthusiasts. 华服爱好者可以在今天购买Mae West。

9. The Mae West has become a symbol of femininity and glamour. Mae West已经成为女性和魅力的象征。

mae west的中文翻译为“梅·韦斯特”,读音为[mɛɪ wɛst]。


1. Mae West是20世纪美国的一位著名女演员和剧作家。

2. 这个人穿着像是Mae West,但说话却像是一个小学生。


1. Mae West was a famous American actress and playwright in the 20th century.

2. The person was dressed like Mae West, but spoke like an elementary school student.

mae west的意思是"救生背心",在日常中也代表"飞行员飞越海面时穿的"的意思,单词读音音标为[mei 'west],mae west在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到72个与mae west相关的例句。

Mae West的翻译


例句:In fact, when he had his daughter many years later, he wanted to name her after Mae West, but can you imagine an Indian child name Mae West? (甚至于几年后 当他有了一个女儿, 他想把她改名为梅·蕙丝. 但你不可能想像有一个 印度孩子叫梅·蕙丝, )


例句:Aibileen, go check on Mae Mobley. (Aibileen,去看看Mae Mobley)


mae west一般作为名词使用,如在Mae West(n. (飞行员飞越海面时穿的)救生背心)、mae(a. (苏格兰)更多(等于more))、in the west(在…的西部)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mae Westn. (飞行员飞越海面时穿的)救生背心
maea. (苏格兰)更多(等于more)
in the west在…的西部
into the west[电影]西部风云
on the west在…的西面
to the west在…以西
west of在...以西
Ginnie Mae[网络] 吉利美;抵押贷款协会;抵押协会
grannie mae逆向年金抵押,保姆式抵押(指父母将房屋卖给子女把所得的钱投资到年金不错的投资业中,所得收入不仅足以支付子女的抵押账单,而且还有余钱支付他们的生活费用)
Mae anderMenderes 的古名


1. That was the last we ever saw of Superintendent Abernathy and little Mae Rose. (翻译:那是我们最后一次见到... ...主管警司Abernathy和小Mae Rose)

2. - We force them west here. (翻译:- 怎么引? - We force them west here. - How?)

3. Blues originated in West Africa. (翻译:The blues originated in West Africa.)

4. If we could put Mr. West back in the press area and keep him there? (翻译:能把West先生领回 If we could put Mr. West 媒体区域吗, back in the press area)

5. Mae Mobley is up, and I'm off to the doctor! (翻译:Mae Mobley醒来了,我要去医生那!)

6. Meet me on the corner of santa monica and century west. (翻译:在Santa Monica路和Century West街 的拐角等我)

7. The West Coast is still awake. (翻译:西海岸现在还是白天 The West Coast is still awake.)

8. Max was meeting Mae Lin that night. (翻译:Tha lady from the Embassy?)

9. Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations (翻译:Geoffrey West:城市与企业中的奇妙数学)

10. She says the farm Stephen saw belongs to Michael West. (翻译:什么事? Stephen发现的农场隶属Michael West)

11. Cornel West says, "Of course it's a failure. (翻译:Cornel West说,“这当然是个失败。)

12. Cornel West says, "Of course it's a failure. (翻译:Cornel West说,“这当然是个失败。)

13. Yule Mae, get Miss Skeeter a Coca-Cola. (翻译:Yule Mae,给Skeeter小姐拿个可乐)

14. - Why are the West Plains closed? (翻译:- Why stop there? - Why are the West Plains closed?)

15. All right, we got to cut off the champagne and get some food in their stomachs before there's an encore. (翻译:- 他感到内疚 Mae - 那种品质很可爱)


mae west作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、mae、wests等。

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