warrior是什么意思 warrior的中文翻译、读音、例句

warrior是什么意思 warrior的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:武士、勇士、战士。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:用于描述勇敢、强壮、有战斗精神的人,如武术界中的选手或某些部落或军队的成员。

4. 词组搭配:

- warrior culture:战士文化。

- warrior spirit:战士精神。

- warrior race:战士种族。

- weekend warrior:周末战士,指平时工作日过着普通生活的人,周末才会投入到某些活动中去。

5. 相关短语:none

6. 发音拼写: ['wɔrjər]




1. He was a fierce warrior who never backed down from a fight.(他是一个勇猛的战士,从来不退缩。)

2. The tribe's warriors were trained from a young age to defend their land.(部落的战士们从年轻时就接受训练,为保卫他们的土地而战。)

3. As a modern-day warrior,她为社会正义和平等而奋斗。)




例句:Have you put it down? - No. (A Kree slave warrior created, have you put it down?)


例句:As the warrior slept, a snake coiled around his face. (这名勇士正在熟睡, 一条蛇环住了他的脸, )


例句:That's certainly the case with robotics, but they also change the experience of the warrior and even the very identity of the warrior. (机器人学也能有这些作用 但同时它也改变战士的参战体验 甚至是战士的身份 )


例句:¶A modern-daywarrior Mean, mean stride ¶ (翻译:[A modern -day warrior Mean, mean stride])


warrior一般作为名词使用,如在dragon warrior([网络] 龙战士;神龙大侠;神龙武士)、eco warrior([网络] 生态勇士;环保卫士)、happy warrior(无畏战士)等常见短语中出现较多。

dragon warrior[网络] 龙战士;神龙大侠;神龙武士
eco warrior[网络] 生态勇士;环保卫士
happy warrior无畏战士
pillow warriorn. 无自卫能力的好斗者
rainbow warrior彩虹勇士号
road warriorn. [美] 马路勇士, 指经常旅行的人, 特别是出公差的人。
surrogate warriorsurrogate war的变形
the woman warrior[网络] 女勇士;女战士;女武士
Unknown Warrior(代表所有阵亡士兵接受国葬的)无名战士


1. That's certainly the case with robotics, but they also change the experience of the warrior and even the very identity of the warrior. (翻译:机器人学也能有这些作用 但同时它也改变战士的参战体验 甚至是战士的身份 )

2. ¶A modern-daywarrior Mean, mean stride ¶ (翻译:[A modern -day warrior Mean, mean stride])

3. Then Road Warrior, Then the Matrix. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei}它后面就出了《公路勇士》,然后又出了《黑客帝国》)

4. How does this concern our warrior daughters? (翻译:这关我们战士般的女儿们什么事 How does this concern our warrior daughters?)

5. - He really is a Chihuahua Warrior! (翻译:加油呀, 老爸 - [girls cheer] - He really is a Chihuahua Warrior!)

6. A warrior consumed by Satsui no Hado could not ignore it. (翻译:一个沉迷于杀意波动的士兵是不可能忽略他的)

7. We need a warrior. . . A warrior with a hundred years of experience and a vast knowledge of the ancient arts. (翻译:我们需要一个战士…一个有百年经验、掌控古代知识的战士。)

8. Miss Wright, your new movie, " The Warrior " (翻译:怀特女士 可以谈谈你的新电影《街头斗士》)

9. A warrior is not about perfection or victory or invulnerability. (翻译:战士并不是要尽善尽美 不是要常战常胜 不是要刀枪不入)

10. She then turns to the new mother, praising her, telling her she acted like an eagle warrior, a jaguar warrior. (翻译:她然后转向新妈妈,赞扬她, 告诉她,她表现得就像 一位鹰斗士,或虎斗士。)

11. Papi, Jr. is a brave Chihuahua Warrior. (翻译:我猜猜, 你有告诉他们另一个故事吧 Papi, Jr. is a brave Chihuahua Warrior.)

12. For a Maasai warrior, lions are nothing to be scared of. (翻译:lions are nothing to be scared of.)

13. The difference is, a Chihuahua Warrior has the courage to face their fears. (翻译:他们当然也惧怕, 每个人都恐惧些东西呀 The difference is, a Chihuahua Warrior has the courage to face their fears.)

14. Warrior 1-1 requesting immediate medevac. (翻译:Warrior 1 -1 请求立即治疗 结束)

15. You can easily become a warrior. (翻译:你会明白,你可能很容易成为勇士的 没问题的)



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