inescapable是什么意思 inescapable的中文翻译、读音、例句

inescapable是什么意思 inescapable的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:inescapable fate(无可避免的命运)、inescapable conclusion(不可避免的结论)、inescapable fact(不可避免的事实)。




1. The inescapable truth is that she needs to lose weight.(不可避免的事实是她需要减肥。)

2. The consequences of his reckless behavior were inescapable.(他鲁莽行为的后果是不可避免的。)

3. Time is inescapable, and everyone must face the inevitability of aging.(时间不可回避,每个人都必须面对衰老的必然性。)

4. The inescapable conclusion is that we need to rethink our strategy.(不可避免的结论是我们需要重新考虑我们的策略。)

5. The inescapable reality of climate change demands urgent action.(气候变化不可避免的现实需要紧急行动。)

6. His inescapable fate was to be born into poverty.(他不可避免的命运是出生在贫困中。)

7. The inescapable fact is that he lied to me.(不可避免的事实是他对我撒谎了。)




1. Death is an inescapable reality for all of us. (死亡对我们所有人来说都是不可避免的现实。)

2. The fact remains that technology is an inescapable part of our lives. (事实仍然是,技术是我们生活中不可避免的一部分。)

3. His critics argued that the conclusion of his argument was inescapable. (他的批评者认为,他论点的结论是不可避免的。)




例句:But like the inescapable pull of gravity, there was nothing I could do about it. (却如同被地心引力束缚一般 不由自主的坠入深渊)


例句:I coached S-7's scrawny, drooly... 75 years of alien research which points to one inescapable fact: (从第七区弄到的独家资料... 历时xx年的外星人研究指出了一个不容回避的事实:)


例句:But others seem to have lives that are already shaped and planned inescapable perfect as a circle. (但是其他人好像早就有了塑造好的人生... .. ..无法逃避...)


例句:If I can't be with my wife during a time of thanks and celebration, why must there be so many constant reminders of the inescapable fact that I... (翻译:如果在这感恩和欢庆的时刻 我不能和妻子在一起 为什么别人还非要没完没了地提醒我 我不能... 你很孤独)


inescapable一般作为形容词使用,如在inescapable accident([经] 不可避免事故)、inescapable cost(必然发生的成本)、inescapable costs([经] 不可避免的成本, 必然发生的成本)等常见短语中出现较多。

inescapable accident[经] 不可避免事故
inescapable cost必然发生的成本
inescapable costs[经] 不可避免的成本, 必然发生的成本


1. But others seem to have lives that are already shaped and planned inescapable perfect as a circle. (翻译:但是其他人好像早就有了塑造好的人生... .. ..无法逃避...)

2. If I can't be with my wife during a time of thanks and celebration, why must there be so many constant reminders of the inescapable fact that I... (翻译:如果在这感恩和欢庆的时刻 我不能和妻子在一起 为什么别人还非要没完没了地提醒我 我不能... 你很孤独)

3. Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, said that formaldehyde is both worrisome and inescapable. (翻译:美国癌症学会的首席医药专员,Otis Brawley 医生说, 甲醛是令人担扰的,而且是难以逃避的。)

4. World Englishes deals with this inescapable result of colonisation and globalisation from a social and linguistic perspective. (翻译:《世界英语》从社会和语言视角审视殖民化和全球化带来的这种无可逃遁的结果。)

5. The next day at noon, the inescapable Suzanne pounced on me. (翻译:第二天的中午 我好像逃脱不了苏珊娜 她又碰到了我)

6. When I carve him up and toss him to the dogs, only then will he confront that brutal, inescapable truth. (翻译:直到等我把他剁碎了喂狗 他才能明白那躲避不了的 残忍现实)

7. As punishment, Daedalus was forced to construct an inescapable labyrinth beneath the palace for the minotaur. (翻译:代达罗斯被迫在牛头人身怪的宫殿下 建造一个无法逃脱的迷宫作为惩罚。)

8. And that means more interest must ultimately be paid, resulting in an ever-escalating and inescapable spiral of mounting indebtedness. (翻译:但这自然地又增加了债务的总量 同时也意味著我们需要偿还更多的利息)

9. Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, said that formaldehyde is both worrisome and inescapable. (翻译:美国癌症学会的首席医药专员,OtisBrawley医生说,甲醛是令人担扰的,而且是难以逃避的。)

10. "Books are about to vanish; reading is about to expand as a pastime; these are inescapable realities," said Portwood. (翻译:“纸质书即将消失,阅读将会成为一种消遣,这种现实避免不了,”波特·伍德说道。)

11. The ebb and flow of the economy has always been channelled by a combination of inescapable accounting truths and whimsical animal spirits. (翻译:经济的起起伏伏总是受制于不可避免的会计真相与反复无常的动物精神。)

12. As security becomes an inescapable enterprise concern, most computer users deal with some sort of firewall, especially at work. (翻译:安全性已成为企业无法回避的问题,多数计算机用户都采用了某种防火墙,尤其是在工作场所。)

13. Armon watched the shadow advance, moving across the plain like an inescapable tide. (翻译:艾蒙看着暗影就像无法阻挡的潮水一样飘过平原。)

14. Damon Salvatore is locked in an impenetrable and inescapable fortified cell. (翻译:Damon Salvatore还关在一强化过的 坚不可摧无法逃离的牢房里呢)

15. The inescapable conclusion is that he was trying to avenge the death of his friend. (翻译:不可避免的结论就是他试图为他的朋友之死复仇。)

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