psalter是什么意思 psalter的中文翻译、读音、例句

psalter是什么意思 psalter的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源:'psalter'一词源于古希腊语的'psaltērion',意为'弹奏器'或'诗篇集'。因为在古代,人们用这种弹奏器来伴奏赞美诗歌,所以这个词也用来指代赞美诗歌的集合。


- This psalter dates back to the 13th century.

- The monks chanted from the psalter during their daily worship.

- The hymn was inspired by a psalter written by St. Augustine.

- The psalter contains 150 psalms, each with its own unique message.

- The choir sang beautifully from the ancient psalter.

2. 宗教用途:'psalter'在基督教中通常指代圣经中的诗篇集,其中包括150篇赞美诗,是早期教会礼拜和私人祷告的重要组成部分。


- The psalter is a rich source of spiritual inspiration for many believers.

- The book of psalms is often referred to as the psalter.

- The Psalter was traditionally used in monastic worship.

- The psalter readings were an important part of the liturgy.

- The psalter is a testament to the enduring power of faith.

3. 缩写词:在医疗行业中,'psalter'通常用作缩写词,代表着一种评估患者疼痛的方法。PSALTER代表Physiological and Symptoms Terminology for Evaluation of Reflexes。


- The PSALTER method is widely used to assess chronic pain.

- The PSALTER assessment tool can help doctors determine the best course of treatment for their patients.

- The PSALTER scores indicated that the patient was experiencing severe pain.

- The PSALTER assessment is an important part of pain management.

- The PSALTER method helps healthcare professionals measure the impact of pain on a patient's quality of life.

4. 文学作品:在文学作品中,'psalter'通常用来表示一本包含诗歌或赞美诗歌的书籍。


- The psalter was filled with beautiful poems about nature and love.

- The poet's newest psalter explores themes of loss and grief.

- The psalter was widely praised for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth.

- The writer's latest project is a psalter inspired by the beauty of the landscape.

- The psalter is a testament to the enduring power of the written word.




1. The psalter is a collection of religious songs and poems.


2. The psalter was an important part of daily worship in many medieval churches.





例句:I know in the morning the green is you, evening I know standing alone is a Psalter that has no thinking . (清晨我知道绿色是你,黄昏我知道孤独是一首无绪的诗篇。)


例句:Let me write a loving great song with the loving Psalter table, let I play to ring with the loving mind one song loving melody. (让我用爱的诗篇谱写一首爱的赞歌,让我用爱的心灵奏响一曲爱的旋律。)


例句:Perhaps no other six psalms in the Psalter picture God's praiseworthy character as graphically as the ones in today's reading. (在诗篇中,可能没有别的诗像今天读的这六首一样,那么生动的描绘出上帝值得赞美的属性。)


例句:The that mankind's immortal Psalter is you of soul! (翻译:那人类不朽的诗篇是你的灵魂! )


psalter一般作为名词使用,如在the psalter([网络] 诗篇集)等常见短语中出现较多。

the psalter[网络] 诗篇集


1. Perhaps no other six psalms in the Psalter picture God's praiseworthy character as graphically as the ones in today's reading. (翻译:在诗篇中,可能没有别的诗像今天读的这六首一样,那么生动的描绘出上帝值得赞美的属性。)

2. The that mankind's immortal Psalter is you of soul! (翻译:那人类不朽的诗篇是你的灵魂! )

3. In fact, most prayers, if the Psalter is a true guide, are not. (翻译:事实上,如果整套诗篇真正起到指导作用的话,大多数祷告都不能被冠以赞美之名。)



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