sticky fingers是什么意思 sticky fingers的中文翻译、读音、例句

sticky fingers是什么意思 sticky fingers的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:sticky fingers指的是有偷窃倾向或者偷窃行为的人,尤指那些不守规矩或不诚实的人。



发音拼写:[ˈstɪki ˈfɪŋɡərz]


1. She always suspected him of having sticky fingers since her jewelry went missing.


2. The store owners were on high alert for anyone with sticky fingers during the busy holiday shopping season.


3. The politician was accused of having sticky fingers after he was caught taking bribes from construction companies.


4. My neighbor has sticky fingers and has been caught shoplifting several times.


5. She warned her friends not to invite her cousin to their parties because he had sticky fingers and was known to steal from guests.



读音:[ˈstɪki ˈfɪŋɡərz]


1. The store owner caught a young girl with sticky fingers trying to steal candy.


2. He has sticky fingers and can't resist taking things that don't belong to him.


sticky fingers的意思是"偷东西的习惯",其中文解释还有"偷东西的习惯"的意思,发音音标为[stickyfingers],sticky fingers常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到24个与sticky fingers相关的句子。

Sticky fingers的词典翻译


例句:- We can point fingers later... (-你得赶紧回家 - We can point fingers later...)


sticky fingers一般作为名词使用,如在had sticky fingers(v. 是小偷(有偷盗习惯))、have sticky fingers([网络] 从没想过鲍勃会手脚不干净;小偷小摸;是小偷)、fingers(n. 梳状剔除器;手指头, 指头(finger复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

had sticky fingersv. 是小偷(有偷盗习惯)
have sticky fingers[网络] 从没想过鲍勃会手脚不干净;小偷小摸;是小偷
fingersn. 梳状剔除器;手指头, 指头(finger复数)
ear fingers小拇指
fat fingersn. 胖手指(一般指打字输入错误)
Fingers and thumbs[网络] 做事笨手笨脚
fingers crossed[网络] 手指交叉;希望有好运;意思是保佑
fingers motion手指动作
fingers skirt[船] 指形围裙


1. No, but I could point a few fingers if it would make you feel comfortable. (翻译:but I could point a few fingers if it would make you feel comfortable.)

2. I can barely count my own fingers. (翻译:I can barely count my own fingers.)

3. Let your fingers do the walking? (翻译:用你的手指来行走? Let your fingers do the walking?)

4. This reel is suffering from sticky-shed syndrome. (翻译:这带子的卷轴有粘连综合征啊 This reel is suffering from sticky)

5. And the sticky substance seemed blood-like. (翻译:那些粘稠的物质看起来像血 And the sticky substance seemed blood -like.)

6. How are the nerves in your fingers? (翻译:How are the nerves in your fingers? You know.)

7. where these 10 fingers literally clothe and feed and shelter us. (翻译:where these 10 fingers literally clothe and feed and shelter us.)

8. He wants you to count to 3 fingers. (翻译:让他们数三根手指头 Tell them to count to 3 fingers.)

9. and I don't like ... sticky ... (翻译:我也不太喜欢 胡搅蛮缠... 可是 沙鼠死了)

10. I tried to-to pry the fingers off, (翻译:to pry the fingers off, 我想要... 想要 I tried to...)

11. Keep your hands and fingers off. (翻译:把你的脏爪子拿远点 Keep your hands and fingers off.)

12. Come on, everybody and snap your fingers now (翻译:快 大家现在弹弹指 Come on, everybody and snap your fingers now)

13. ¶ till your singing eyes and fingers ¶ (翻译:# till your singing eyes and fingers #)

14. This deep-sea squid fishes for prey using long sticky tentacles. (翻译:This deep sea squid fishes for prey using long, sticky tentacles. 这只深海乌贼使用黏性长触须捕捉猎物)

15. and surrounded by a sticky trap. (翻译:and surrounded by a sticky trap. 而且周围布满陷阱)

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