externally是什么意思 externally的中文翻译、读音、例句

externally是什么意思 externally的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. externally funded:外部资助的。

2. externally imposed:外部强加的。

3. externally visible:外部可见的。

4. externally controlled:外部控制的。

5. externally oriented:以外部为导向的。


1. externally motivated:受到外部动机驱使的。

2. externally generated:由外部产生的。

3. externally managed:由外部管理的。

4. externally regulated:由外部监管的。

5. externally focused:以外部为关注点的。





1. The company needs to focus on both internal and external factors to succeed.


2. His injuries were not visible externally, but he was in a lot of pain.


3. The new marketing strategy was designed to improve the company's external image.





例句:- Imagine all this internal trauma was reflected externally. (- 想像一下,这些内部创伤 全部呈现在体外。)


例句:Yeah, I guess it's only supposed to be used externally. (是的,我想这是唯一的 suppos编成为我们编外部。)


例句:So, the possibility exists to simply externally wrap the pipe, and it would remain stable and operate quite happily. (所以简单的在管道的外层包装 的可能性是存在的。这样它便会保持稳定并且很好的发挥作用。)


例句:At different artistic stages, various painting styles are always externally characterized by different brushwork on the tableaus. (翻译:在艺术史的不同阶段,不同的画风总是以不同的画面笔法组织为外在特征。)


externally一般作为副词、动词使用,如在divide externally([数] 外分)、externally compensated([电子] 外补偿的)、externally creatable(可外建)等常见短语中出现较多。

divide externally[数] 外分
externally compensated[电子] 外补偿的
externally creatable可外建
externally heating[化] 外面加热
externally locked外部锁定
externally tangent外切的
externally acting brake外作用闸
externally applied agent外用药
externally applied forces[网络] 施加的外力


1. So, the possibility exists to simply externally wrap the pipe, and it would remain stable and operate quite happily. (翻译:所以简单的在管道的外层包装 的可能性是存在的。这样它便会保持稳定并且很好的发挥作用。)

2. At different artistic stages, various painting styles are always externally characterized by different brushwork on the tableaus. (翻译:在艺术史的不同阶段,不同的画风总是以不同的画面笔法组织为外在特征。)

3. Externally, the company strictly to raw materials into the plant a good Customs Products; unqualified materials will not approach. (翻译:从外部看,到工厂良好的海关产品,不合格的材料,就无法接近公司严格的原材料。)

4. The varistor and the resistor are mounted externally. (翻译:变阻器和电阻器安装在外面。)

5. You're harnesses were removed externally, which left the internal nucleus intact. (翻译:你们的脊甲是从外部移除的 而内部的核心却完好无损)

6. Repackage externally referenced Web modules within the EAR. (翻译:在EAR中对外部引用的Web模块重新打包。)

7. Our first full-term subject... developed internal features externally. (翻译:我们第一次足月孕育的实验对象 其内脏器官长在体外)

8. The virus particles could be coated externally with peptides that bind to integrins. (翻译:病毒颗粒可以包裹一种多肽,能够和整合素特异性结合。)

9. It may be used externally or taken orally and has also certain treating effect on dermatosis and trachitis. (翻译:该药不仅外用,还可内服,对治疗皮肤病及气管炎也十分有效。)

10. Registration of an externally validated taxonomy can be accomplished only with the approval of a UDDI Business Registry operator. (翻译:只有得到UDDI业务注册中心运营商的批准,外部验证的分类法才能完成注册。)

11. The major advantage the Ganimede has during this period is its ability to introduce CO2 externally allowing for the cap to be turned and gently macerated. (翻译:恰恰在这段时间,嘉尼米德罐的主要优势就在于它能够引入外界的CO2对皮盖进行翻动和柔和地浸渍。)

12. Some degree of control is possible by modifying the angle of the light shelf either internally or externally, or in combination. (翻译:通过调整光架内部、外部或内外结合的角度,进行一定程度的调节是可行的。)

13. embryo with broad fleshy cotyledons completely united externally or not. (翻译:胚具宽的肉质的子叶在外部完全合生或者不。)

14. We might need to pace him externally. (翻译:他现在需要胰高血糖素 好吧 这是个有趣的理论)

15. The dried bark of this plant, formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis. (翻译:这种植物晒干的树皮,从前曾外用作发疱剂,内服治疗关节炎。)

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