mpeg是什么意思 mpeg的中文翻译、读音、例句

mpeg是什么意思 mpeg的中文翻译、读音、例句


'MPEG'是Moving Picture Experts Group的缩写,意为移动图像专家小组,是一种数字视频压缩标准,用于压缩和解压缩的数字影像和音频数据。










1. MPEG-2是数字电视广播、DVD等领域中标准的视频压缩格式之一。

MPEG-2 is one of the standard video compression formats for fields such as digital TV broadcasting and DVD.

2. 在音频领域,MPEG-1 Layer III是一种广泛应用的音频压缩格式。

In the audio field, MPEG-1 Layer III is a widely used audio compression format.

3. MPEG-4是一种为互联网流媒体和手机视频设计的压缩标准。

MPEG-4 is a compression standard designed for internet streaming and mobile video.

4. 标准的MPEG-7通过描述数据来增强智能搜索引擎中的搜索功能。

The MPEG-7 standard enhances the search capabilities in intelligent search engines by describing data.

5. MPEG-H是一种最新的标准,可用于超高清电视、虚拟现实和增强现实等领域。

MPEG-H is a latest standard that can be used in fields such as ultra-high-definition TV, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

中文翻译:MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group,运动图像专家组)

读音:/ˈem pɛɡ/


1. MPEG是一种广泛应用于数字视频压缩的标准。

2. 这个视频文件采用了MPEG格式来进行压缩和编码。


Chinese translation: MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)

Pronunciation: /ˈem pɛɡ/

Example sentences:

1. MPEG is a widely used standard for digital video compression.

2. This video file uses MPEG format for compression and encoding.




例句:The dual-PIII cpus running at 650MHz make it too slow to be used for "modern" cpu-intensive operations like MPEG video editing and the like. (它只有双P3650MHZ的CPU,用来做“现代化”的CPU密集型操作例如MPEG视频编缉之类是太慢了。)


例句:And for decades, we used these codes to compress, you know, JPEGs, MPEGs, MP3s, Zips, all that stuff. (数xx年来我们都用这些编码来压缩文件 And for decades, we used these codes to compress, 不管是JPEG MPEG MP3还是zip文件 you know, JPEGs, MPEGs, MP3s, zips, all that stuff.)


例句:The file format is MPEG-4. (文件类型为MPEG - 4。)


例句:MPEG-2 is no longer compliant with the DCI specification. JPEG 2000 is the only accepted compression format. (翻译:MPEG-2不再与DCI规格相兼容,而JPEG2000是唯一接受的压缩方式。)


mpeg一般作为名词使用,如在MPEG LA([网络] 运动图像专家组)、MPEG TS([网络] 视频传送流;解调制得到传输流)、general mpeg flags(一般 MPEG 旗标)等常见短语中出现较多。

MPEG LA[网络] 运动图像专家组
MPEG TS[网络] 视频传送流;解调制得到传输流
general mpeg flags一般 MPEG 旗标
MainConcept MPEG Encoder[网络] 转档软体;视频转换问题;变宽了
mpeg1 layer 3MPEG 1 层 3


1. The file format is MPEG-4. (翻译:文件类型为MPEG - 4。)

2. MPEG-2 is no longer compliant with the DCI specification. JPEG 2000 is the only accepted compression format. (翻译:MPEG-2不再与DCI规格相兼容,而JPEG2000是唯一接受的压缩方式。)

3. The key technique is the adaptation of MPEG-2 transport stream to DS3 format. (翻译:其关键技术在于发送端和接收端MPEG-2传送流与DS3码流之间的相互转换。)

4. Combined with the previous content, implementation of MPEG-4 Simple Profile's VOP and the migration on DM642 are introduced. (翻译:结合前面的内容,接着介绍了MPEG-4简单类框架VOP编解码的实现流程及程序在DM642上移植。)

5. Table 2 gives an example of the ports that might be used for the transmission of a single MPEG-1 video using UDP streaming. (翻译:表2提供了一个端口示例,可用于传输一个使用UDP流的MPEG-1视频。)

6. You can use the XMTBatch tool from the IBM Toolkit for MPEG-4 as a development environment for XMT programs. (翻译:您可以用IBM MPEG - 4工具包中的工具XMTBatch作为XMT程序的开发环境。)

7. The toolkit supports an IBM-specific interleave format, based on the MPEG-4 standard M4Mux interleaving:MPEG-4工具包支持IBM特定的交替存储格式。)

8. Download the source code for an mpeg4-encoded example of the video Mosaic process. (翻译:下载源代码可获得视频马赛克处理过程的mpeg4编码示例。)

9. The rcS script handles startup tasks, and the auto-dongle script just runs the mpeg decoder. (翻译:rcs脚本处理启动任务,auto - dongle脚本只是运行mpeg解码程序。)

10. The fine granularity scalability(FGS) video coding is an important technique in the MPEG-4 streaming profile. (翻译:在MPEG-4标准的视频流化框架中,精细的可伸缩性视频编码FGS是关键的编码技术。)

11. Patent lawsuits looming with MPEG la. (翻译:MPEG LA的专利诉讼迫在眉睫。)

12. UEP(unequal error protection)scheme for wireless video transmission based on MPEG-4 was proposed. (翻译:提出一种基于MPEG-4的无线视频传输非等重误码保护方案。)

13. A fast algorithm for MPEG video segmentation based on macroblock (MB) types was presented. (翻译:提出了一种基于宏块信息的快速MPEG压缩视频场景分割算法。)

14. The Java components from the alphaWorks MPEG-4 Toolkit SDK make it easy to add MPEG-4 video to any project. (翻译:alphaWorksMPEG-4工具包SDK中的Java组件使得将MPEG-4视频文件添加到任何项目中变得很容易。)

15. Standard MPEG encoders introduce silence around the loop point, which will play as little "click" or "pop" . (翻译:标准的MPEG编码器引入各地的循环点,这将发挥小的“click”或“pop”的沉默。)



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