aftermath是什么意思 aftermath的中文翻译、读音、例句

aftermath是什么意思 aftermath的中文翻译、读音、例句




- in the aftermath of something: 在某事的余波中

- deal with the aftermath: 处理后果

- aftermath of war: 战后余波

- aftermath of a disaster: 天灾后的后果

- the aftermath of a breakup: 分手后的余波




1. The aftermath of the hurricane was devastating, with widespread destruction and loss of life.(飓风的后果是毁灭性的,造成了广泛的破坏和生命损失。)

2. In the aftermath of the earthquake, many people were left homeless and without food or clean water.(在地震的余波中,许多人无家可归,没有食物或干净的水源。)

3. The company was still dealing with the aftermath of the scandal months later, trying to repair its reputation.(几个月后,公司仍在应对丑闻的后果,试图修复声誉。)

4. The aftermath of a divorce can be a difficult and emotional time for both parties involved.(离婚后的后果对于双方来说都是一个困难和情感上的时刻。)

5. The aftermath of the terrorist attack was felt throughout the country, with increased security measures and fear among the public.(恐怖袭击的后果在全国范围内感受到,公众心中增加了安全感和恐惧。)

6. The aftermath of a financial crisis can take years to recover from, with many people losing their jobs and homes.(金融危机的后果需要数年才能恢复,有许多人失去了工作和住房。)

7. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, it is important to provide emergency aid and support to those affected.(在自然灾害的后果中,向受影响人员提供紧急援助和支持非常重要。)




1. The aftermath of the hurricane was devastating, with many homes destroyed and lives lost.(飓风的后果是毁灭性的,许多房屋被摧毁,生命失去。)

2. The aftermath of the war led to a period of economic instability and political turmoil.(战争的余波导致了一段经济不稳定和政治动荡的时期。)

3. The company is still dealing with the aftermath of the scandal, and many customers have lost trust in their products.(公司仍在处理丑闻的后果,许多客户对他们的产品失去了信任。)




例句:The legendary captain of a unit dedicated to children stepped down today in the aftermath of controversy. (电视台报道: 专为孩子效力并富有传奇色彩的军队首领 在有争议的结果中离职了)


例句:Rwanda in the immediate aftermath of the genocide was 77 percent female. (卢旺达在大屠杀之后 剩下人口的百分之七十七为女性。)


例句:For Landman, the relative calm in the aftermath of the Malema affair reflects the reality of the new South Africa. (对兰德曼而言,马莱马事件后的相对平静反映出了新南非的真实情况。)


例句:In the immediate aftermath of the great rebellion of 1857-8, (翻译:在给《纽约每日论坛》撰稿中 卡尔・马克思谴责英国出版社)


aftermath一般作为名词使用,如在the aftermath([网络] 后果;余波;内战之后)等常见短语中出现较多。

the aftermath[网络] 后果;余波;内战之后


1. For Landman, the relative calm in the aftermath of the Malema affair reflects the reality of the new South Africa. (翻译:对兰德曼而言,马莱马事件后的相对平静反映出了新南非的真实情况。)

2. In the immediate aftermath of the great rebellion of 1857-8, (翻译:在给《纽约每日论坛》撰稿中 卡尔・马克思谴责英国出版社)

3. You tell us when to go to war, we conduct the war, you deal with the aftermath. (翻译:你让我们什么时候去打仗,我们就打 剩下的你来处理)

4. When you walk across landscapes, it leaps up in the aftermath of your footsteps trying to grab debris. (翻译:当你穿过土地时, 它在你的脚步之后跳起来,努力抓住残片。)

5. So the modern refugee regime was created in the aftermath of the Second World War by these guys. (翻译:现代难民体系 是在二战后制定的 由这些人 )

6. But Zack's coworker Taylor described the explosion aftermath as a bright, white light. (翻译:但是根据Zack同事Taylor的描述 爆炸后发出的是明亮的白光)

7. "How ironic it is "that the final revelation of this aftermath (翻译:真实讽刺啊 这故事最终 How ironic it is that the final revelation)

8. A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war. (翻译:战后进行了大量的重建工作。)

9. Look for dystopian stories that take place in the aftermath of the collapse of "ObamaCare." (翻译:等着看到发生在“奥巴马医改”崩溃后的反乌托邦故事吧。)

10. In 2008, Cyclone Nargis and its aftermath killed 138,000 in Myanmar. (翻译:在xx年,飓风纳尔吉斯及其余波 使138,000缅甸人遇害。)

11. In the immediate aftermath, dazed, screaming and crying residents wandered the streets as sirens and car alarms blared. (翻译:在不久之后,头晕眼花,尖叫和哭泣的居民在街头徘徊的汽笛声,汽车报警器响起。)

12. But the fiddling of the election and its violent aftermath seems to have swept him up. (翻译:不过,以被操纵和暴力而终的选举似乎让穆萨维沉寂了许多。)

13. "have brought Sarah and I closer together (翻译:产生的结果 and its aftermath 是让萨拉和我重新变得亲密 have brought Sarah and I closer together)

14. While halfway around the world, in the aftermath of the fall of Rome, (翻译:这时,正值全球的转捩点, 全世界正处于罗马帝国灭亡的余波中,)

15. The aftermath of the "Volker Plan" will reverberate around markets this week keeping a lid on equity sentiment. (翻译:的馀波会在本星期继续影响市场,压抑股市投资情绪。)

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