diazepam是什么意思 diazepam的中文翻译、读音、例句

diazepam是什么意思 diazepam的中文翻译、读音、例句


常见的使用场景是在医疗场所,例如医院、诊所和急救中心等。 Diazepam通常作为治疗神经紧张、焦虑症、睡眠障碍和肌肉疼痛的药物使用。







1. I was prescribed diazepam to help me relax.(我被开了地西泮来帮助我放松。)

2. The patient was given a dose of diazepam to calm their nerves.(医生给病人服用了一剂地西泮以舒缓他们的神经。)

3. Diazepam is a commonly prescribed medication for anxiety.(地西泮是治疗焦虑的常用药物。)

4. The effects of diazepam can be felt within an hour after taking it.(服用地西泮后一小时内即可感受其效果。)

5. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage of diazepam to avoid adverse effects.(遵循所开的地西泮剂量是重要的,以避免不良反应。)

6. Diazepam should not be taken with alcohol.(地西泮不应与酒精一起服用。)

7. Elderly patients may need a lower dosage of diazepam due to their sensitivity to the medication.(由于老年患者对药物敏感,所以他们可能需要较低的地西泮剂量。)

8. Diazepam is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for abuse.(地西泮被列为受控物质,因为它可能被滥用。)

9. The doctor advised the patient to gradually reduce their dosage of diazepam to avoid withdrawal symptoms.(医生建议病人逐渐减少地西泮剂量,以避免戒断症状。)





1. Diazepam is commonly used to treat anxiety and muscle spasms.


2. The doctor prescribed diazepam to help the patient relax before the surgery.


diazepam在中文中有"安定 、药"的意思,还经常被翻译为安定,在线读音是[daiә'zepәm],diazepam来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到37个与diazepam相关的例句。



例句:This is like talking to my Aunt Stacey after her second Diazepam. (就像是在和我那注射了镇定剂的 This is like talking to my Aunt Stacey Stacey阿姨说话一样 after her second Diazepam.)


例句:I'll give sedation to sleep, give him Diazepam 2 ml. (我给你打点镇定剂让你好好睡一觉吧 给他打两毫升安定)


例句:Izzie, 10 milligrams Diazepam IM. No, no. The white lead is on the right. Righty, whitey, smoke over fire. A large-bore IV. (10毫克安定,不,不。用碱式碳酸铅才对。对的,发白的--像火焰上的烟雾。令人麻烦的I。)


1. Izzie, 10 milligrams Diazepam IM. No, no. The white lead is on the right. Righty, whitey, smoke over fire. A large-bore IV. (翻译:10毫克安定,不,不。用碱式碳酸铅才对。对的,发白的--像火焰上的烟雾。令人麻烦的I。)

2. Pretreatment of either isoniazid, an aminoacid decarboxylase inhibitor, or GABA receptor antagonist picrotoxin prevented thedepressant effect of diazepam on the amplitude of phrenic discharge. (翻译:事先用氨基酸脱羧酶抑制剂异烟肼处理,或用GABA 受体拮抗剂印防己毒素处理,可阻遏安定减低膈神经放电幅度的作用。)

3. Clinical observation of etomidate compound diazepam used in painless induced abortion (翻译:依托咪酯复合安定用于无痛人工流产的临床观察)

4. Results: Diazepam could remarkably prolong the time of survival, reduce muscles tremor and twitch, and potentiate Atropine. (翻译:结果:安定能显著延长中毒小鼠的存活时间,明显改善肌震颤和抽搐等症状,且与阿托品有较强的协同作用。)

5. Another change is the rise of tranquillisers such as benzodiazepine and diazepam. (翻译:另一变化是苯二氮和安定一类的镇静剂的使用也在增加。)

6. After PCPA abdominal injection the normal sleep cycle of rats disappeared. Both of grain-sized moxibustion groups and diazepam group could recover the sleep cycle of insomnia rats caused by PCPA. (翻译:PCPA腹腔注射后大鼠正常的睡眠-觉醒周期消失,而三组麦粒灸治疗和安定治疗后这一周期均恢复。)

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