tombstone是什么意思 tombstone的中文翻译、读音、例句

tombstone是什么意思 tombstone的中文翻译、读音、例句

Tombstone 是指“墓碑”的意思,经常在英语写作或者口语中使用。下面从三个方面详细说明:

1. 词语概念:tombstone 通常指立在墓地上的碑石,纪念着已经去世的人。它常常刻有该人的名字、出生日期和死亡日期等信息。

2. 用法及表达:tombstone 可以用作名词,也可以作为动词。在日常生活中,该词通常用在描述墓地、葬礼和纪念仪式等方面。例如:

- The tombstone of my grandfather reads, "Rest in Peace". 我爷爷的墓碑上写着“安息”。

- Visitors to the cemetery left flowers at the tombstones of fallen soldiers. 参观公墓的人在烈士墓碑上留下了鲜花。

- The family was devastated when they saw the tombstone being placed on their loved one's grave. 当那个家庭看到墓碑被放在他们爱人的坟墓上时,他们十分心痛。

3. 相关词汇:和 tombstone 相关的词汇包括 gravestone (墓碑)、headstone (墓碑)、sepulchral (墓地)等。以下为其具体用法:

- The gravestone read, "Beloved Husband and Father." 墓碑上写着“深爱的丈夫和父亲”。

- Tourists visiting the famous British cemetery were amazed at the ornate headstones. 参观著名英国公墓的游客都对那些华丽的墓碑感到惊叹。

- The sepulchral atmosphere of the cemetery was both eerie and solemn. 公墓的氛围既神秘又庄严。


1. The grave was marked with a simple tombstone bearing only his name and the date of his death. (坟墓上只有简单的墓碑,上面刻着他的名字和死亡日期。)

2. The old man walked slowly down the rows of tombstones, reading each one with a thoughtful expression. (老人缓缓沿着墓碑排走去,脸上带着沉思的表情读着每一块墓碑。)

3. The funeral director oversaw the placement of the tombstone carefully, making sure it was level and secure. (殡仪馆主任仔细地监督着墓碑的安放,确保它平稳而安全。)

4. A small bird perched on the top of the tombstone, singing a mournful melody. (一只小鸟停在墓碑的顶上,唱着悲伤的旋律。)

5. The family members stood silently by the tombstone, tears streaming down their faces as they said their final goodbyes. (家人静静地站在墓碑旁,泪水在脸上流淌着,他们告别时感到十分难过。)

tombstone 是指墓碑,通常用来标识埋葬在坟墓或墓地中的人或动物的身份和位置。




1. The grave was marked by a simple tombstone with his name and dates of birth and death.


2. A massive tombstone loomed up before us, marking the final resting place of the local mayor.





例句:The crypt behind the tombstone with the cross. ({\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}在一个墓碑上有十字架的坟里头 The crypt behind the tombstone with the cross.)


例句:Where, uh, do you want to start? (do you want to start? 现在我们得来个墓地xx日游 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Now we have to do an all -day tombstone roll)


例句:I need to charge all 3 points and channel the mystical energy from Silas's tombstone. (我要连通这三点 从Silas的墓石中 引出神秘的能量)

4.墓碑 、墓碑

例句:The words and characters he had touched are lining up in front of his tombstone , waiting to sing a cheerfully monody for him. (翻译:那些被他触摸过的文字,列队在墓碑前等待为他唱响欢快的悼曲。)


tombstone一般作为名词使用,如在tombstone ad([网络] 墓碑广告)、tombstone advertisement([经] 发行(证券)公告)、tombstone engineering([网络] 墓碑工程)等常见短语中出现较多。

tombstone ad[网络] 墓碑广告
tombstone advertisement[经] 发行(证券)公告
tombstone engineering[网络] 墓碑工程
tombstone in block墓碑石块料
tombstone in slab墓碑石块料


1. I need to charge all 3 points and channel the mystical energy from Silas's tombstone. (翻译:我要连通这三点 从Silas的墓石中 引出神秘的能量)

2. The words and characters he had touched are lining up in front of his tombstone , waiting to sing a cheerfully monody for him. (翻译:那些被他触摸过的文字,列队在墓碑前等待为他唱响欢快的悼曲。)

3. Think it's gonna be any different in Tombstone? (翻译:想想看这和去Tombstone有什么不同?)

4. Now we have to do an all-day tombstone roll To see if we can dig her up. (翻译:看能不能把她挖出来 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}to see if we can dig her up.)

5. I'll follow you into your grave. I'll write my name on your tombstone. (翻译:我会跟着你进坟墓, 我要把名字留在你的墓碑上)

6. [ TV Newscaster] In a cemetery practically reserved for cops... you come across the tombstone of Officer Glenn Tunney. (翻译:在一个公墓 事实上来送葬的全是警察... 你穿过长官格林. 托尼的墓碑时 你也许会回忆起他的事迹)

7. I believe you saved my uncle's life one time in Tombstone, Arizona. (翻译:我相信曾经在Tombstone救过我叔叔的命)

8. And that is what is on his tombstone. (翻译:被铭刻在他的墓碑上。)

9. In July of 1950, Salvatore Giuliano was just a name on a tombstone. (翻译:xx年xx月,塞尔瓦托吉利亚诺 的名字刻在了墓碑上)

10. Hmm. There's a really good quote by American thinker Hakim Bey which says, "Every recording is a tombstone of a live performance." (翻译:有一个很好的引用 美国的思想家Hakim Bey 的说法, “每一个记录 都是一个生活表演的墓碑“ )

11. Tombstone becomes queen of the boom towns... where the latest Paris fashions are sold... from the backs of wagons. (翻译:墓碑镇从此成为 新兴城市中的佼佼者 货车的后面 出售著时尚的巴黎服饰)

12. And when you've left New York a smoking wasteland, we'll put that on your tombstone: (翻译:当你离开纽约这个不毛之地时 我们在你的墓碑上写)

13. The words and characters he had touched are lining up in front of his tombstone , waiting to sing a cheerfully monody for him. (翻译:那些被他触摸过的文字,列队在墓碑前等待为他唱响欢快的悼曲。)

14. Nathaniel, hide Maria, and tell Jackson that I'll wait for him at the crosses of the Tombstone cemetery because his time has come. (翻译:纳森尼尔,把玛丽亚藏起来 告诉杰克逊... 我会在坟场等他 因为他的时候到了)

15. Probably over in Chinatown. It's not hard to find in Tombstone. (翻译:可能是对面的中国城 在Tombstone这东西不难找.)



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