quicken是什么意思 quicken的中文翻译、读音、例句

quicken是什么意思 quicken的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及词义:

quicken 是个动词,表示加速、加快的意思。它还有使人感到兴奋、激动的含义。

2. 同义词、反义词以及常见搭配:

同义词:accelerate,hasten,speed up

反义词:slow down,decelerate


- quicken one's pace(加快步伐)

- quicken one's heartbeat(使心跳加快)

- quicken economic growth(加快经济增长)

3. 用法和注意事项:

- 这个单词的主语一般是人或者人的行为,不能用于自然事物。

- 有时候 quicken 可以表示加速成为某种情况,例如 quicken to become angry(加速变得愤怒)。


1. I quickened my pace when I saw the bus coming.(当我看到公交车来的时候,我加快了自己的步伐。)

2. The news of his promotion quickened his heartbeat.(他的晋升消息使他的心跳加快了。)

3. The company has been trying to quicken the pace of its production process.(公司一直在努力加快生产流程的速度。)

4. Her breathing quickened as she felt the excitement of the moment.(她的呼吸加快了,感受到了这一刻的兴奋。)

5. The wind began to quicken and the sailors knew a storm was coming.(风开始加速,水手们知道一场风暴即将来临。)



1. The warm weather quickened the growth of the crops. (暖和的天气加速了庄稼的生长。)

2. The sight of the finish line quickened her pace. (看到终点线,她的步伐加快了。)

3. The new initiative will help quicken the pace of innovation in our company. (这项新举措将有助于加快我们公司创新的步伐。)




例句:So remove the traffic lights and parking meters, quicken the road work. (所以,我建议,挪走没用的 红绿灯、停车表、加速挖路)


例句:In waiting for that important interview, I felt my own pulse quicken and my memory become a complete blank. (在等待那次重要的面试时,我感觉自己的脉搏加快,记忆一片空白。)


例句:Accordingly to boost economic conditions the federal reserve has quicken the pace of adjustment for its policy. (鉴于目前的实际情况... 联邦贮备已经加快了政策调整的步伐。)


例句:Moreover, as the pace of modern life continues to quicken, pressure seems to be on the increase all the time. (翻译:而且,随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,压力似乎是在增加。)


quicken一般作为动词使用,如在quicken the flare([网络] 船首外倾)、quicken up(加速)、quicken your pace([网络] 加速你的脚步)等常见短语中出现较多。

quicken the flare[网络] 船首外倾
quicken up加速
quicken your pace[网络] 加速你的脚步
quicken one's pace加快步伐


1. Accordingly to boost economic conditions the federal reserve has quicken the pace of adjustment for its policy. (翻译:鉴于目前的实际情况... 联邦贮备已经加快了政策调整的步伐。)

2. Moreover, as the pace of modern life continues to quicken, pressure seems to be on the increase all the time. (翻译:而且,随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,压力似乎是在增加。)

3. As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, the pressure seems to be on the increase all the time. (翻译:随着现代生活节奏的不断加快,压力似乎一直在增加。)

4. She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached. (翻译:随着他的走近,她觉得自己的心跳加速了。)

5. When your Quicken software connects to the bank, the information gets downloaded in a structured format. (翻译:当你用银行专用的软件连接到银行,信息将以一种结构化的语句下载下来。)

6. No doubt, Quicken is one of the best money management software around. (翻译:毫无疑问,Quicken是最好的资金管理软件之一。)

7. To quicken the construction of laws in administrative procedures is the ensurance in raising administrative efficiency. (翻译:加快行政程序的法制化建设是提高行政管理效率的保证。)

8. Accident rescues also need new techniques to quicken the speed of coordination and action of every involved department. (翻译:在海难援助方面,也需要新技术的支持以加快各部门之间的协调、反应速度。)

9. So, essentially, you do what the program that my wife uses, called Quicken, does. (翻译:所以,实质上,你在做的计划是我老婆一直在做 的事,快点,去做)

10. It was still too early to go to bed. I began to quicken my pace, heading back toward the Boulevard Raspail. (翻译:这会儿去睡觉仍太早,我加快脚步折回拉斯帕伊林荫大道去。)

11. Of all the free money management software out there, GnuCash is the most complete and also the closest alternative to Quicken. (翻译:在所有的免费资金管理软件中,GnuCash是最完整也是与Quicken最接近的替代者。)

12. Kathy Staub felt her heartbeat quicken and the familiar sweat coat her forehead. (翻译:凯西·斯道博觉得心跳加快,汗水常常覆盖了她的前额。)

13. Rachael could feel her heartbeat quicken as she stepped up close to read the small print. (翻译:雷切尔凑上前去看上面的小字,只觉得心跳加速。)

14. Does your heart quicken when you see new merchandise in neatly stacked piles? (翻译:当你看到新商品整齐地叠在一起时 你是否会砰然心动)

15. After a bit of tweaking, I improved it so that I could keep track of different credit and debit categories, just like Quicken can. (翻译:略微调整之后,我将其改进,以便可以象Quicken那样跟踪不同的贷款和借款类别。)



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