pca是什么意思 pca的中文翻译、读音、例句

pca是什么意思 pca的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:PCA是Principal Component Analysis(主成分分析)的缩写。它是一种常见的数据降维方法,用于将高维数据转化为低维数据,并尽量保留原始数据的信息。

2. 应用:PCA可以用于数据的可视化、分类、聚类等各种机器学习任务应用中。

3. 原理:PCA通过将数据映射到一个新的空间中,使得每个维度之间的相关性最小化,从而找到一组新的维度,它们可以代表原始数据的主要特征而不会导致信息损失。


1. PCA is commonly used in machine learning to reduce the dimensionality of datasets while retaining information.(PCA在机器学习中被广泛使用,用于将数据维数降低,同时保留信息。)

2. The use of PCA can help identify which features of the data are most important for predicting the outcomes of a particular task.(使用PCA可以帮助确定数据特征中最重要的特征,以预测特定任务的结果。)

3. PCA can be used to visualize high-dimensional data by projecting it onto a lower-dimensional space.(PCA可以将高维数据映射到低维空间中,以可视化数据。)

4. By applying PCA, we can reduce the complexity of the dataset and make it easier to analyze.(通过应用PCA,我们可以降低数据集的复杂性,使其更易于分析。)

5. PCA is a useful tool for exploring relationships between variables and identifying patterns in data.(PCA是探索变量关系和识别数据模式的有用工具。)

PCA是英文词语,全称为Principal Component Analysis,中文翻译为主成分分析。PCA是一种数据降维技术,主要用于数据可视化和特征提取,在图像处理、语音识别、机器学习等领域广泛应用。


1. PCA is a powerful tool in reducing dimensionality of data.(PCA是数据降维的一种强大工具。)

2. PCA can be used in feature extraction for facial recognition.(PCA可用于人脸识别的特征提取。)

3. The results of PCA showed a clear separation between the two groups.(PCA的结果表明两组数据之间有明显分离。)

4. By using PCA, we were able to identify the most important variables in the dataset.(通过PCA,我们能够识别数据集中最重要的变量。)

5. PCA is often used in exploratory data analysis to visualize high-dimensional data.(PCA常用于探索性数据分析,以可视化高维数据。)

6. The PCA method can help us analyze the relationship between different variables.(PCA方法可以帮助我们分析不同变量之间的关系。)

7. With PCA, we can transform the data into a lower-dimensional space while still retaining most of the information.(通过PCA,我们能够将数据转换为一个低维空间,同时仍保留大部分信息。)

8. The application of PCA can help us identify important factors that influence the sales performance.(应用PCA可以帮助我们识别影响销售业绩的重要因素。)

9. There are different algorithms available for PCA, such as the eigenvalue decomposition and singular value decomposition.(有不同的PCA算法可用,如特征值分解和奇异值分解。)

pca的中文翻译为主成分分析,读音为“zhǔ chéng fēn xī”,以下是例句:

1. PCA是一种常用的数据降维方法。

PCA is a commonly used method for data dimensionality reduction.

2. 通过PCA可以将高维数据转化为低维数据,从而更方便分析。

PCA can transform high-dimensional data into low-dimensional data, making it easier to analyze.

3. 在机器学习领域,主成分分析是一种重要的数据预处理方法。

In the field of machine learning, principal component analysis is an important data preprocessing method.




例句:Conclusions there are effective to control PHN and to improve the life of quality with PCA. (结论:病人皮下自控镇痛能有效的控制带状疱疹后神经痛,改善病人的生活质量。)


例句:There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of PCA demands and delivered boluses or among perioperative VAS scores. (结果显示,在PCA 需要次数、 PCA 给药量及围术期VAS 评分方面没有显著的统计学差异。)


例句:For PCA+LDA to be competitive, the crucial step is to select the most discriminant PCA features before performing LDA. (要使PCA+LDA方法性能更突出,关键的一步是在执行LDA之前选择最佳判别的PCA特征。)


例句:DVE can be viewed as the nonlinear counterpart of PCA, and also be viewed as a variant of MVU that relaxes the strict distance-preserving constraints. (翻译:DVE可以看作是PCA算法的非线性扩展,同时也可以看作是对MVU算法严格局部等距约束的松弛改进。)


pca一般作为名词使用,如在PCA cement(粉煤灰水泥)等常见短语中出现较多。

PCA cement粉煤灰水泥


1. For PCA+LDA to be competitive, the crucial step is to select the most discriminant PCA features before performing LDA. (翻译:要使PCA+LDA方法性能更突出,关键的一步是在执行LDA之前选择最佳判别的PCA特征。)

2. DVE can be viewed as the nonlinear counterpart of PCA, and also be viewed as a variant of MVU that relaxes the strict distance-preserving constraints. (翻译:DVE可以看作是PCA算法的非线性扩展,同时也可以看作是对MVU算法严格局部等距约束的松弛改进。)

3. The results of PCA indicated that soil salinity was one of the most important factors affecting the community distribution. (翻译:PCA和植物生理特性分析结果暗示,土壤盐分梯度是影响植物群落分布的主要因素。)

4. Results 27 cerebral aneurysms in 25 patients were confirmed by DSA, 17 located in AcoA, 5 in MCA, 1 in ACA, 4 in PCA. (翻译:结果DS A证实25例病人的27个动脉瘤,其中前交通动脉瘤17个,大脑中动脉瘤5个,大脑前动脉瘤1个,后交通动脉瘤4个。)

5. I doubled the PCA infusion rate of Demerol in six patients. (翻译:规定我知道,但有六位病患控制 止痛点滴的分量,我把它加倍了)

6. Clear indications on the nature of the antiviral effect were evident only in the case of the L. casei Shirota against TGEV and with L. plantarum PCA236 against both RV and TGEV. (翻译:只有干酪乳杆菌代田株抵抗传染性胃肠炎病毒及植物乳杆菌抵抗轮状病毒和传染性胃肠炎病毒显示了明显的抗病毒特性。)

7. Compared to PCA, LIPP not only suits to linear data but also efficiently preserves the diversity information of non-linear data. (翻译:和传统的PCA相比,LIPP不仅适用于线性数据的描述和分类,而且有效地保持了非线性数据的局部差异信息,并取得了不错的效果。)

8. Prediction on Product Yields of Catalytic Reforming Unit by BPNN-PCA (翻译:采用神经网络和主成分分析方法建立催化重整装置收率预测模型)

9. Several pattern recognition algorithm is introduced, including PCA, MPCA, LLE etc. (翻译:说明:多种模式识别算法的介绍,包括PCA, MPCA, LLE等。)



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