dungeons是什么意思 dungeons的中文翻译、读音、例句

dungeons是什么意思 dungeons的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:Dungeons是指地下城,通常用于描述一些角色扮演游戏或者电子游戏中的设置。


- The heroes ventured deep into the dungeons to find the treasure. (英雄们深入地下城寻找宝藏。)

- The game developer spent months designing the elaborate dungeons for players to explore. (游戏开发者花费数月设计精美的地下城供玩家探索。)

2. 游戏应用:Dungeons常用于描述一些角色扮演游戏或者电子游戏中的关卡和任务。


- The player must navigate through the treacherous dungeons to defeat the final boss. (玩家必须穿过危险的地下城,击败最终首领。)

- The new expansion pack includes a brand new set of dungeons for players to conquer. (新的扩展包包括全新的一组地下城供玩家征服。)

3. 历史背景:Dungeons最初是指中世纪欧洲的地牢,用于关押罪犯或囚犯。


- The castle's dungeons were notorious for their cruel treatment of prisoners. (这座城堡的地牢因对囚犯的残酷对待而臭名昭著。)

- The archaeologists discovered an ancient dungeon beneath the ruins of the castle. (考古学家们在城堡废墟下发现了一个古老的地牢。)

4. 电影和小说:Dungeons也是一些电影和小说中常见的元素。


- The Harry Potter series includes several scenes set in Hogwarts' dark dungeons. (《哈利·波特》系列中包括一些设定在霍格沃茨黑暗地牢中的场景。)

- The Lord of the Rings trilogy features a memorable battle in the Mines of Moria's underground dungeons. (《指环王》三部曲中有一场难忘的战斗发生在莫里亚矿区的地下城中。)

5. 拓展应用:Dungeons也可以用于形容一个阴暗、充满未知和危险的地方。


- The abandoned factory was like a dungeon, full of rusted equipment and eerie silence. (废弃的工厂就像一个地牢,满是生锈的设备和诡异的寂静。)

- The dense forest was a maze of trees and shadows, a natural dungeon that few dared to enter. (浓密的森林是一片树木和阴影的迷宫,极少有人敢进入。)




1. The adventurers were tasked with exploring the dark dungeons beneath the castle.


2. The prisoner was confined to the dungeons for his crimes.





例句:There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. (以前关禁闭的时候 得拴住大拇指吊在地下室里)


例句:In one of these dungeons, there is a fragment of an iron necklet riveted to the wall; (在那些地牢中,有一个还留下一段固定在石壁里的颈镣的一段;)


例句:What did you expect, coffins and dungeons and moats? (你以为是什么样的? 棺材 地牢 还是壕沟?)


例句:With Dungeons Dragonsdice? (翻译:用《龙与地下城》的骰子吗 With Dungeons Dragons dice?)


dungeons一般作为名词使用,如在Dungeons and Dragons([网络] 龙与地下城;归乡历险记;龙与地下城-永恒的战士)、instance dungeons([网络] 随着地下城副本;地牢副本)等常见短语中出现较多。

Dungeons and Dragons[网络] 龙与地下城;归乡历险记;龙与地下城-永恒的战士
instance dungeons[网络] 随着地下城副本;地牢副本


1. What did you expect, coffins and dungeons and moats? (翻译:你以为是什么样的? 棺材 地牢 还是壕沟?)

2. With Dungeons Dragonsdice? (翻译:用《龙与地下城》的骰子吗 With Dungeons Dragons dice?)

3. The Dahaka can be compared to the Marut, a somewhat similar creature from Dungeons and Dragons. (翻译:达哈卡可以被比作马鲁特,一种有些类似于来自龙与地下城的生物。)

4. Each of our instanced dungeons is tailor made for one level range. (翻译:我们的每个地下城副本都是为某个等级范围量身定做的。)

5. They languished in dungeons, were roasted, pierced with arrows and were nailed to a cross. (翻译:他们在地牢里受苦, 被施以炮刑, 被箭穿透,并钉上十字架.)

6. There are other instances besides dungeons such as the Stormwind Stockades . We may continue to add instance areas as needed. (翻译:除了地城还有其他副本区域例如暴风城栅栏,如果需要我们会增加副本区域。)

7. Dungeons Dragons for the next quadrillion years? (翻译:Dungeons Dragons for the next quadrillion years?)

8. What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret. (翻译:你和奇洛教授在地下教室的事 虽然是个保密,却不径而走)

9. I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki. (翻译:看来你在地牢的日子 没让你学会感激,洛基)

10. Expand your exploration of the dungeons of Cadwallon with two new rooms: the Gambling Den and the Scriptorium! (翻译:新增加了两个玩家可以探索的Cadwallon的地下城房间:赌场和魔法书屋! )

11. To survive any pain, the dogs, the dungeons, even a lightning strike, which has left me with this... web of scars. (翻译:不相信任何人才能在痛苦 恶狗 地牢 甚至在给我留下 这疤痕的闪电中幸存)

12. That's very interesting. Is there a way to distinguish between the timed "deathtrap" dungeons and the regular ones? (翻译:那很有趣,那么有没有方法可以辨别那些限时地牢和正常地牢呢?)

13. When will young people learn that Dungeons Dragons won't make you cool? (翻译:什么时候年轻人才能明白龙与地下城 不会让你变酷啊)

14. Did Mom throw away your priceless Dungeons and Dragons magazine?. (翻译:妈妈扔掉了你那本宝贝杂志《龙与地下城》吗? )

15. We put in the satchel of helpful goods to balance this out a bit and support players leveling their way up through dungeons. (翻译:我们加入了有用货物背袋来平衡这一点,支持玩家们在副本中升级。)



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