vertebrate是什么意思 vertebrate的中文翻译、读音、例句

vertebrate是什么意思 vertebrate的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义 - 'vertebrate'是指具有脊椎骨的动物,这些骨头形成了它们身体的中央支柱。

2. 分类 - 'vertebrate'在动物界中是一种大类,包含了鸟、哺乳动物、爬行动物、两栖动物和鱼类等不同的亚类。

3. 特点 - 与无脊椎动物相比,脊椎动物具有更高的智力和运动能力,因为它们通常具有更复杂的神经系统和运动系统。

4. 研究意义 - 因为脊椎动物具有更高的智力和运动能力,所以对于人类来说,了解它们的生态环境和生物学信息对于生命科学、医学等领域的发展都非常重要。


1. Humans are also vertebrates, with a backbone that runs along the length of the body.


2. The study of vertebrate paleontology has revealed much about our evolutionary history.


3. Many scientists believe that the ability to develop complex brains evolved in the lineage leading to vertebrates.


4. Despite their small size, hummingbirds are among the most agile vertebrates in the animal kingdom.


5. The study found that certain vertebrate species were more susceptible to extinction than others, depending on their unique environmental preferences.





1. All mammals are vertebrates, but not all vertebrates are mammals.(所有哺乳动物都是脊椎动物,但并非所有脊椎动物都是哺乳动物。)

2. The evolution of vertebrates was a long and complex process.(脊椎动物的进化是一个漫长而复杂的过程。)

3. Some early vertebrates had external gills, which later evolved into internal gills.(一些早期的脊椎动物有外部鳃,后来演化成了内部鳃。)




例句:Prior studies have supported that early in vertebrate evolution, "the right brain hemisphere became specialized in dealing with unexpected and behaviorally relevant stimuli," Mormann said. (Mormann提出:“右脑专门处理刺激所引发的意外与行为。”之前的研究表明早在脊椎动物进化时右脑就有这一功能,近期的研究又加强了这一理论。)


例句:Zoonoses are defined by the WHO as "Any disease or infection which is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to man" . (世界卫生组织将人畜共患病定义为“任何自然地从脊椎动物传播到人类的疾病或传染病”。)


例句:The bone of vertebrate is a composite consociated of collagen and hydroxyapatite (HAP). (脊椎动物的骨骼是由有机的胶原蛋白和无机的羟基磷灰石复合而成。)


例句:The "fact they got these shark teeth fossils with the egg capsules is what makes it really neat, " noted Andrew Heckert, a vertebrate paleontologist at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. (翻译:北卡罗来纳州,阿巴拉契亚州立大学的脊椎动物古生物学者Andrew Heckert也没有参与这次研究,但他欣喜的赞叹道:“能拥有这些牙齿和卵囊的化石实在是太完美了。一般只能找到生痕化石[例如皮肤的痕迹]或者身体某个部位的化石,然后绞尽脑汁,想方设法的让它成为一个理论的典型论据。” )


vertebrate一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在jawless vertebrate([脊椎动物]无颚脊椎动物)、marine vertebrate([脊椎] 海洋脊椎动物)、notochordal vertebrate([医] 有脊索脊椎动物)等常见短语中出现较多。

jawless vertebrate[脊椎动物]无颚脊椎动物
marine vertebrate[脊椎] 海洋脊椎动物
notochordal vertebrate[医] 有脊索脊椎动物
vertebrate anatomy[脊椎] 脊椎动物解剖学
vertebrate biochemistry[脊椎] 脊椎动物生物化学
vertebrate bioenergetics[脊椎] 脊椎动物生物力能学
vertebrate biophysics[脊椎] 脊椎动物生物物理学
vertebrate collagen嵴椎动物胶原蛋白
vertebrate column嵴柱


1. The bone of vertebrate is a composite consociated of collagen and hydroxyapatite (HAP). (翻译:脊椎动物的骨骼是由有机的胶原蛋白和无机的羟基磷灰石复合而成。)

2. The "fact they got these shark teeth fossils with the egg capsules is what makes it really neat, " noted Andrew Heckert, a vertebrate paleontologist at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. (翻译:北卡罗来纳州,阿巴拉契亚州立大学的脊椎动物古生物学者Andrew Heckert也没有参与这次研究,但他欣喜的赞叹道:“能拥有这些牙齿和卵囊的化石实在是太完美了。一般只能找到生痕化石[例如皮肤的痕迹]或者身体某个部位的化石,然后绞尽脑汁,想方设法的让它成为一个理论的典型论据。” )

3. Repeatedly over the last 250 million years, vertebrate animals on land have re-invaded the oceans. (翻译:在过去2.5亿年间一再重复 陆地上的脊椎动物再次侵入海洋)

4. Fascinating guy, he explains a boring subject, non-vertebrate evolution is dull stuff, but I was captivated! (翻译:迷人的男性 讲解无聊的主题 枯燥的无脊椎动物进化史)

5. They start as little eggs, and they're in "The Guinness World Book of Records" again for having the most number of eggs of any vertebrate on the planet. (翻译:它们从细小的卵开始, 再次进入“吉尼斯世界纪录”, 它们是世界上产卵最多的脊椎动物。)

6. This is the largest flying vertebrate ever known. (翻译:翼展长达十米的翼龙 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}A pterosaur with a ten)

7. warm or cold blooded, mammal, vertebrate or invertebrate, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, and human alike. (翻译:温血或冷血动物,哺乳动物 脊椎动物或非脊椎动物, 鸟类,爬行类,两栖类,鱼类和人类。)

8. This is not surprising because the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints. (翻译:这并不奇怪,因为任何会飞的脊椎动物的设计都受到空气动力学的限制。)

9. A "hybrid" as he put it, he was anatomist, zoologist and vertebrate palaeontologist in equal measure. (翻译:他是一位解剖学家、动物学家,同时也是一位研究脊椎动物的古生物学家,他把自己称作“混合物”。)

10. Cephalopods may have evolved complex brains long before our vertebrate relatives. (翻译:头足纲动物也许已经发展出复杂的大脑 远远早于我们脊椎动物亲戚 )

11. You can take them out of the vertebrate skeleton, you can culture them in petri dishes in the laboratory, and they are dying to form cartilage. (翻译:你可以将这些细胞从 脊椎动物骨架中分离出来 放在实验室的培养皿中, 它们会拼命的构造软骨组织。)

12. I had been a member of the Society for Vertebrate Paleontology since the '70s. (翻译:从xx年代起,我就是脊椎动物考古协会的一名成员了。)

13. There's no question that S.V. P., the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, was aligned against Peter Larson and the Institute from the beginning and all the way to the end. (翻译:毫无疑问的,SVP ,脊椎动物考古协会 是与皮特. 莱森为敌的。)

14. The DMRT family of transcription factors are found in many nonvertebrate and vertebrate animals. (翻译:DMRT家族是在动物中发现的一类编码转录因子的基因家族。)

15. Giant tortoises can live for up to 150 years and are the longest living vertebrate animals. (翻译:大乌龟可以活xx年,是脊椎动物中寿命最长的。)



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