face gossip是什么意思 face gossip的中文翻译、读音、例句

face gossip是什么意思 face gossip的中文翻译、读音、例句

Face gossip指的是面部语言表达中的传闻或流言。face gossip通常通过面部表情、眼神、微笑等方式来传递信息。Face gossip是一种非语言的沟通方式,可以帮助人们在社交互动中更好地理解彼此的意图和情感。


词组搭配:face gossip about/on something


1. She could tell from the face gossip that people were talking about her behind her back.


2. He was terrible at picking up face gossip, which often led to misunderstandings with his friends.


3. The politician gave a smile that was clearly face gossip, but the reporters couldn't tell what it meant.


4. I could sense that there was some face gossip going on in the room, but I wasn't sure what it was about.


5. Don't be too quick to believe face gossip. Sometimes it's just people's interpretation, not necessarily the truth.


'face gossip'的中文翻译为“面部八卦”,读音为“miàn bù bā guà”。


1. 有些人总是喜欢在背后议论别人,而我认为这种行为是非常不礼貌的,我们应该避免参与面部八卦。

2. 这个小姐姐很受欢迎,但她确实需要注意自己的言行举止,否则她会成为大家的面部八卦之一。


1. Some people always like to gossip behind other people's backs, and I think this behavior is very impolite. We should avoid participating in face gossip.

2. This young lady is very popular, but she does need to pay attention to her words and deeds, otherwise she will become one of the face gossips.

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