royalties是什么意思 royalties的中文翻译、读音、例句

royalties是什么意思 royalties的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义方面:Royalties 是指版权或专利的使用权所带来的收益或报酬。这个词通常用于音乐、电影、文学、科技和其他知识产权领域。


- The royalties from his song were enough to fund his next album.


- The author receives royalties each time his book is sold.


2. 版权方面:Royalties 是指作者或版权持有者所享有的版权利益。这些权利包括授权他人使用作品、收取使用费等。


- The film studio paid the author a royalty for the right to adapt his novel into a movie.


- The musician retained the rights to his songs and earned royalties from their use in commercials.


3. 科技方面:Royalties 是指专利持有者从授权他人使用专利所获得的收益。这个词通常用于科技公司和发明家之间的协议。


- The inventor received a royalty for licensing his technology to the startup.


- The software company earned royalties from its patents on mobile apps.


4. 艺术方面:Royalties 是指艺术家或演员从他们的表演或创作中所获得的收益。这个词通常用于音乐、电影和戏剧业。


- The actor's royalties from the play allowed him to invest in his own film project.


- The singer's royalties from the hit song made her a wealthy woman.







1. The author receives royalties every year from the sale of his books.


2. The mining company paid a lot of royalties to the government for the use of the mineral resources.





例句:How could that possibly be, with the $500,000 that we've given you... on top of the $50,000 of advance royalties... that have gone to a Derek Markham in Dallas. (怎么会呢,除了预付给达拉斯的 德里克马卡姆的 五万美元专利费 我们还支付给你们50万美元)


例句:And it got me through some -- I didn't make any royalties on this。)


例句:As the closest relative alive, he could claim royalties from Mein Kampf. (作为在世的最近亲属,他有权得到《我的奋斗》的版税。)


例句:Our dear Mr. Andras Aradi left instructions that after his death royalties from 'gloomy Sunday' be paid to you in equal shares. (翻译:我们敬爱的作曲家艾迪拉先生 委托我们于他辞世后 将曲子收益平均分配交付两位)


royalties一般作为名词使用,如在dispense with royalties(免除使用费)、industrial royalties(工业特许使用费)、maximum royalties(最高版税)等常见短语中出现较多。

dispense with royalties免除使用费
industrial royalties工业特许使用费
maximum royalties最高版税
oil royalties石油产地使用费
royalties on books[经] 版税
running royalties权利金;按产量支付的专利费
income from royalties[经] 特许权(专利权)收益
minimum royalties receivable[矿业 经] 应收最低矿区使用费


1. As the closest relative alive, he could claim royalties from Mein Kampf. (翻译:作为在世的最近亲属,他有权得到《我的奋斗》的版税。)

2. Our dear Mr. Andras Aradi left instructions that after his death royalties from 'gloomy Sunday' be paid to you in equal shares. (翻译:我们敬爱的作曲家艾迪拉先生 委托我们于他辞世后 将曲子收益平均分配交付两位)

3. There is a radical difference between $71,000 in royalties and the potential millions from the plaintiffs' voice recognition software. (翻译:没这回事 七万一千美元的版税 与原告的语音识别软件可能)

4. Anyway, she had not written it for the sales, or the royalties, or even for the fame. (翻译:反正,她写书也不是为了销售额,或是版权税,更不是为了名利。)

5. And it got me through some -- I didn't make any royalties on this, but it got me through. (翻译。)

6. Did he mention anything that night about royalties for a song his father wrote? (翻译:他那晚有没有提到过 Did he mention anything that night 任何有关他父亲写歌的版税问题 about royalties for a song his father wrote?)

7. Liam and I don't exactly keep in touch, and there's been some problems with royalties. (翻译:我跟连恩已经不太联络了 团员之间也有一些争执 为了版税的问题)

8. You get 15% of the royalties, do you not? (翻译:你得到15%的特许权使用费, 你不是吗?)

9. Royalties to come, articles about you in Vanity Fair, the Times. (翻译:特许权使用费来,你的文章 在名利场,与时俱进。)

10. The LEGO guys don't give you any royalties, strangely, but some user made this and then it sold. (翻译:这些卖乐高的人也不给你什么专利,奇怪吧。但是有人用软件做了了么个东西,后来还卖钱了。)

11. The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business. (翻译:这些使用费使这名发明者能再次立足商界。)

12. When you paid royalties to Derek Markham in Texas... it put all your parts and molds under the umbrella of their patent. (翻译:当你给德克萨斯的德里克马卡姆 付专利费时 你就把所有零部件和模具 归到他们的专利里了)

13. Look, I'll get the lawyers to draw up an agreement, we'll demand half the royalties. (翻译:等着瞧 我会着律师准备一份协议 我们将会取回一半专利权)

14. That need not be a bad thing for book publishers, provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties. (翻译:只要出版商在预付巨额稿酬的同时不再就版税做出更大让步,对他们来说这不一定是件坏事。)

15. Royalties arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other Contracting State shall be taxable only in that other State. (翻译:发生于缔约国一方而支付给缔约国另一方居民的特许权使用费,可以在该缔约国另一方征税。)



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