ams是什么意思 ams的中文翻译、读音、例句

ams是什么意思 ams的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the term 'ams' or acronym from at least 4 aspects and provide 5 examples in both English and Chinese.

1. Definition

'ams' is an acronym for "Automated Management System" or "Asset Management System." It generally refers to computer software or technology that facilitates the management and tracking of various assets or internal processes in a company or organization.


a) Our company uses an AMS to keep track of all our equipment.

b) The AMS helped us streamline our workflow and increase efficiency.


a) 我们公司使用AMS来跟踪所有的设备。

b) AMS帮助我们简化了工作流程并提高了效率。

2. Applications

An AMS can be used in various fields such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and education. It provides a centralized platform for managing resources, tracking inventory, and monitoring performance.


a) The healthcare industry relies heavily on AMS to manage patient data and medical records.

b) The manufacturing sector uses AMS to track inventory and optimize production processes.


a) 医疗行业 heavily 依赖AMS来管理患者数据和病历。

b) 制造业使用AMS跟踪库存并优化生产工艺。

3. Benefits

AMS offers several benefits such as improved productivity, cost reduction, and data accuracy. It streamlines operations, eliminates redundancies, and enhances collaboration.


a) The use of AMS has reduced our operational costs by 20%.

b) Our AMS has increased our staff's efficiency by 30%.


a) 使用AMS已将我们的运营成本降低了20%。

b) 我们的AMS已将我们的职员效率提高了30%。

4. Examples

There are several instances where AMS is used in various industries. Some of these include SAP ERP, IBM Maximo, and Microsoft Dynamics 365.


a) The SAP ERP system is an example of an AMS used in business operations.

b) The IBM Maximo system is used in the manufacturing industry.


a) SAP ERP系统是在业务运营中使用AMS的一个例子。

b) IBM Maximo系统在制造业中使用。

In conclusion, AMS is a technology that automates internal processes in various organizations. It offers several benefits such as increased efficiency, cost reduction, and data accuracy. Its applications are varied and can be used in different sectors.

AMS是英语中的缩写,全称为Automated Manifest System,意为自动清单系统。它是美国海关和边境保护局(CBP)开发的系统,用于管理进出口货物的信息,包括提供货物的数量、价值和重量等信息。


1. Please submit the AMS filings for all inbound vessels.(请提交所有入境船舶的AMS申报。)

2. The Customs Broker is responsible for filing the AMS on behalf of the importer.(报关行负责代表进口商提交AMS。)

3. AMS filing is mandatory for all ocean shipments arriving at US ports.(所有到达美国港口的海运货物必须进行AMS申报。)

4. The AMS system has improved the efficiency of cargo clearance.(AMS系统提高了货物通关的效率。)

5. The AMS data is used by CBP to assess risks associated with incoming cargo.(CBP使用AMS数据评估与入境货物相关的风险。)

6. The AMS provides real-time information on cargo movements.(AMS提供关于货物运动的实时信息。)

7. Failure to submit the AMS filings can result in penalties and delays.(未能提交AMS申报会导致罚款和延误。)

8. The AMS allows for the electronic submission of cargo information.(AMS允许电子提交货物信息。)

9. The AMS filing must be completed 24 hours prior to vessel departure.(AMS申报必须在船舶出发前24小时完成。)


1. AMS全称为Automated Manifest System,是美国海关部门的一个自动化物流管理系统。它可以对船舶、卡车等运输工具上的货物信息进行审批、分类和跟踪管理。

2. AMS也可以缩写为Airborne Molecular Spectrometer,即空气分子光谱仪。它可以用来分析空气中的化学成分,包括污染物和温室气体等。


1. The AMS system is designed to streamline the customs clearance process for imported goods.


2. The AMS instrument is widely used in atmospheric research to measure trace gases.





例句:PM-AMS is part of the Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support. (VSE公司的联邦集团通信和工程分部、战地支持服务分部将执行这项任务。)


例句:With a view to improving the quality of emergency care at disaster scenes, the AMS introduced a three-year Disaster Medical Assistants Training (DMAT) Programme for its volunteer members in 1998. (为了改善队员在灾难现场紧急救护伤者的服务质素, 医疗辅助队由xx年开始为志愿队员推行为期xx年的灾难医疗助理训练计划。)


例句:Catalytic synthesis of AMS cyclic dimer 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-1-phenyl indane. (甲基苯乙烯环状二聚体1,3,3 -三甲基- 1 -苯基茚满的催化合成方法。)


ams一般作为名词使用,如在ma'ams((ma'am 的复数) n. 夫人, 女王, 公主)等常见短语中出现较多。

ma'ams(ma'am 的复数) n. 夫人, 女王, 公主


1. Catalytic synthesis of AMS cyclic dimer 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-1-phenyl indane. (翻译:甲基苯乙烯环状二聚体1,3,3 -三甲基- 1 -苯基茚满的催化合成方法。)

2. Manostat module uses AMS-1117 as manostat chip. (翻译:稳压电源模块采用AMS-1117作为稳压电源芯片。)

3. Finally, we present some typical practical applications of these AMS learning algorithms. (翻译:最后,我们给出了自动模型选择学习算法的一些典型的应用。)

4. Domestic support meeting the criteria of this paragraph shall not be required to be included in a Member's calculation of its Current Toal AMS. (翻译:符合本款标准的国内支持不需包括在一成员关于其现行综合支持总量的计算之中。)

5. Producing a migration strategy for moving to AMS. (翻译:为迁移到AMS制定迁移战略。)

6. SEHK are executed by the Automatic Order Matching and Execution System (AMS). (翻译:联交所的证券交易经自动对盘及成交系统进行。)

7. First, we summarize some amS learning algorithms on Gaussian or finite mixture based on the Bayesian Ying-Yang (BYY) harmony learning principle. (翻译:首先,我们综述了基于贝叶斯阴阳机和谐学习原则的自动模型选择学习算法。)

8. Thus, drugs that can decrease levels of AMs are potential new prevention and therapy of diabetic angiopathy. (翻译:一些可以降低黏附分子水平的药物,有望为预防和治疗糖尿病血管病变提供新的方向。)

9. OW: G obviously goes on to enjoy a fruitful career with AMS, so he's the main link with the rest of the series. (翻译:OmarWoodley:G显然继续了他在AMS生涯富有成效的享受工作,所以他是一个连接系列其它作品的的主要角色。)

10. AMS and smart grid risk factors include. (翻译:AMS和智能电网危险因素包括。)

11. I'll also touch on performance considerations with AMS. (翻译:我还要涉及AMS的性能考虑因素。)

12. Had to start -- this is the third point -- with these pro-ams. (翻译:必须来自于 ――这是第三点―― 有专业精神的业余人士。)

13. Had to start -- this is the third point -- with these pro-ams. (翻译:必须来自于 ――这是第三点―― 有专业精神的业余人士。)

14. Other complaints related to the certifier have to be addressed by writing to the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the USDA. (翻译:其他有关认证机构的投诉应通过书面向美国农产品运销局提交。)

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