deciduous是什么意思 deciduous的中文翻译、读音、例句

deciduous是什么意思 deciduous的中文翻译、读音、例句




- deciduous forest:落叶林

- deciduous tooth:乳牙

- deciduous tree:落叶树

- deciduous shrub:落叶灌木

- deciduous fruit:落叶果实




1. Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the autumn.(落叶树在秋季会脱落叶子。)

2. In the deciduous forest, the leaves turn brilliant colors before falling to the ground.(在落叶林中,叶子在落地前变得灿烂多彩。)

3. The deciduous tooth will eventually be replaced by a permanent one.(乳牙最终会被换成恒牙。)

4. The park is filled with deciduous trees that provide shade in the summer.(公园里有很多落叶树,在夏季提供阴影。)

5. The deciduous shrubs in the garden need to be pruned in the winter.(花园里的落叶灌木需要在冬季修剪。)

6. Some animals in the deciduous forest hibernate during the cold winter months.(落叶林里的一些动物在寒冷的冬季进入冬眠状态。)

7. The deciduous fruit trees in the orchard produce a bountiful harvest in the fall.(果园里的落叶果树在秋季丰收。)

deciduous 的中文翻译是落叶的,读音是[dɪ'sɪdʒuəs]。


1. The deciduous trees in the park turn golden yellow in autumn.(公园里的落叶树在秋天会变成金黄色)

2. Deciduous teeth are also known as baby teeth.(乳牙也叫做恒牙)

3. In the winter, the deciduous trees are bare and look lifeless.(冬天落叶树光秃秃的,看起来毫无生气)




例句:Seedling establishment of Fagus engleriana, a dominant in mountain deciduous forests (山地落叶阔叶林优势树种米心水青冈幼苗的定居)


例句:Objective: to study clinical effect of chitosan as pulp capping agent on vital pulpotomy to deciduous teeth. (目的:研究壳聚糖作为乳牙活髓切断盖髓剂的临床疗效。)


例句:Vegetation transites from deciduous broadleaf trees to forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. (植被为落叶阔叶林向森林草原、草原、荒漠草原植被型的过渡区。)


例句:Trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous, monoecious or dioecious, aromatic, often with resinous, peltate glands. (翻译:乔木或者灌木,常绿或者落叶,雌雄同株或者雌雄异株,芳香,通常有盾形树脂腺体。)


deciduous一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在mixed deciduous forest(落叶混交林)、nonerupted deciduous teeth([医] 未长出乳牙)、persistent deciduous teeth([医] 永存乳牙)等常见短语中出现较多。

mixed deciduous forest落叶混交林
nonerupted deciduous teeth[医] 未长出乳牙
persistent deciduous teeth[医] 永存乳牙
retained deciduous teeth滞留乳牙
retained deciduous tooth乳牙滞留
retarded deciduous teeth[医] 迟出乳牙
temperate deciduous forest温带落叶林
tropical deciduous forest热带落叶林, 热带落叶树林


1. Vegetation transites from deciduous broadleaf trees to forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. (翻译:植被为落叶阔叶林向森林草原、草原、荒漠草原植被型的过渡区。)

2. Trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous, monoecious or dioecious, aromatic, often with resinous, peltate glands. (翻译:乔木或者灌木,常绿或者落叶,雌雄同株或者雌雄异株,芳香,通常有盾形树脂腺体。)

3. Effect Evaluation of Tinidazol Composite Used in Perforation Repair Of Pulpal Bottom in Deciduous Molar (翻译:替硝唑复合剂修补乳磨牙髓底穿孔的疗效评价)

4. The deciduous and coniferous woodlands that grow in the seasonal parts of our planet are the most extensive forests on Earth. (翻译:落叶林和针叶林都生长在地球上有明显季节变化的地区 在地球上分布最为广泛)

5. Bud scales usually deciduous. Corolla white, or yellow blushed to pink, to pink; ovary eglandular. (翻译:芽鳞通常落叶。花冠白色,或黄色到粉红色,到粉红色;子房无腺体。)

6. Any of about 20 species of deciduous trees in the genus Juglans, family Juglandaceae. (翻译:亦称核桃。胡桃科胡桃属植物,约二十种落叶乔木。)

7. The spring blooms of the deciduous woodlands have no equivalent in either the great conifer forests, or the tropical jungles. (翻译:- -使落叶林与针叶林和雨林没有任何相似性)

8. The Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa. (翻译:马鲁拉树是原产于南非和东非的落叶树种。)

9. Pine village, the village is a small hill and lush deciduous shrub cover, is thick with occlusion of Liquidambar, well. (翻译:松庄村,被村口的一小丘山和茂盛的落叶灌木掩护着,被粗壮的枫香遮挡碰上,收藏得很好。)

10. It is nectarivorous, which means it feeds mostly on nectar and is an important pollinator in its tropical deciduous forest habitat. (翻译:它是食蜜动物,就是说,它主要的食物是花蜜,在其热带落叶林栖息地里,是重要的花粉传播者。)

11. Why is it that so many deciduous trees are able to sprout from whatever point the trunk is broken? (翻译:为什么有那么多的落叶树木 能够从树干断裂的任何地方发出嫩芽? )

12. blade deciduous, initially green, slightly purple, strap-shaped, small, scabrous. (翻译:落叶,最初绿色的叶片,紫色,舌状,小,粗糙的稍。)

13. Rose of the Rosaceae plant deciduous shrubs, flowers purple, aromatic odor. (翻译:留学解答资讯网:玫瑰花系蔷薇科落叶灌木植物,花紫红色,气味芳香。)

14. deciduous monoecious trees of Europe and Asia and America; sometimes placed in subfamily or family Carpinaceae. (翻译:产于亚洲欧洲和美洲的一个落叶性雌雄同体乔木属。)

15. Shading needs to be divisional and is best accommodated by deciduous plants. (翻译:遮阳需要考虑到季节性,最坏运用每年落叶的植物。)

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