daday是什么意思 daday的中文翻译、读音、例句

daday是什么意思 daday的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 缩写词含义:DA-Day可以是"Distribution Agreement Day"的缩写,表示签署分销协议的日期。

2. 日期:DA-Day可以指xx月xx日,即xx年诺曼底登陆开始的那一天。

3. 行动:DA-Day可以表示"Drunken Antics Day",意为以酒精为主题的疯狂行动。

4. 品牌:DA-Day可以是"Designated Activity Day"的缩写,表示一种美容品牌。

5. 音乐会:DA-Day可以是"Digital Audio Day"的缩写,表示庆祝音频技术的音乐会。


1. Today is DA-Day, we will finalize the distribution agreement with our partners.


2. The world celebrates DA-Day every year on June 6th to remember the sacrifices made during the Normandy landings.


3. My friends and I plan to have a fun DA-Day this weekend by drinking and dancing all night long.


4. Have you tried the new skincare products from DA-Day? They work wonders on my skin!


5. The Digital Audio Day will feature live performances from some of the world's top musicians.



读音:dà dā yī


1. 我们这次旅行的目的地是daday,听说那里的自然风景非常迷人。

2. 我的一个朋友叫做daday,他非常喜欢户外运动。




例句:We have to do this every day? (Every day? We have to do this every day?)


例句:gab said you all went and had a meal at da giovanni on sunday. (Gab说你们周日去da giovanni共膳)


例句:it's not going to be at da giovanni's. it's gonna be at vesuvio. (不杂Da Giovanni办了 改在Vesuvio)


例句:I suppose it's old, partner, but the beat goes on, da da dum da dum da. . . (翻译:我想这是老掉牙的故事,伙计,但节奏仍继续,嗒、嗒、嗒、嗒…)


daday一般作为名词使用,如在Daday(人名 土 达达伊 匈 道道伊 法 达代)等常见短语中出现较多。

Daday人名 土 达达伊 匈 道道伊 法 达代


1. it's not going to be at da giovanni's. it's gonna be at vesuvio. (翻译:不杂Da Giovanni办了 改在Vesuvio)

2. I suppose it's old, partner, but the beat goes on, da da dum da dum da. . . (翻译:我想这是老掉牙的故事,伙计,但节奏仍继续,嗒、嗒、嗒、嗒…)

3. Now I'm sitting over here. (翻译:我竟然坐在这里了 可怕吧! Ta -da!)

4. ♫ Dum ta da da dum dum ta da da dum ♫ Well, your musician friend will stop you and say, "You know, the theme music for your data revolution, that's an opera, that's Wagner. (翻译:♫ Dum ta da da dum dum ta da da dum ♫ 你的音乐家朋友会打断你说: “你知道,你技术革命的 主题音乐 是个戏剧,是瓦格纳的作品。)

5. A song is running through your head -- you sing it into the thing: do do do do do, da da da da da da, da dum ... (翻译:比如你脑袋里在想着一首歌 你就可以这么对它哼: 嘟嘟~嘟嘟嘟~,嗒嗒~嗒嗒嗒嗒~)

6. I wanted to meet the storied Da Vinci in the bright of day. (翻译:我要在光天化日之下 见到那个传说中的达芬奇)

7. Our movements must not be reported. (翻译:A great day. A day of historic importance.)

8. * Meegota beestas da reeb * (翻译:Meegota beestas da reeb {\fnTahoma\fs10\bord0\shad0\1cH00FFFF}Meegota beestas da reeb)

9. Chewing, chewing all day long (翻译:chewing all day long chewing all day long chewing all day long)

10. And the DA sold it to the jury. (翻译:检控方影响了陪审团 And the DA sold it to the jury.)

11. * Nuveta beestas da reeb o teelah * (翻译:Nuveta beestas da reeb o teelah {\fnTahoma\fs10\bord0\shad0\1cH00FFFF}Nuveta beestas da reeb o teelah)

12. Cal Da King crushes again! (翻译:Cal Da King威武! 哈哈! Boom!)

13. Night after night, day after day. (翻译:日以继夜 夜以继日 Night after night, day after day.)

14. There might be da noise and or da funk being brought in tonight. (翻译:晚上睡觉时可能会 被呻吟的声音吵到睡不着喔)

15. You know, every village in Bangladesh and every hamlet in China -- everybody knows: da, da, da, da -- da. (翻译:每一个中国的村庄,每个人,都知道: 嗒,嗒,嗒,嗒 - 嗒。每个人都知道下一个是E。)

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