fork是什么意思 fork的中文翻译、读音、例句

fork是什么意思 fork的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解析

Fork 可以作为动词或名词使用,主要含义如下:


1. 分支,叉开(如道路、河流等)。

2. 分叉出新的方向或行动,如“fork out”(支付、交出)。

3. 复制(代码等)到不同的版本中。

4. 叉起(食物等)以便食用。


1. 叉子。

2. 分歧,岔路口。

3. (计算机)分支。

4. (餐馆)菜单项。

2. 词语搭配

1. fork in the road:岔路口,决策时的分歧点。

2. fork out:支付,交出(如费用、罚款等)。

3. fork over:交出,支付(不情愿地)。

4. fork up:付出,支付不情愿的费用。

3. 网络术语

FORK 这个缩写通常被用来指“复刻”,即基于某个项目而创建一个独立的分支项目。这个术语在开源软件领域中十分常见。

4. 典型使用场景

1. Don't forget to bring a fork to dinner.(用叉子吃饭)

2. We need to fork the codebase into two separate versions.(将代码库分叉成两个版本)

3. The road forks up ahead, so we need to decide on a direction.(前面的路分叉了,我们需要决定一个方向)

4. He finally forked out the money for the repair bill.(最终他支付了修理费用)

5. The restaurant had several excellent fork dishes on the menu.(这家餐馆的菜单上有好多好吃的叉子菜)

'fork' 是英国的词语,意为“叉子、分叉、分岔”,它主要用于描绘物件的分叉状态,比如道路、河流、电线等。此外,在英国语境下,“fork”也可用作动词,意为“叉开、分开”。


1. Please use a fork to eat the salad. 请用叉子吃沙拉。

2. The road forks ahead, we need to decide which way to go. 道路前方分叉,我们需要决定怎样走。

3. The river forks above the waterfall. 瀑布上方的河流分岔。

4. I need to buy a new fork, my old one is broken. 我需要买一把新叉子,我的旧的坏了。

5. The tree's branches fork out in all directions. 树的枝条向四面八方分叉。

6. The power line forks and goes in two different directions. 电线分叉,向两个方向延伸。

7. The path forks, one way leads to the mountain and the other leads to the lake. 小路分叉,一条路通向山顶,另一条路通向湖边。

8. You need to fork the hay and spread it evenly on the ground. 你需要把干草叉开,均匀地撒在地上。

9. He forked over the money for the concert ticket. 他付了钱买了音乐会门票。


1. 叉子:a utensil with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth

例句:I need a fork to eat the spaghetti.(我需要一把叉子来吃意大利面。)

2. 分叉、分支:a division into two or more branches

例句:We reached a fork in the road and had to decide which way to go.(我们到了路口,必须决定该往哪边走。)



1. fork in the road:在路口分叉的地方(比喻在某个决定性的时刻)

2. fork out:花钱,支付

3. fork over:交出,交付

4. silver fork:银质餐叉(指高贵人士用的餐具)


1. John came to a fork in the road and didn't know which way to go.(约翰到了路口,不知道该往哪边走。)

2. I had to fork out a lot of money to fix my car.(我不得不花很多钱修车。)

3. The company demanded that he fork over all his financial records.(公司要求他交出所有的财务记录。)

4. The wealthy family used silver forks and knives at the dinner table.(富有的家庭在餐桌上使用银质餐叉和刀子。)




例句:What are you waiting for - a knife and fork? (你在等什么呢 - 刀叉吗? 赶快吃 What are you waiting for)


例句:She speared an olive with her fork. (她用叉子扎起一个橄榄。)


例句:It's a dirt track that leads to a fork. (土路通往叉路口 那儿有个磨坊 然后要当心)


例句:Read the man pages for pipe , dup , open , close , exec , and fork . (翻译:请参阅pipe 、dup 、open 、close 、exec和fork的手册页。)


fork一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在fork into(耙入)、digging fork(挖掘叉)、dinner fork(餐叉)等常见短语中出现较多。

fork into耙入
digging fork挖掘叉
dinner fork餐叉
dipping fork人工浸挂糖衣用叉
eccentric fork偏心轮叉
disengaging fork离合器叉
dumping fork[网络] 倾翻货叉
entree fork主菜用叉
expansion fork膨胀叉,张开叉


1. It's a dirt track that leads to a fork. (翻译:土路通往叉路口 那儿有个磨坊 然后要当心)

2. Read the man pages for pipe , dup , open , close , exec , and fork . (翻译:请参阅pipe 、dup 、open 、close 、exec和fork的手册页。)

3. He poked at the spaghetti with a fork. (翻译:他用叉子拨弄着面条。)

4. Fork in the road, you see a sign, (翻译:Fork in the road, you see a sign,)

5. - Fork Guy doesn't do heads? (翻译:- 带叉的家伙没有取他的头? - 没有记载)

6. - No. Oh, then all we need is a knife, fork and napkin. (翻译:哦,这样的话我们只需要一把刀,一把叉, 还有几张餐巾纸就好了)

7. He dug his fork into the steak. (翻译:他把餐叉叉进牛排。)

8. Do not gesticulate with a knife or fork when talking. (翻译:进餐时说话,不可手持餐刀或叉示意。)

9. One month later was the great lower fork mine explosion. (翻译:有个大型的煤层分叉矿发生爆炸 The great lower fork mine explosion. 十一个工人被埋地下 无人生还 11 men died that day under the ground.)

10. She impaled a lump of meat on her fork. (翻译:她用叉子戳起一块肉。)

11. Goods fork sharp fork and wheel toper installation bracket design year, can protect year ship and drive wheel, it is apter to load and unload the tray too; (翻译:货叉尖叉和载轮上锥形安装托架设计,可保护载轮和驱动轮,也更易装卸托盘; )

12. Then scaled the walls with a mop, a fork... and various pilfered undergarments. (翻译:然后利用一个拖把和一个叉子 还有各种各样偷盗用的紧身衣 爬过了围墙)

13. They'll pierce you with a fork flog to death, and cast into the Tiber. (翻译:他们会用叉子刺透你,把你鞭打至死, 然后把尸体扔到台伯河)

14. I have to strip out the resource fork. (翻译:这并不是我们所想象的 这只是一个在后台不断繁衍的病毒)

15. If you'd prefer to start MongoDB as a daemon process in the background, issue the following command instead: $ sudo mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log --logappend. (翻译:如果您想作为后台守护程序启动 MongoDB ,发出以下命令: $ sudo mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log --logappend. )



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