owing是什么意思 owing的中文翻译、读音、例句

owing是什么意思 owing的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:owing to(由于;因为)

短语:be owing to(由于;归功于)



1. Owing to his great efforts, the company's profits have increased significantly. (由于他的巨大努力,公司的利润显著增加。)

2. You are owing me $100 for the work I did last month. (你还欠我上个月工作做的100美元。)

3. She was forced to leave owing to a family emergency. (由于家庭紧急情况,她被迫离开了。)

4. The success of the project is owing to a great team effort. (项目的成功归功于一个伟大的团队努力。)

5. Owing to bad weather, the flight has been delayed. (由于天气不好,航班已经延误。)

6. The company has been shut down owing to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,公司已经被关闭。)

7. Owing to his illness, he could not attend the meeting. (由于他的病,他不能参加会议。)




1. He left the job owing to health problems. (由于健康问题,他辞职了。)

2. She has a book on loan from the library, with ten days owing. (她从图书馆借了一本书,还有十天到期。)

3. The success of the company is owing to the hard work of the employees. (公司的成功归功于员工的努力。)




例句:It was all owing to his too affectionate nature, which craved for admiration. (这全是由于他生性慈爱,渴望得到别人崇拜。)


例句:Parkinson's disease is a common and disabling disorder of movement owing to dopaminergic denervation of the striatum. (帕金森氏病是一种常见的由于纹状体除多巴胺能神经支配的运动异常疾病。)


例句:We regret to tell you that the said article is not avaiable owing to the rush of orders. (很遗憾地告知,由于定单接踵而至,所以商品无货供应。)


例句:But in real life, owing to the limitations of subjective and objective conditions, intention is often inconsistent with expression. (翻译:但在现实生活中,由于种种原因,意思与表示常常不一致,意思表示错误就是意思和表示不一致的一种重要形式。)


owing一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在owing to(由于..., 因为...)、owing taxes(欠税)、owing to bank([经] 欠银行的款项)等常见短语中出现较多。

owing to由于..., 因为...
owing taxes欠税
owing to bank[经] 欠银行的款项


1. We regret to tell you that the said article is not avaiable owing to the rush of orders. (翻译:很遗憾地告知,由于定单接踵而至,所以商品无货供应。)

2. But in real life, owing to the limitations of subjective and objective conditions, intention is often inconsistent with expression. (翻译:但在现实生活中,由于种种原因,意思与表示常常不一致,意思表示错误就是意思和表示不一致的一种重要形式。)

3. We regret to announce cancellation of Flight 105 to Jaipur, owing to bad weather at the destination. (翻译

4. The partnership will be discontinued owing to the retirement of Mr. Yokoi. (翻译:由于横井先生退休,该商号将不再继续营业。)

5. He is to be committed there, owing to his uncontrollable grief over having learned of my affair with you. (翻译:由于他听说我和你通奸之后 悲痛得无法自拔 他会被安置在那儿)

6. The doctors took my legs when I was two years old, owing to a spinal condition. (翻译:我两岁的时候医生切除了我的双腿 因为我罹患脊椎疾病)

7. Owing to the absence of any other challenger... Mr Abrahams will run alone. (翻译:既然没有别的挑战者 就由亚伯拉罕先生独自出赛)

8. Owing to its neoliberal monetary arrangements Euroland has run smack into these economic realities. (翻译:由于其新自由主义货币安排,给了欧洲的经济现实一记耳光。)

9. One man's safety is owing to the destruction of another. (翻译:一个人的安全应归功于 对另一个人的破坏。)

10. and yet the deepened attraction is not entirely owing to the situation of the looker-on. (翻译:这并不完全我是个旁观者,才得出这种日益深刻的印象。)

11. It was all owing to his too affectionate nature, which craved for admiration. (翻译:这都是因为他生性太重感情,渴望得到敬慕。)

12. Owing to bad weather, the plane had to change its course. (翻译:由于天气恶劣, 飞机不得不更改航线。)

13. Owing to this unfortunate incident, we shall have to tell our little secret to Mr Tony. (翻译:维拉, 由于不幸发生这样的意外 我们必须把我们的秘密告诉 托尼先生)

14. Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp. (翻译:由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。)

15. There's a little money owing... but you'll send it, no? (翻译:你还欠我一点儿钱 但是你会寄给我的 对吧?)



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