code jam是什么意思 code jam的中文翻译、读音、例句

code jam是什么意思 code jam的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Code Jam是一个由Google公司举办的年度编程竞赛活动,旨在帮助IT人才锻炼编程技能、挑战自我、发掘潜力。

2. 起源:Code Jam始于xx年,为了庆祝Google的成立,同时也想为全世界的程序员提供一个交流和竞技的平台,而开始举办Code Jam比赛。

3. 程序语言:Code Jam比赛中可以使用的编程语言包括Java、C++、Python、Ruby、Go等。

4. 竞赛规则:Code Jam分为多个阶段,参赛者需要完成不同难度的编程题目。在规定时间内,编写程序并将结果提交给评委进行评分。赛制为淘汰赛,只有拿到足够高分的选手才能晋级下一轮比赛。


1. The Code Jam competition provides a platform for programmers to challenge themselves and showcase their skills.(Code Jam比赛为程序员提供了挑战自我的平台)

2. Many programming languages are allowed in the Code Jam competition, including Java, C++, Python, Ruby, Go, and so on.(Code Jam比赛中允许使用多种编程语言,包括Java、C++、Python、Ruby、Go等)

3. Code Jam is a great opportunity to test and improve your programming skills, and to learn from other talented programmers from around the world.(Code Jam是一个测试和提升编程技能的绝佳机会,也能向来自世界各地的其他才华横溢的程序员学习)

4. Participants in the Code Jam competition must complete programming tasks of varying difficulty within a set time limit, and submit their results for evaluation by the judges.(参加Code Jam比赛的选手必须在规定时间内完成不同难度的编程任务,并将结果提交给评委进行评分)

5. Only those who score high enough in the Code Jam competition can advance to the next round, as it is a single-elimination tournament.(只有在Code Jam比赛中获得足够高分的选手才能晋级下一轮,因为它是一个淘汰赛制)


读音:[kəʊd dʒæm]

例句:我最近参加了一场Code Jam比赛,考题非常难,但是很有趣。 (I recently participated in a Code Jam competition, the questions were very difficult, but it was a lot of fun.)

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