sep是什么意思 sep的中文翻译、读音、例句

sep是什么意思 sep的中文翻译、读音、例句












1. SEP是Software Engineering Process的缩写,指的是软件工程中的过程管理。

SEP is the acronym of Software Engineering Process, which refers to process management in software engineering.

2. 在SEP中,第一步是需求分析。

The first step in SEP is requirement analysis.

3. 这个文件需要通过SEP审核才能发布。

This document needs to undergo SEP review before it can be released.

4. SEP的目标是提高软件开发的效率和质量。

The goal of SEP is to improve the efficiency and quality of software development.

5. SEP还包括项目管理和团队协作等方面。

SEP also includes project management and team collaboration.

6. 你需要了解SEP的基本原则才能进行软件开发工作。

You need to understand the basic principles of SEP to carry out software development work.

7. SEP是一个不断发展和完善的过程。

SEP is a process that is constantly evolving and improving.

'SEP'并不是代表某个国家的语言,而是代表一个英语词汇“Stock Exchange Program”的缩写,中文意思是“股票交易程序”。该词语主要用于金融领域,在股票交易过程中应用广泛。


1. I need to download the SEP software to start trading in the stock exchange.(我需要下载SEP软件才能开始在股票交易所交易。)

2. What is the SEP for this company's stocks today?(今天这家公司的股票SEP是多少?)

3. The bank has introduced a new SEP system for faster stock trading.(银行引入了新的SEP系统,以加快股票交易。)

4. The SEP is expected to improve the efficiency of the stock exchange.(预计SEP将提高股票交易所的效率。)

5. SEP algorithms are used to analyze stock market data.(SEP算法用于分析股市数据。)

6. The SEP for international stocks is different from domestic stocks.(国际股票的SEP与国内股票不同。)

7. He is an expert in developing SEP solutions for stock trading platforms.(他是股票交易平台SEP解决方案开发的专家。)

8. The SEP program has helped many investors to make profitable trades.(SEP程序已经帮助许多投资者进行了盈利交易。)

9. The company's new SEP technology has received high praise from the stock exchange community.(公司的新SEP技术受到了股票交易社区的高度赞扬。)



1. The two friends decided to sep arate after having a disagreement. (这两个朋友因为分歧而决定分道扬镳。)

2. The company is using a new software program to sep arate important emails from spam. (公司正在使用一种新软件程序将重要电子邮件与垃圾邮件分开。)




例句:Warburton finally said yes to Crawford's offer of a ride to her party on Sep. (渥伯顿终于接受克劳福的好意,让他在xx月xx日骑车载她到她的派对。)


例句:I am planning a trip to the United States and I'll call on you at your office to discuss the price of the plush toy at 10:00 am, TUE, SEP 18, 2005. (我计划到美国一趟,并将于xx年xx月xx日星期二上午10点到您的办公室楼拜访您,讨论毛绒玩具的价钱。)


例句:In Sep. 2004, we got the trade acting right of CEEP, which riches our products in connector field. (xx年xx月,我们取得了英国CEEP的贸易代理权,使公司在连接器领域的产品进一步得到完善。)


例句:sep, 2003--- june, 2007 cuit, bachelor degree , major in mathematics. (翻译:xx年至xx年成都信息工程学院,本科学历,数学专业。)


sep一般作为名词使用,如在Sep'o([地名] 洗浦 ( 朝 ))、sep.(abbr. sepal;separate;separated)、sep1(第一步;硒蛋白1;一级)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sep'o[地名] 洗浦 ( 朝 )
sep.abbr. sepal;separate;separated


1. In Sep. 2004, we got the trade acting right of CEEP, which riches our products in connector field. (翻译:xx年xx月,我们取得了英国CEEP的贸易代理权,使公司在连接器领域的产品进一步得到完善。)

2. sep, 2003--- june, 2007 cuit, bachelor degree , major in mathematics. (翻译:xx年至xx年成都信息工程学院,本科学历,数学专业。)

3. Objective: To evaluate whether the SEP monitoring is useful during the unilateral cervical carotid artery occlusion. (翻译:前言:目的:评价在单侧颈动脉阻断过程中SEP监测的作用。)

4. On sep. 17th the men's single final was held between Baghdatis and Ancic. After a excellent play, Baghdatis finally won the champion. (翻译:xx月xx日,男单决赛在巴格达蒂斯和安切齐之间展开,经过的激烈角逐,巴格达蒂斯最终获捧走了冠军。)

5. Conclusion: Combined detection of SEP, SCV and MCV were helpful for the judgement of the diabetic neuropathy. (翻译:结论:SEP与SCV、MCV合并检测对糖尿病患者神经系统损害程度的判断是有益的。)

6. simplify employee pension or SEP IRAS have elements of both traditional IRAS and pensions. (翻译:简易员工养老金有传统IRAS和养老金帐户的共同要素。)

7. Sep 23rd 2010 | Washington, dc (翻译:xx年xx月xx日/华盛顿 电 )

8. On Sep 4, a van ran into a tricycle, knocking an elderly woman to the ground in Xuanbao Town of Taixing County, Jiangsu Province. (翻译:xx月xx日,在江苏泰兴宣堡镇,一辆货车撞翻一辆三轮车,致一名老妇受伤倒地。)

9. On Sep 16, she was removed from her post, along with Shijiazhuang mayor Ji Chuntang and other city officials. (翻译:xx月xx日,她被免职。石家庄市长冀纯堂和市政府其他官员也被免职。)

10. It's Sunday and 13rd of Sep on the lunar calendar. The round moon over the site could be seen. (翻译:周一,此日乃农历xx月十三,看得出工地上空的圆月。)

11. Fifa president Sep Blatter has written to Egyptian FA president Samir Zaher. (翻译:国际足联主席约瑟夫-布拉特也已致信埃及足协主席萨马尔·扎希尔。)

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