polyster是什么意思 polyster的中文翻译、读音、例句

polyster是什么意思 polyster的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源和词性:'polyster'是由两个词组合而成:'polymer'和'ester'。'Polymer'指的是一种由多个单体分子组成的高分子化合物,而'ester'是指一类有机化合物。根据这个词源,可以推断出'polyster'是指一种由多种有机分子组成的合成纤维,因此它是一个名词。

例句:Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from a polymer called polyethylene terephthalate.

2. 特点和用途:'polyster'的主要特点是它具有较好的抗撕裂性、耐磨性和防皱性,同时它也是一种相对便宜的合成纤维。'polyster'的用途非常广泛,它可以用于制作衣物、床上用品、毛巾、箱包等各种家居和服装用品。

例句:The dress is made of polyester, which makes it comfortable and easy to care for.

3. 优缺点:'polyster'的优点是它价格低廉,易于维护,容易染色,而且它还具有较好的阻燃性和抗静电性。缺点是它不透气,容易产生静电,不够柔软,而且它容易与皮肤摩擦产生静电。

例句:Polyester fabric is affordable and easy to care for, but it can feel uncomfortable and staticky.

4. 常见用法:'polyster'可以用于制作各种不同类型的服装,包括裙子、衬衫、裤子、外套等等。它也可以用于制作床上用品,如床单、被套、枕套、毛毯等等。此外,'polyster'还可以用于制作箱包、帆布和运动衫等。

例句:I bought a polyester raincoat to keep me dry on rainy days.

5. 相关词汇和扩展:与'polyster'相关的词汇包括:合成纤维(synthetic fiber)、纺织品(textile)、纱线(yarn)、染料(dye)、防皱剂(wrinkle-resistant)、透气性(breathability)等等。扩展阅读可以深入了解有机化学和纺织工业的相关知识。

例句:The textile industry has been shifting towards using more sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester.



读音:/ˈpɑl.iˌɛstɚ/ (美式发音)


1. This dress is made of polyester, which is comfortable to wear.


2. The carpet in my living room is made of polyester fibers.


3. The jacket is made of a blend of cotton and polyester.





例句:Study on Biomimic mineralization of Poly Lactide-co-Glycolide (可降解生物材料聚乳酸-羟基乙酸仿生矿化的实验研究)


例句:When we first watched Poly's film, and I saw Buster Matthews... (我们第一次看保利队的录像 我看到混蛋Matthews的时候)


polyster一般作为名词使用,如在polyster synthetic lubricant(聚酯合成润滑剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

polyster synthetic lubricant聚酯合成润滑剂


1. Then you would pour the poly in stages until it completely incased the magnetic disc. (翻译:然后你就逐渐地向磁光盘倒入聚尿苷酸,直到它完全覆盖磁光盘。)

2. Graphite and even its linear counterpart , poly (p- phenylene) are too insoluble , infusible, and brittle . (翻译:石墨甚至其线性物聚苯,过于不溶,不溶和发脆。)

3. - Yeah. Yeah, we went to Cal Poly together way back when. (翻译:we went to Cal Poly together way back when.)

4. The mechanism of the formation of poly-amide-imide was discussed by using appropriated model compounds. (翻译:利用模型化合物对聚酰胺-酰亚胺形成的机理进行了研究。)

5. Synthesis and Biological Activity of a Series of Poly-substituted Purines (翻译:一类新型多取代嘌呤类化合物的合成及生物活性)

6. The poly (amic acid) exhibited good solubility in common organic solvents. (翻译:该聚酰胺酸在普通有机溶剂中具有良好的可溶性。)

7. The blend on your uniform... 45 wool, 55 poly? (翻译:你制服的成份 45%羊毛 55%聚酯纤维)

8. Raw material for engineering plastics poly sulfones, also used for medicine additives. (翻译:用于工程塑料聚砜的原料,也用于作医药、助剂的中间体。)

9. Three-dimension isothermal flows in the metering section of reciprocating screw injection machines are simulated using the finite element package POLYFLOW. (翻译:使用Poly flow软件对熔融物料在往复螺杆式注塑机螺杆头部计量段中的三维等温流场进行了数值模拟。)

10. The dewax rate is controlled by the diffusion of paraffin wax in poly propylene. (翻译:蜡的动力学控制步骤为石蜡在聚丙烯中的扩散过程。)

11. You were surprised when I brought up Cal Poly. (翻译:我提起加州理工你挺吃惊吧 {\fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1}You were surprised when I brought up Cal Poly.)

12. John can read twice ster than I. (翻译:约翰读书比我快两倍。)

13. Conclusion: Zi Shen Pill and the extracts have bacteriostasis effects and ster. . . (翻译:结论:滋肾丸及其提取物对试验菌有一定的抑菌和杀菌作用。)

14. Look for clothing made of licra, microfiber of poly or vicose. (翻译:找那些由licra,聚乙烯超细纤维或vicose纤维制成的衣服。)

15. By the way, the jam roly-poly was delicious. ..Kitty said. (翻译:想起来了 果酱布丁卷很好吃 Kitty 说的)

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