grange是什么意思 grange的中文翻译、读音、例句

grange是什么意思 grange的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性


2. 源头


3. 应用范围

“Grange”常被用来描述美国农村社区中的农民合作社,特别是19世纪后期兴起的“格兰杰党派”——美国农民联合会(National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry)。

4. 当代意义



1. The Grange movement was a major force in agriculture in the late 19th century.


2. The farmers established a grange to pool their resources to buy seeds and fertilizer.


3. The wheat is ready to be granged and stored for the winter.


4. The workers have formed a grange to share profits and run the business democratically.


5. The credit union operates like a grange, with members pooling their savings and providing loans to each other.


英文单词“grange”的中文翻译是“农场、农庄”。读音为/grændʒ/。例句:“My grandparents live on a grange in the countryside.”(我的祖父母住在农村的一个农庄里。)




例句:He was glad now that Mrs. Grange had not told him the story that was on the tip of her tongue to tell. (他现在很高兴格兰奇太太当时没有告诉他那件到了嘴边又缩了回去的事。)


例句:I live about six miles from Farnham, in Surrey, at Chiltern Grange. (我住在离法海姆六英里的瑟尔里 切尔顿农庄)


例句:It is the story of the Earn - shaws of Wuthering Heights and the Lintons of Thrush-cross Grange. (它是呼啸山庄的恩萧一家和画眉山庄的林惇一家的故事。)


例句:Well, I'm Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant at the Grange. (翻译:我是洛克伍德先生 在书眉农庄你的新租地人)


grange一般作为名词使用,如在the Grange([网络] 格兰其;田庄;农庄餐厅)、Grange Hill([地名] 格兰奇希尔 ( 牙 ))、La Grange([地名] 拉格兰奇 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

the Grange[网络] 格兰其;田庄;农庄餐厅
Grange Hill[地名] 格兰奇希尔 ( 牙 )
La Grange[地名] 拉格兰奇 ( 美 )
La Grange Park[地名] 拉格兰奇帕克 ( 美 )


1. It is the story of the Earn - shaws of Wuthering Heights and the Lintons of Thrush-cross Grange. (翻译:它是呼啸山庄的恩萧一家和画眉山庄的林惇一家的故事。)

2. Well, I'm Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant at the Grange. (翻译:我是洛克伍德先生 在书眉农庄你的新租地人)

3. LEO SCULLY: Years before, farmers had united in agricultural organizations they called granges. A national grange had been formed. (翻译:低轨斯库利:之前,农民不得不在他们所谓的格朗农业组织团结年。一个国家的农庄已经形成。)

4. 'At Thrushcross Grange, ' he answered; 'and I would have been there too, but they had not the manners to ask me to stay. ' (翻译:“在画眉山庄呢。”他回答道,“本来我也该在那儿的,但是他们没有好好的留我。”)

5. Does he niver say nowt of his fine living amang us, when he goas tuh t' Grange? (翻译:他去田庄时,就从来没说过他在我们这儿过的美妙的生活么?)

6. Of course, it doesn't exactly compare with Red Grange running 97 yards for a touchdown. (翻译:当然,这和格兰奇狂奔97码 触地得分无法相提并论)

7. A couple of months before the campaign started or any of this happened to me, I went to a TEDx event in Oxford, and I saw Zelda la Grange speak, the former private secretary to Nelson Mandela. (翻译:这次运动开始前几个月, 在我遭遇这些事情之前, 我参加了在牛津举办的TEDx活动, 观看了赛尔达·拉·格兰吉的演讲, 他是纳尔逊·曼德拉的前任私人秘书。)

8. 'Perhaps I can get a guide among your lads, and he might stay at the Grange till morning - could you spare me one? ' (翻译:也许你可以派个人给我领路,他可以在我那住到明天早上。你可以派个人给我吗?)

9. How are you at the Grange? (翻译:你们在田庄过得好吗? )

10. She spends a last few moments with her father before he dies and Heathcliff takes control of the Grange. (翻译:在她的父亲去世之前,她跟父亲度过了最后一段时光。西斯克里夫控制了画眉山庄。)

11. If not for her, I'd still be at Coswell Grange, so would Walker and Bates. (翻译:如果不是因为她 我仍在克斯维尔农庄 沃克和比茨也是)

12. Didier Grange encouraged members to keep Patrica Sleeman informed of changes within their organisations, so that the Directory can be kept as accurate as possible. (翻译:狄迪尔•格朗齐鼓励会员通知帕特里克•斯里曼有关其组织变更的消息。因此能尽量保证该名录的准确。)

13. If he had remained among the larches all night, he would have heard nothing of the stir at the Grange. (翻译:如果他整夜都待在落叶松的树林中,他就听不到田庄里的骚动。)

14. Greenberg and Roos, and Jimmy Foxx, Red Grange, Davis and Blanchard... (翻译:格林伯格和鲁斯,还有吉米福克斯,雷德葛朗奇,戴维斯和布兰查德)

15. Blockades and skirmishing continued meanwhile, and Grange continued to refortify the castle. (翻译:与此同时,封锁和小规模冲突继续进行,格兰奇继续加固城堡。)



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