nd是什么意思 nd的中文翻译、读音、例句

nd是什么意思 nd的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义解释:'nd'是一种缩写,代表“and”的意思,通常用于书写或简化口语中,可以用作连词、介词或副词。

2. 语法用法:'nd'通常用于口语或非正式写作中,用于简洁连词,不适用于正式书面文体。

3. 发音说明:'nd'通常会缩读,发音和“and”的后半部分发音相同,即“ənd”。

4. 用途广泛:'nd'可以广泛用于各种语境中,特别是在社交媒体、聊天应用中。

5. 语言习惯:使用'nd'需要适应语境和对方的语言习惯。在与外国人交流时需注意使用“and”更为礼貌。


1. I love hiking, fishing, and camping w/ my boys! :) #weekendfun #nd

我喜欢与我的孩子们一起徒步旅行、钓鱼和露营!:) #周末乐趣 #nd

2. I'm so proud of my sister, she got into her dream college! #nd she's really smart!

我为我的妹妹感到自豪,她进入了她梦寐以求的大学! #nd她真的很聪明!

3. We had a blast at the beach today! Swimming, sunbathing, and playing frisbee. #nd


4. Just finished an intense workout at the gym, feeling energized and happy! #nd


5. My boss is so annoying, he keeps nagging me about trivial things. #nd I need a new job!






1. Let's meet at 2 pm tomorrow 'nd' discuss the project.(我们明天下午两点见面,讨论这个项目。)

2. I need to buy bread 'nd' milk at the grocery store.(我需要在杂货店买面包和牛奶。)

3. She's a talented 'nd' hardworking student.(她是一个有才华且勤奋的学生。)




例句:Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st Samuel, 2nd Samuel, 1st Kings, 2nd Kings, (约书亚记 士师记 路德记 撒母耳记上 撒母耳记下 列王记下 列王记下)


例句:Judge, will you put this over to February 2nd for a hearing? (法官大人可以把这个案子推迟到xx月2号进行听证会吗)


例句:- 2nd Battalion will be placed here-- (挖掘工事顽强固守 2营部署在东边的树林里)


例句:They're headed east on 72nd towards the park. (翻译:ヌ蒟・桄フ褂・ヤム゙ヌ ネヌ瞒ヌムレ 72 ヌ碆 ヌ矼萍メå)


nd一般作为名词使用,如在ND(北达科地\n[医] 钕(60号元素))、Nd laser(钕激光器)、Nd.(abbr. (=neodymium)【化】钕\n[网络] 新城疫(Newcastle Disease);鸡新城疫;减光镜(Neutral Density))等常见短语中出现较多。

ND北达科地\n[医] 钕(60号元素)
Nd laser钕激光器
Nd.abbr. (=neodymium)【化】钕\n[网络] 新城疫(Newcastle Disease);鸡新城疫;减光镜(Neutral Density)
us ndcomb. 表示“水,波浪”
Fιndιk[地名] 芬德克 ( 土 )
nd glass laser钕玻璃激光器
Sιndιran[地名] 森德兰 ( 土 )
Sιndιrgι[地名] 森德格 ( 土 )
Fourier's 2nd law傅里叶第二定律


1. - 2nd Battalion will be placed here-- (翻译:挖掘工事顽强固守 2营部署在东边的树林里)

2. They're headed east on 72nd towards the park. (翻译:ヌ蒟・桄フ褂・ヤム゙ヌ ネヌ瞒ヌムレ 72 ヌ碆 ヌ矼萍メå)

3. Fusco, Carter. Just left the 82nd. (翻译:Fusco 是我Carter 刚去了82辖区)

4. The humoral immune response to the main NDV, the identification of B-cell epitopes revealed ND is the essence of humoral immunity. (翻译:对以体液免疫反应为主NDV来说,鉴定其B细胞抗原表位便是揭示ND体液免疫的本质。)

5. SIMON SREBNIK, the survivor of the 2nd period of extermination at Chelmno (翻译:西蒙. 斯莱伯尼克 第二灭绝时期的幸存者)

6. "On Monday, January the 22nd, 2007, (翻译:在xx年xx月xx日礼拜一 On Monday, January the 22nd, 2007,)

7. Cellos, softer on the 2nd part. (翻译:nbsp; 大提琴谱上数第二段 声音放小一点)

8. '[gm99nd] will do what is in its economic interest, "Rubenstein said." (翻译:鲁宾斯坦说,[gm 66nd]会根据自己的经济利益来行动的。)

9. It has to be about building the foundations for the 22nd century. (翻译:我们现在需要创造一个 供22世纪的世界有序运行的基础。)

10. Victor Brady, 42nd Street Productions. (翻译:维克多布雷迪, 42街制作。我是谁说话呢?)

11. Comrades, Delegates to the 2nd Congress of the Comintern. (翻译:同志们,共产国际第二次代表大会的代表们。)

12. Baker leading off of 2nd right now. (翻译:Baker leading off of 2nd right now.)

13. Note: * represents the total length of sequenced genome, ND: not determined, TE: transposable element. (翻译:注:*为已测序组装的序列长度,ND表示未知。)

14. September 2nd, 200 francs. (翻译:xx月xx日 200法郎 xx月xx日 375法郎 September 2nd, 200 francs.)

15. Report to 2nd. They'll find you a place. (翻译:不错 去二排报到 韦伯斯特 他们会安置你的)

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