ethically是什么意思 ethically的中文翻译、读音、例句

ethically是什么意思 ethically的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. act ethically:行为合乎道德

2. ethically responsible:道德责任

3. ethically sound:道德正确的

4. ethically questionable:道德可疑的


1. The company acted ethically by disclosing all of its financial information.


2. It is important for doctors to act ethically when providing medical care.


3. The company was praised for its ethically responsible business practices.


4. The ethics of animal testing is ethically questionable.


5. The lawyer argued that his client acted ethically given the circumstances.






1. We must act ethically and responsibly in all our business dealings.


2. The company has a strong commitment to acting ethically and responsibly.


3. Ethically, it is wrong to take advantage of someone else's misfortune.





例句:To release a non-free program is always ethically tainted, but legally there is no obstacle to your doing this. (发布一个非自由的程序通常都是伦理上的污点,但在法律上这么做没什么障碍。)


例句:Is there something ethically wrong with that? ({\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}从道德上讲有不对的地方吗 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}Is there something ethically wrong with that?)


例句:And so if you need to study this sleeping problem, it's easy to study on plants, for example, than in animals and it's much more easy even ethically. (如果你需要研究睡眠问题, 研究植物 比研究动物要更容易; 甚至从伦理角度来看,也更可行。)


例句:The connection with the machine is much more easy, much more even ethically possible. (翻译:因此,植物与机器的连结更加容易, 甚至在伦理上也更可行。)


ethically一般作为副词、动词使用,如在ethically challenged([网络] 伦理挑战)、ethically neutral proposition(un. 伦理学中立主张)等常见短语中出现较多。

ethically challenged[网络] 伦理挑战
ethically neutral propositionun. 伦理学中立主张


1. And so if you need to study this sleeping problem, it's easy to study on plants, for example, than in animals and it's much more easy even ethically. (翻译:如果你需要研究睡眠问题, 研究植物 比研究动物要更容易; 甚至从伦理角度来看,也更可行。)

2. The connection with the machine is much more easy, much more even ethically possible. (翻译:因此,植物与机器的连结更加容易, 甚至在伦理上也更可行。)

3. The price of the toys produced by Holz, Maya Organic and other ethically-minded companies better reflects the true environmental and social costs of production. (翻译:由霍尔兹、玛雅有机和其他重视良知的公司所生产的玩具,其价格能更好地反映其生产过程中真实的环境和社会成本。)

4. But Catherine was my client, so ethically... (翻译:但Catherine之前是我客户 所以从职业道德层面来说...)

5. Inquiries under way are bound to unearth more instances of ethically , and even legally, challenged bankers . (翻译:正在进行的调查,必将发掘出更多在道德甚至法律方面有欠缺的银行家。)

6. We're in a very gray area, ethically, legally, which I'm okay with... (翻译:现在我们是在法律上 道德上的 灰色区域 - 我是没有问题 可是...)

7. I had to come to the full conclusion the only way to sustainably and ethically live on this planet with 7 billion other people is to live an entirely plant-based vegan diet. (翻译:我不得不来 全面总结 只有这样,才能可持续 和伦理生活在这个星球 7十亿其他人是 生活完全以植物为基础的纯素饮食。)

8. Okay, I know we were on sketchy ground ethically and linguistically, but... (翻译:I know we were on sketchy ground but --)

9. Our people are using that data to be able to go in and try to steal properties, legally and ethically, but take them at the bare-bone bottom price. (翻译:我们就是靠这些数据 才能合理合法地获取土地 不过 我们只出最低价)

10. It's morally and ethically wrong... for me to even be here, isn't it? (翻译:十足的错误... 对我到这里来说,是吗?)

11. The problem is, we cannot test this in humans, because ethically, we cannot administer child adversity in a random way. (翻译:问题是,我们不能用人类做测试, 因为从道德上,我们不能 随机地为儿童设置逆境。)

12. And so if you need to study this sleeping problem, it's easy to study on plants, for example, than in animals and it's much more easy even ethically. (翻译:如果你需要研究睡眠问题, 研究植物 比研究动物要更容易; 甚至从伦理角度来看,也更可行。)

13. No no, it's about, investing in companies that are ethically and morally defensible. (翻译:不,不... 我们是... 有道德的进行投资)

14. Most feel obligated, either ethically or out of loyalty, to tell their employers about their second jobs. (翻译:多数人出于道德感和忠诚心感到有义务告诉雇主他们有第二份工作。)

15. The connection with the machine is much more easy, much more even ethically possible. (翻译:因此,植物与机器的连结更加容易, 甚至在伦理上也更可行。)

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