border是什么意思 border的中文翻译、读音、例句

border是什么意思 border的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 名词,表示两个区域或者系统之间的边界,也可以表示国家或地域之间的界限。

2. 动词,表示进行限制或划分,如边界地图。


1. border on – 接近于,接壤

例句:The park borders on the river, providing a beautiful view for visitors.(公园紧靠河岸,为游客提供了美丽的景观。)

2. border with – 与……接壤

例句:Canada borders with the United States to the north.(加拿大北部与美国接壤。)

3. border patrol – 边境巡逻

例句:The border patrol caught several illegal immigrants trying to cross the border.(边境巡逻队抓住了几个试图越境的非法移民。)

4. border town – 边境小城

例句:El Paso is a border town located in Texas.(埃尔帕索是位于德克萨斯州的边境小城。)

5. border control – 边境管制

例句:Border control has been tightened due to the recent terrorist threat.(最近的恐怖威胁导致边境管制加强。)


1. national border – 国界

例句:The national border between Mexico and the United States is heavily guarded.(墨西哥与美国之间的国界有重兵把守。)

2. border crossing – 边境口岸

例句:The border crossing at San Ysidro is the busiest in the world.(圣伊西德罗的边境口岸是世界上最繁忙的。)

3. border dispute – 边境争端

例句:The border dispute between India and China has been ongoing for decades.(印度和中国之间的边境争端已经持续了几xx年。)

4. border area – 边境地区

例句:The border area between Thailand and Myanmar is known for its beautiful scenery.(泰国和缅甸之间的边境地区以其美丽的景色而闻名。)

5. border wall – 边境墙

例句:The construction of the border wall has been a controversial issue in the United States.(修建边境墙一直是美国的争议话题。)




1. The border between the United States and Mexico is heavily guarded to prevent illegal immigration.(美国和墨西哥之间的边界被严密监控以防止非法移民。)

2. They painted a white border around the edges of the picture frame.(他们在画框的边缘涂了白色。)

3. The border of the quilt was decorated with intricate embroidery.(被褥的边缘装饰着精细的刺绣。)

4. The hotel is located just across the border in Canada.(这家酒店位于加拿大境内的边境处。)

5. The painting features a border of colorful flowers.(这幅画的周围有彩色的花边。)

6. The country has tightened its border controls since the terrorist attack.(自恐怖袭击事件以来,该国已加强边境控制。)

7. The family was forced to flee across the border to escape the war.(这个家庭被迫越过边界逃离战争。)

8. The border of the paper was frayed and torn.(纸张的边缘已经磨损并撕裂。)

9. The restaurant is located just inside the border of the national park.(这家餐厅就在国家公园的边界内。)





1. The town is situated on the border between France and Germany. (这个城镇位于法国和德国之间的边境。)

2. There is a large forest on the border of the town. (这个城镇的边缘有一个大森林。)

3. The two countries have been negotiating a new border treaty. (这两个国家一直在谈判一项新的边界条约。)




例句:- We also agreed to no more military border maneuvers. (我们也同意过不在边境进行军事演习 We also agreed to no more military border maneuvers.)


例句:This cartel I worked on the border, they had this routine. (我在边境的这个团伙卧底时 This cartel I worked on the border, 他们就是这样 they had this routine.)


例句:Sheriff Agati, contact Border Patrol. (阿加提警长,联系边境巡警 Sheriff Agati, contact Border Patrol.)


例句:Also, set border to off and bgcolor to transparent. (翻译:此外,将border设置为off,并且将bgcolor设置为transparent。)


border一般作为名词、动词使用,如在the border([电影]强渡魔鬼关)、dorsal border(背侧缘)、fibular border(腓侧缘)等常见短语中出现较多。

the border[电影]强渡魔鬼关
dorsal border背侧缘
fibular border腓侧缘
flower border花境
foliage border树叶沿幕
frame border帧边缘
franco border[经] 边境交货价
frontal border额缘
gingival border[医] 龈缘


1. Sheriff Agati, contact Border Patrol. (翻译:阿加提警长,联系边境巡警 Sheriff Agati, contact Border Patrol.)

2. Also, set border to off and bgcolor to transparent. (翻译:此外,将border设置为off,并且将bgcolor设置为transparent。)

3. We land on the polish side of the russian border, (翻译:降落在波兰一侧的俄罗斯边界 we land on the Polish side of the Russian border,)

4. They try anything, it will be at the border. (翻译:要动手也是在边境 They try anything, it will be at the border.)

5. Our agents at the border are waving traffic through to get us over as quickly as they can. (翻译:- our agents at the border are 让我们能赶紧过去 wa ving trafhc through to get us over as quickly as they can.)

6. We head due east till we hit the border. (翻译:S. R. 我们一直向西走到边境 We head due east till we hit the border.)

7. Tijuana is the busiest border crossing in the world. (翻译:提华纳的边境很繁华 Tijuana is the busiest border crossing in the world.)

8. Crossing the border with Mexico. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}越过边境 在墨西哥。)

9. I got a port runner! Tecate border! Officer Brigg, Tecate border! (翻译:有越境者 我是Brigg警官 塔咖提有越境者)

10. - They don't have blow-dryers in the gym. (翻译:地点在巴基斯坦边境线附近 just across the border in Pakistan.)

11. Lithuania and Latvia has reignited. (翻译:-long border conflict with neighbors 边境纠纷再次被挑起 Lithuania and Latvia has reignited.)

12. When he was running a task force on the border. (翻译:当时他负责边境上的一只特遣部队 when he was running a task force on the border.)

13. He runs for the border, yeah. (翻译:以防他逃出国 已经通知边境了 He runs for the border, yeah.)

14. She crossed the border a few days ago looking for work. (翻译:几天前才穿过边境到这儿来找工作 She crossed the border a few days ago looking for work.)

15. near the border of Afghanistan. (翻译:据说在阿富汗边陲的阿布达小镇外 一场宗教仪式被美军用炸弹夷平)

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