clime是什么意思 clime的中文翻译、读音、例句

clime是什么意思 clime的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:'clime'是一个名词,意思是“地区,区域”,尤其指气候的区域差异。


- The flowers in this clime are especially beautiful. (这个地区的花特别漂亮。)

- I prefer the clime of the tropics, where it's warm and humid. (我更喜欢热带的气候,在那里又热又湿。)

2. 用法:'clime'是一个有些正式或文学性质的用词,通常出现在较正式的场合,例如文学作品或者学术论文中。


- The poet often writes about the climes he has visited. (这位诗人经常写自己游历过的地方。)

- The study compared the biodiversity of different climes in the same latitude. (这项研究比较了同一纬度不同地区的生物多样性。)

3. 起源和变形:'clime'起源于古英语,原意是“气候、气氛”,后来演变成了今天的意思。'clime'的复数形式为'climes'。


- These climes are known for their harsh winters and cool summers. (这些地区以严寒的冬季和温和的夏季而著名。)

- The explorer traveled to many different climes in his quest for adventure. (这位探险家为了寻找冒险经历走遍了许多不同的地区。)

4. 相关词汇:'clime'与气候和地理有着密切的关系,与其相关的词汇还有climate (气候),geography (地理学),terrain (地形)等。


- The climate of this clime is changing rapidly due to global warming. (由于全球变暖,这个地区的气候正在迅速变化。)

- The geography of this clime is characterized by rugged mountains and deep valleys. (这个地区的地理特点是崎岖的山脉和深谷。)


1. The poet often writes about the climes he has visited. (《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)

2. These climes are known for their harsh winters and cool summers. (《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》)

3. The climate of this clime is changing rapidly due to global warming. (《朗文当代高级英语词典》)

4. The geography of this clime is characterized by rugged mountains and deep valleys. (《韦氏词典》)

5. The explorer traveled to many different climes in his quest for adventure. (《剑桥高级英英词典》)




1. People from different climes have different preferences in food and clothing.


2. The company had to adjust its marketing strategy to suit the clime of the new market.


clime的中文解释是"气候 、地方",还有〈诗〉地区的意思,发音音标为[klaim],clime是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到49个与clime相关的例句。



例句:It was af air question at the end of two weeks of clime ate discussions in Bonn. (波恩的气候商讨会议历时两周,在接近尾声之际提出了个好问题。)


例句:The little girl was afraid to clime the fence, because she was afraid of falling off it. (那个小女孩不敢爬围墙,因为她担心掉下来。)


例句:Maybe it was the sunny clime, but Chinese negotiators went to Mexico ready to compromise. (也许那天天气不错,阳光明媚,但是中国谈判代表到墨西哥做好了妥协的准备。)


例句:After that, we'll be moving on to Tanzania, where we're going to clime Mount Kilimanjaro. (翻译:此后我们将继续前往坦桑尼亚,在那里我们要攀登乞里马扎山。)


1. Maybe it was the sunny clime, but Chinese negotiators went to Mexico ready to compromise. (翻译:也许那天天气不错,阳光明媚,但是中国谈判代表到墨西哥做好了妥协的准备。)

2. After that, we'll be moving on to Tanzania, where we're going to clime Mount Kilimanjaro. (翻译:此后我们将继续前往坦桑尼亚,在那里我们要攀登乞里马扎山。)

3. Living things have all adapted, that means they've changed over time to fit the cold conditions of the polar regions clime. (翻译:生物都要懂得适应,这意味着他们要随时间而改变来适应极地寒冷的气候。)

4. Despite the harshness of our native clime and the granite of our soil... (翻译:尽管气候恶劣 土地贫瘩 我们仍然把这里变得)

5. When yours was threatened by Varinius, is it a wonder he sought to slither towards warmer clime? (翻译:当你们 Varinius威胁, 是一个奇迹 他试图爬 向温暖的地方吗?)

6. If you are comfort ably cool in a tropic al clime ate your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators. (翻译:假如你在炎热的气候里感到恬静凉快,那么你家的空调器可能也是靠燃油发电鸡工作的。)

7. Tan Qing Rui right away gets off and see 120 many year old, the tears cover the face feme clime to Xiang river male iron big bridge south side rail, precarious. (翻译:谭庆瑞当即下车,看到一名20多岁、泪流满面的女子攀上湘江公铁大桥南侧栏杆,岌岌可危。)

8. Y copy other's articles, and clime that it is yours. (翻译:你抄袭他人文章,并宣称是自己的作品。)

9. Yea, by my love I swear, the most regarded virgins of our clime have loved it too. (翻译:但是 以我的爱起誓 我也曾受 到我们王国最受尊敬的处女青睐)

10. "Clime" was the cant term for a sore, artificially created. (翻译:“招财”是一个黑话术语,是人造的疮口。)

11. Japan today doesn't enjoy such a benevolent economic clime. (翻译:现今日本并不享有如此善意的经济气候。)

12. As to be bold not to enter into a marriage of her own clime, complexion and degree whereto we see in all things nature tends... (翻译:多少位少爷,同城邦,同肤色,同门第... ...前来求婚竟一点也不为所动... ...全不合世界上万事万物的常情)

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