serpent是什么意思 serpent的中文翻译、读音、例句

serpent是什么意思 serpent的中文翻译、读音、例句




- serpent-like:像蛇一样的

- serpent handler:蛇行者

- serpent cult:蛇崇拜

- sea serpent:海蛇


- the serpent in the garden of Eden:伊甸园中的蛇(基督教中的象征,诱惑人类吃禁果)

- serpentine movement:蜿蜒的动作

- to hiss like a serpent:像蛇一样嘶嘶声



1. The serpent slithered through the grass.(那条蛇在草丛中蜿蜒爬行。)

2. The serpent handler bravely picked up the venomous snake.(那位蛇行者勇敢地捡起了有毒的蛇。)

3. The ancient Egyptians worshipped a serpent goddess.(古埃及人崇拜蛇女神。)

4. The sea serpent is a legendary creature said to inhabit the deep ocean.(海蛇是一种传说中生活在深海中的生物。)

5. She walked with a serpentine movement, twisting and turning as she danced.(她走路时一动一动地,犹如蛇般地扭动着身体,在舞蹈时更是如此。)

6. The serpent's hiss made me jump back in fright.(那蛇的嘶嘶声让我吓了一跳。)

7. According to the Bible, the serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.(根据圣经记载,蛇诱惑夏娃吃下了禁果。)

'serpent'是英语单词,翻译成中文是“蛇”。它是指爬行动物的一种,通常有长而柔韧的身体,无肢或有极短的腿。在许多文化中,蛇被视为神秘和危险的生物。在基督教和犹太教中,蛇被描述为诱惑者,引导人类违禁之果。 在医学领域,蛇也被用于生产一些药物和毒素的研究中。


1. The serpent slithered through the grass.(蛇在草丛中蜿蜒爬行。)

2. In some cultures, serpents are seen as sacred animals.(在一些文化中,蛇被视为神圣的动物。)

3. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the serpent goddess Wadjet.(古埃及人崇拜蛇女神瓦吉特。)

4. The serpent is a common symbol in many religions.(蛇是许多宗教中常见的象征。)

5. The serpent represents evil in the story of Adam and Eve.(在亚当和夏娃的故事中,蛇代表了邪恶。)

6. The cobra is a venomous serpent found in Asia and Africa.(眼镜蛇是一种产于亚洲和非洲的有毒蛇。)

7. The ancient Greeks believed that the god Apollo defeated a serpent named Python.(古希腊人相信,阿波罗神打败了一条名叫巴西洛的蛇。)

8. The Mayan civilization had a serpent deity known as Kukulkan.(玛雅文明有一个蛇神叫做库库尔坎。)

9. The Chinese zodiac includes a serpent as one of its twelve animals.(中国十二生肖中包括一种蛇作为其动物之一。)




1. The serpent slithered across the ground and disappeared into the bushes.


2. In some cultures, the serpent is seen as a symbol of wisdom and healing.





例句:Midgard Serpent is surrounding the root of the tree, and eating it day and night. (米德加德蛇是围绕着树的根,并吃了一天一夜。)


例句:The future conjured up by the... that vile serpent... will not happen now. (邪恶魔鬼的欲念 已经被打碎... 不会再发生了)


例句:And the entire crew is troubled by visions of a giant fanged serpent, which appears randomly around the ship. (全体船员则不停产生幻觉,似乎有一条巨大的“毒蛇”不断出现在船上各个角落。)


例句:Steelclad Serpent can't attack unless you control another artifact. (翻译:除非你操控其他神器,否则覆铁巨蛇不能进行攻击。)


serpent一般作为名词使用,如在the serpent([电影]蛇)、Feathered Serpent(羽蛇)、fiery serpent([网络] 火蛇)等常见短语中出现较多。

the serpent[电影]蛇
Feathered Serpent羽蛇
fiery serpent[网络] 火蛇
green serpent青蛇酒(俄语中伏特加酒的绰号)
Old Serpent[网络] 古蛇;老蛇
plumed serpent[网络] 守护神兽羽蛇;羽蛇神
sea serpent(传说中的)大海蛇; 皇带鱼
Serpent Bearer= Ophiuchus
serpent charmerna. (吹笛)耍蛇的人\n[网络] 大蛇女巫


1. And the entire crew is troubled by visions of a giant fanged serpent, which appears randomly around the ship. (翻译:全体船员则不停产生幻觉,似乎有一条巨大的“毒蛇”不断出现在船上各个角落。)

2. Steelclad Serpent can't attack unless you control another artifact. (翻译:除非你操控其他神器,否则覆铁巨蛇不能进行攻击。)

3. But the most remarkable experience during this period was the awakening of the Kundalini Sakti , the "Serpent Power" . (翻译:这个时期的最不寻常体验就是唤醒了昆达里尼能量,“拙火能量”。)

4. The Sea Serpent is fully recovered from her mishap and ready to once again brave the open ocean. (翻译:海蛇号已经从上次事故中完全复原了... 面对广袤的海洋 准备再次英勇出航)

5. And one day Cadmus exclaimed, "if a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I were myself a serpent." (翻译:有一天卡德·摩斯哀呼道:“既然众神对一条蛇的生命如此看重,我倒不如就是一条蛇吧。”话刚出口他就开始变形了。)

6. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't. (翻译:这个可靠的仆人可以替我们传达消息; 要是你有胆量为了你自己的好处而行事, 那么不久大概就会听到你的女主人的命令。)

7. I will teach you everything that the serpent is here, then they tell me that you like. (翻译:我教你的一切,蛇就在这里,然后告诉我你喜欢。)

8. Don't forget a serpent's venom poisons slowly after the bite. (翻译:请不要忘记 蛇的毒 咬了之后才会慢慢发作)

9. We'll have to do something so that, this serpent's desires are never fulfilled. (翻译:我们必须行动起来... ...而且毒蛇的欲望永远不会得到满足)

10. Augustine, residential serpent, comes flirting and spouting the latest gossip. (翻译:奥古斯汀,狡猾的魔鬼 来勾引爸爸,诉说最近的闲言碎语)

11. It tells of the path of the serpent, the ancient Pictish route to the south. (翻译:它描绘了大蛇的路径,通往南方的古老通道。)

12. That serpent on the rider's surcoat is the Biscione, the Sforza family emblem. (翻译:骑士外套上的图案是无毒环纹蛇 斯福尔扎家族的族徽)

13. They actually see landscapes and human beings and gods and dragons and serpent beings and goddesses and things like that. (翻译:他们其实看到的是风景和人类, 神、龙、蛇、女神,诸如此类。)

14. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. (翻译:让人家瞧您像一朵纯洁的花朵 可是在花瓣底下却有一条毒蛇潜伏)

15. He is a serpent, forever seeking the heat of power and position. (翻译:他是一个蛇, 永远在寻找热 的权势和地位。)



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