sonica是什么意思 sonica的中文翻译、读音、例句

sonica是什么意思 sonica的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:常见的sonica搭配有:sonica system(音响系统)、sonica performance(音响表演)、sonica quality(音响质量)等。

相关短语:与sonica相关的短语包括:sonic boom(音爆)、sonic speed(音速)、sonic wave(声波)等。




1. Sonica是一款流行的音乐节。

Translation: Sonica is a popular music festival.

2. 这个装置可以探测声波的频率。

Translation: This device can detect the frequency of sound waves.




例句:When we cease the sonic bombardment, the steel will harden. (当我们开始声波震颤的时候 液体钢筋开始凝固)

例句:My cello and my voice are layered to create this large sonic canvas. (我的大提琴和我的声音都分层了 挥洒出这幅音乐的画布)


例句:Under experimental conditions, the waterflood oil recovery increases by 6% ~ 17% in an oil bearing core after treated by sonic wave. (在所给实验条件下,经声场处理的含油岩心,水驱油采收率可提高6%~17%。)


例句:If the river continues through the nozzle, but through the throat at less than sonic speed... that is to say, less than the speed of sound... it becomes compact in the... (翻译:当气流持续通过喷管时 但以小于音速的速度通过喷管窄喉处 即比音速慢的速度)


1. Under experimental conditions, the waterflood oil recovery increases by 6% ~ 17% in an oil bearing core after treated by sonic wave. (翻译:在所给实验条件下,经声场处理的含油岩心,水驱油采收率可提高6%~17%。)

2. If the river continues through the nozzle, but through the throat at less than sonic speed... that is to say, less than the speed of sound... it becomes compact in the... (翻译:当气流持续通过喷管时 但以小于音速的速度通过喷管窄喉处 即比音速慢的速度)

3. Also, if your opponent is outplaying you while you are on the offensive, keep on the lookout for Sonic Emitters that may pop up. (翻译:同样,如果你对手的技术比你强,在你进攻的时候,要密切注意可能突然出现的音波塔。)

4. It was called the bullet train because it was rounded in front, but every time it went into a tunnel it would build up a pressure wave, and then it would create like a sonic boom when it exited. (翻译:之所以叫子弹列车 是因为车头是圆的 但每次驶进山洞时 就会产生一股压力波 驶出山洞时就会发出音爆巨响 )

5. And he can only evolve into a Scramisaur if he gets the sonic crystal. (翻译:只有得到音速水晶 他才能变身成Scramisaur)

6. Now we'd like to be able to add to a kind of glorious visual composition that we have of the universe -- a sonic composition. (翻译:如今,我们希望能够 给这部关于宇宙的 宏伟的视觉作品 配上声音。)

7. Together with a small team, we create lots of sonic textures that are able to transmit emotion. (翻译:通过与一个小团队的合作, 我们创造了许多 能够传递情感的声音纹理。)

8. The rubberised bitumen itself is flexible and slightly springy, which enables it to absorb more unwanted sonic energy. (翻译:而参入了橡胶的沥青本身也具有柔韧性和轻微的弹性,这可以使它吸收更多讨厌的音波能量。)

9. While we try to find ways to silence them, a few other animals have been using sonic booms to their advantage. (翻译:当我们还在找寻降噪的途径时 很多动物们已经在利用音爆了 )

10. Now we'd like to be able to add to a kind of glorious visual composition that we have of the universe -- a sonic composition. (翻译:如今,我们希望能够 给这部关于宇宙的 宏伟的视觉作品 配上声音。)

11. In practice, computer models using these principles can often predict the location and intensity of sonic booms for given atmospheric conditions and flight trajectories, and there is ongoing research to mitigate their effects. (翻译:飞行中,电脑模型利用这个原理 以及提供的航行轨道和空气数据 常能预测音爆的位置和强度 关于减弱音爆的研究也正在进行 )

12. We present to you today a little sonic adventure, a little piece of improvisational whimsy, if you like, a piece on which, of course, the ink is still wet, the clay is still wet. (翻译:今天我们为你们带来 一次声音的小冒险, 换句话说,一曲奇思妙想的即兴演奏, 当然,这段旋律尚未成熟, 仍需润色。)

13. Rico, sonic incursion device. (翻译:瑞哥 给我音频入侵器 Rico, sonic incursion device.)

14. My cello and my voice are layered to create this large sonic canvas. (翻译:我的大提琴和我的声音都分层了 挥洒出这幅音乐的画布 )

15. We got sonic electronic ballbreakers! (翻译:临Τ程籼び?竟 临Τ禬猧筿箦)

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