vicar是什么意思 vicar的中文翻译、读音、例句

vicar是什么意思 vicar的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: Vicar是指基督教教堂的一种职位,通常是一名牧师或神职人员。

2. 起源:该词来自拉丁语“vicarius”,意思是“代表”,在早期基督教中被用来指代代表主教管理本地堂区的牧师。

3. 用途:作为教堂职位的称号,Vicar通常负责教堂的日常管理和领导礼拜。此外,该词也可以用来表示某些政府官员的职位,例如Vicar of the Crown(皇权代表)。

4. 文化影响:该单词在英国文化中具有重要意义,因为在英国国教中,Vicar是普通教区牧师的职位称号。因此,很多英国小镇的教堂都有Vicar担任牧师。


1. The vicar was so moved by the couple's love that he offered to perform their wedding ceremony for free.(牧师被这对夫妇的爱情深深感动,因此主动免费为他们主持婚礼。)

2. The vicar gave an inspiring sermon on forgiveness that touched the hearts of everyone in the congregation.(牧师发表了一场激励人心的关于宽恕的讲道,触动了教堂中所有人的心灵。)

3. The vicar of the village church is retiring after 25 years of service.(这个村庄教堂的牧师退休了,他在这里服务了xx年。)

4. The vicarage is a beautiful old building that has been the home of many vicars over the years.(牧师公寓是一座美丽的老建筑,多年来一直是许多牧师的家。)

5. The local vicar is organizing a charity event to raise money for the homeless shelter.(当地的牧师正在组织一场慈善活动,为无家可归者收集资金。)




1. The vicar led a prayer for the congregation. (牧师领着会众祷告。)

2. The vicarage is situated next to the church. (牧师官邸坐落在教堂旁边。)

3. The new vicar is very popular with the parishioners. (新任的牧师很受教区居民欢迎。)




例句:He is vicar of a large rural parish. (他是乡下一个大教区的代牧。)


例句:The eldest of four, Cavell was born in 1865 and grew up in a small Norfolk village where her father was vicar. (卡维尔是四子女中的老大,出生于xx年并在诺福克村中长大,该村是卡维尔父亲作牧师的地方。)


例句:She's from a good family, has the backing of my father in a few years she'll make a good wife, a wonderful bride, all in white in the beautiful white cathedral, with the blessing of the vicar, amen. (她来自好家庭 有我爸爸的支持... ...几年内她就会当个好太太 一身白的极品新娘... ...在美丽的白色大教堂里 被代理牧师祝福 阿门)


例句:St. Xavier's. Vicar confirmed. (翻译:Saint Saviour教堂 牧师已确认)


vicar一般作为名词使用,如在lay vicar((英国国教唱诗班的)俗人领唱员[亦作 clerk vicar,lay clerk,secular vicar])、parochial vicar([网络] 狭隘的牧师)、secular vicar(= lay vicar)等常见短语中出现较多。

lay vicar(英国国教唱诗班的)俗人领唱员[亦作 clerk vicar,lay clerk,secular vicar]
parochial vicar[网络] 狭隘的牧师
secular vicar= lay vicar
vicar apostolicn. (在教区代表教皇的)名誉主教
vicar choral[复数]vicars choral 【英国国教】(大教堂做礼拜时的)唱诗人,唱诗牧师
vicar general代理监督
Vicar of Brayn. 看风使舵的人(两面派;无原则的人)


1. She's from a good family, has the backing of my father in a few years she'll make a good wife, a wonderful bride, all in white in the beautiful white cathedral, with the blessing of the vicar, amen. (翻译:她来自好家庭 有我爸爸的支持... ...几年内她就会当个好太太 一身白的极品新娘... ...在美丽的白色大教堂里 被代理牧师祝福 阿门)

2. St. Xavier's. Vicar confirmed. (翻译:Saint Saviour教堂 牧师已确认)

3. Hollywood vicar, a favorite of 9 out of 10 movie stars. (翻译:10个电影明星里9个最喜欢的好莱坞牧师。Hollywood vicar, a favorite of 9 out of 10 movie stars.)

4. "If the aunt of the vicar has never touched liquor just wait till she finds the champagne" (翻译

5. But you see, amongst the spoils recovered from your meter were several rare coins, formerly in possession of Ranulf Monkford, vicar of St. Elegius. (翻译:不过 你看 追回的贼赃中有几个罕见的硬币 之前为Ranulph Monkford所有 那个St Eligius教堂的牧师)

6. It's only a baby, Vicar, we found him in the reeds there. (翻译:只是个婴儿 牧师 我们在芦苇丛里找到他的)

7. My trousers have fallen down. Lucky the vicar didn"t see. (翻译:我裤子掉了,狗还在起居室 还好牧师没看见)

8. Chrisp, fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr. (翻译:克里斯普先生刚从牛津大学毕业,现任奇斯维克教区牧师福劳尔多先生的助理牧师。)

9. The two customary candles were burning under their green shades in the Vicar's study, but he had not been sitting there. (翻译:牧师的书房里照规矩点着两支蜡烛,罩着绿色的灯罩,但是牧师却不在书房里。)

10. M. the Prior and Vicar-General of Saint-Germain des Pres ordered a solemn procession of all his clergy, in which the Pope's Nuncio officiated. (翻译:圣日耳曼·德·勃雷的大助理主教兼院长先生传谕给他的全体圣职人员,举行了一次隆重的迎神游行仪式,那次仪式并由罗马教皇的使臣主持。)

11. The facts of the burglary at the vicarage came to us chiefly through the medium of the vicar and his wife. (翻译:牧师家里失窃的消息主要是通过牧师和他的夫人才传到我们这儿来的。)

12. The duties or office of a vicar; a vicariate. (翻译:牧师职位牧师的职责或者职位; )

13. Now Haylie has called her vicar to cancel the wedding. (翻译:现在海莉已经让她的牧师取消了婚礼。)

14. I will be the Vicar of Bray, Sir! (翻译:我都将是布雷的牧师,大人! )

15. Chrisp, fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr. (翻译:这位牧师刚从牛津毕业,担任奇西克教区弗劳尔迪牧师的助理。)



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