clamour是什么意思 clamour的中文翻译、读音、例句

clamour是什么意思 clamour的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. clamour for something:强烈要求或呼吁某事

2. clamour of voices:一片嘈杂的声音

3. clamour of the crowd:人群的喧闹声

4. deafening clamour:震耳欲聋的喧闹声

5. political clamour:政治上的喧闹

6. noisy clamour:吵闹的喧哗声

7. public clamour:公众的呼声


发音拼写:UK: /ˈklæmə(r)/; US: /ˈklæmər/


1. The clamour of the partygoers was so loud, I could hardly hear myself think.(宴会者的喧嚣声太大,我几乎听不到自己的思维声。)

2. The clamour for equal rights for women grows louder every day.(争取妇女平等权利的呼声日益高涨。)

3. The clamour of horns and sirens in the city centre was deafening.(市中心汽车喇叭和警报器的嘈杂声震耳欲聋。)

4. The protesters raised a clamour outside the parliament building, demanding change.(抗议者在议会大厦外高声喊叫,要求改变。)

5. The clamour of the football fans could be heard from miles away.(足球迷的喧嚣声可以听到好几英里远。)

6. The politician was forced to respond to the clamour of public opinion.(政治家被迫回应公众舆论的呼声。)

7. I couldn't hear the movie over the clamour of the children running around.(孩子们跑来跑去的喧闹声让我听不到电影声。)





1. The clamour outside the building made it difficult to concentrate.


2. The protesters raised a clamour outside the government offices.


3. The clamour of the market was overwhelming, with vendors shouting their wares.





例句:If Mr Chaudhry is dismissed, the clamour against General Musharraf will grow. (如果乔杜里先生被解职,反抗穆沙拉夫将军的声音还会增加。)


例句:They clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings. (他们喧哗争斗,他们怀疑失望,他们辩论而没有结果。)


例句:There was a public outcry [clamour]. (舆论哗然。)


例句:People began to clamour for his resignation. (翻译:人们开始大声疾呼要求他辞职。)


1. There was a public outcry [clamour]. (翻译:舆论哗然。)

2. People began to clamour for his resignation. (翻译:人们开始大声疾呼要求他辞职。)

3. The clamour and fight, the doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings. (翻译:他们喧闹争吵,他们猜疑失望,他们争辩着却总是没有结果。)

4. AT once Baner set up a clamour for some meAT, but his grandmother slapped him and told him to keep away. (翻译:板儿一见了,便吵着要肉吃,刘姥姥一巴掌打了他去。)

5. According to the doctor on Mullaitivu beach, each bombardment provokes a clamour of refugees wanting to escape. (翻译:根据这名在穆拉蒂武海滩工作的医生的描述,每一次轰炸都会惊吓大批难民想要逃出该地区。)

6. Releases originally clamour to this mortal world, cleanses the mind the worry, body and mind investment sea, investment island. (翻译:原离尘世间的嚣泄,荡涤心灵的烦恼,把身心投入大海,投入海岛。)

7. The Russians were encouraged to retreat by "the clank and clamour" of 15, 000 Manchu troops. (翻译:俄国人在1万5千满清军队的“金属撞击声和士兵喧嚣声”的鼓励下,同意撤退。)

8. Bolivia continues to clamour for its lost outlet to the sea. Apart from a minor quibble over the land border, Peru makes no such claim. (翻译:玻利维亚仍然继续为丢掉自己的通海渠道而喧闹不休,而秘鲁除了对国界有些不足为奇的异议之外,并没有采取类似之举。)

9. The people, with their exuberance, their duende , their persistent egalitarianism and clamour for a separate identity, will fascinate you. (翻译:他们丰富的内涵、散放的魅力、固执的平等主义及喧嚷地要求与众不同,总是使人沈醉倾倒。)

10. They remember that they too trod down a sated generation, with such clamour and with just scorn. (翻译:他们记起了自己当初也曾经把一代高踞宝座的人践踏在脚下,也正是这样大喊大叫,傲慢不逊。)

11. The clamour for her resignation grew louder. (翻译:民众要求她辞职的呼声越来越高。)

12. The clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings. (翻译:他们喧闹争吵,他们猜疑失望,他们争辩着却总是没有结果。)

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