concentration是什么意思 concentration的中文翻译、读音、例句

concentration是什么意思 concentration的中文翻译、读音、例句




- concentration camp 集中营

- concentration of wealth 财富集中度

- concentration of power 权力集中度

- concentration of troops 集结兵力

- concentration of effort 合力

- concentration of resources 资源集中

- concentration gradient 浓度梯度

短语:focus on concentration (集中注意力)



1. Increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is contributing to global warming.(大气中二氧化碳浓度的增加正在加剧全球变暖。)

2. The concentration test required her to solve a series of mathematical problems.(集中力测试要求她解决一系列数学问题。)

3. The government plans to reduce the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals.(政府计划减少权力集中在少数人手中。)

4. The chemist used a distillation process to increase the concentration of the solution.(化学家使用蒸馏过程提高溶液的浓度。)

5. The concentration of troops along the border is causing tension between the two nations.(边境上的兵力集中引起两国之间的紧张。)

6. Meditation can help improve concentration and focus.(冥想可以帮助提高集中注意力和专注力。)

7. The company's business strategy is focused on the concentration of resources in key markets.(该公司的业务策略侧重于在关键市场集中资源。)




1. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing.(大气中二氧化碳的浓度正在增加。)

2. The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is a social problem.(少数人手中的财富集中是社会问题。)

3. The concentration of students in the library during finals week was intense.(期末考试期间图书馆的学生数量非常集中。)

4. She needs complete concentration to finish this complicated task.(她需要全神贯注才能完成这个复杂的任务。)

5. The concentration of power in the hands of a dictator is dangerous.(独裁者手中的权力集中是危险的。)

6. The concentration of chemicals in the water exceeded safe levels.(水中的化学物质浓度超过了安全水平。)

7. He struggled to maintain his concentration during the long lecture.(他努力保持专注力听完长篇演讲。)

8. The concentration of players in the center of the field made it difficult to see the ball.(场上球员在中央集中,使得看球变得困难。)

9. By focusing his concentration, he was able to break the record.(通过集中注意力,他打破了纪录。)




1. Concentration is key to achieving success.(集中是实现成功的关键。)

2. The concentration of pollution in the river has reached dangerous levels.(河流污染的浓度已经达到危险水平。)




例句:Her brow furrowed in concentration. (她眉头紧锁全神贯注。)


例句:La had no significant effect on soil bacteria, actinomyces and fungi at low concentration while had inhibitory effect at high concentration. (在低浓度下,镧对土壤细菌、放线菌、真菌的作用不明显,在高浓度下,表现为抑制作用。)


例句:chlorine concentration in rumen fluid and abomasal fluid increased, and serum chlorine concentration decreased. (瘤胃液和真胃液中氯离子的含量升高,而血清氯离子下降;)


例句:Uh, looks like there seems to be an increase in the concentration of lead in people as a result of exposure to the environment. (翻译:看上去好像人体中铅浓度的增加 Uh, looks like there seems to be an increase in the concentration of lead in people 是与环境接触的结果 as a result of exposure to the environment.)


concentration一般作为名词使用,如在differential concentration(浓度差)、diluted concentration(稀释浓度)、drug concentration(药物浓度)等常见短语中出现较多。

differential concentration浓度差
diluted concentration稀释浓度
drug concentration药物浓度
dry concentration干选,风选
ecological concentration生态浓集度
economic concentration经济集中制
economy of concentration集中经营的经济节约
donor concentration施主浓度
dopant concentration[材] 掺质浓度


1. chlorine concentration in rumen fluid and abomasal fluid increased, and serum chlorine concentration decreased. (翻译:瘤胃液和真胃液中氯离子的含量升高,而血清氯离子下降;)

2. Uh, looks like there seems to be an increase in the concentration of lead in people as a result of exposure to the environment. (翻译:看上去好像人体中铅浓度的增加 Uh, looks like there seems to be an increase in the concentration of lead in people 是与环境接触的结果 as a result of exposure to the environment.)

3. The concentration of sodium thiocyanate is 40% in the reaction solution. (翻译:反应混合液中硫氰酸钠的浓度为40%。)

4. With a secondary concentration in reconstructive surgery. (翻译:以整容为第二职业的精神病医生 With a secondary concentration in reconstructive surgery.)

5. And so the high-concentration side becomes more salty, more concentrated, and the low-concentration side becomes your purified water. (翻译:高浓度的那一端含盐量会增加, 浓度更高, 而低浓度那一端 则会变成净化过的水。)

6. Big concentration tactics are very difficult to control. (翻译:大的游行示威是很难掌控的 Big concentration tactics are very difficult to control.)

7. The effective concentration of kanamycin is the highest. (翻译:卡那霉素的有效浓度最高。)

8. "Neutropenia" is the term for a decrease below normal in the concentration of neutrophils . (翻译:“嗜中性白血球减少症”是指中性粒细胞浓度低于正常值。)

9. Thymine or thymine nucleotide concentration was all disqulified. (翻译:胸腺嘧啶或胸腺嘧啶核苷均不合格。)

10. You belong in a concentration camp with the other alien Jews. (翻译:你们其实应该和其他外籍犹太人一起 住在集中营里)

11. Role of perfusion of different concentration of Nimotop on cerebral vasospasm (翻译:不同浓度尼膜同灌洗对实验性脑血管痉挛的治疗作用)

12. Xercise can increase blood concentration of ammonia. (翻译:运动可以使血氨浓度升高。)

13. Then, by the relationship between the heat conductivity and the impurity concentration, the concentration distribution can be obtained. (翻译:进而可以据热导率和掺杂浓度的关系,得到半导体中掺杂浓度的分布。)

14. She frowned with concentration. (翻译:她全神贯注,紧锁双眉。)

15. A Green Butt Skunk breaks their concentration. (翻译:一个新鲜臭鼬屁股毛饵 就能扰乱它们的注意力)

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