1. 语法
2. 词意
blows的主要意思是“吹、打、击打”,在口语和文学作品中经常出现,如:The wind blows hard.(风刮得很大);He blows his nose loudly.(他用力地擤鼻涕)。
另外,blows作为交替做某事的缩写词时,也可以表示“轮流、交换”等意思,如:We take turns to do the dishes.(我们轮流洗碗)
3. 同义词
4. 反义词
5. 常见搭配
blows常见的搭配包括:blow out(吹熄)、blow up(爆炸、吹大)、blow one's mind(令人惊叹)等。
1. The wind blows cold and strong in winter.(冬天风又冷又猛)
2. The boxer delivered a series of powerful blows to his opponent's face.(拳击手向对手的脸上猛击了一连串有力的拳头)
3. The children take turns blowing bubbles.(孩子们轮流吹泡泡)
4. The sergeant blew his whistle and the soldiers lined up in formation.(中士吹响了口哨,士兵们排成了队伍)
5. The fireworks blew up and illuminated the night sky.(烟花爆炸了,照亮了夜空)
1. The wind blows the leaves off the tree.(风吹落了树上的叶子。)
2. He blows his nose loudly.(他大声地擤鼻涕。)
3. The boxer delivers a series of blows to his opponent.(拳击手向对手连续出击。)
例句:If Eta Carinae blows up, what happens to Earth? (如果海山二爆炸 If Eta Carinae blows up, 地球怎么办 what happens to Earth?)
例句:If it drops below 50... it blows up. (只要巴士减慢到50英里以下... 就会爆炸)
例句:- There she blows. - Kippie can't keep covering, Carl! (─她发火了 ─我不能一直唱独角戏,卡尔!)
例句:- The imagination can play strange tricks sometimes. (翻译:- 想像,有时可以迷惑人 - [ Foghorn Blows ])
blows一般作为名词、动词使用,如在exchange blows(互殴)、exchanged blows(互殴,打起来)、fall to blows(给予打击)等常见短语中出现较多。
exchange blows | 互殴 |
exchanged blows | 互殴,打起来 |
fall to blows | 给予打击 |
hammer blows | na. 锤打\n[网络] 锤击 |
joe blows | 普通人,常人 |
launch blows at | 打击,对…发动攻击 |
low blows | 卑鄙勾当;(拳击)打在腰下的一击 |
number of blows | 冲击数 |
refueling blows | 更换燃料气鼓 |
1. - There she blows. - Kippie can't keep covering, Carl! (翻译:─她发火了 ─我不能一直唱独角戏,卡尔!)
2. - The imagination can play strange tricks sometimes. (翻译:- 想像,有时可以迷惑人 - [ Foghorn Blows ])
3. He chews tobacco and -- (Blows) He blows on the earthworms to see if they have a sense of smell. (翻译:他咀嚼烟草,并向蚯蚓吹气 看看它们是否有嗅觉。)
4. Of course,the joke would be on them when it blows up. (翻译:当然 煤气爆炸了被人看笑话 的就是它们了 Mike 现在醒着!)
5. Hans deftly ducked their blows. (翻译:汉斯灵活地躲过了他们的猛击。)
6. ! Apparently, there's a dreadful wind that blows in all directions at once. (翻译:没海滩而且那要是挂起 大风来是东西南北风同时挂)
7. He gave her several blows to the head on the right (翻译:被告又多次 猛击她的右前额及右边面部 从而使被害人致死 被告抢走了借款条和50万现金)
8. A creeper is something that blows up when you touch him! (翻译:当你靠近苦力怕时它就会爆炸! {\bord0\fnMicrosoft YaHei}{\cHFFFFFF}{\2cH00111211F}{\4cH000000}A creeper is something that blows up when you touch him!)
9. The plowman slowly blows at the glowing globe. (翻译:犁地者对着发红的球体慢慢吹气. )
10. ♪ till the wild wind blows ♪ (翻译:? till the wild wind blows ?)
11. Thirty years locked up in a jail tolerating blows, insults, (翻译:30 年来在监狱我忍受殴打, 忍受侮辱,)
12. The Columbia blows up, suddenly there are a lot of searches on Columbia. (翻译:当哥伦比亚号航天飞机遇难后,突然出现很多关于哥伦比亚号的搜索)
13. ♪ The wind blows cool across my face... ♪ (翻译:# The wind blows coolacross my face... #)
14. Next time a wind blows, think of it as me visiting (翻译:下次如果感受到一阵风吹过 Next time a wind blows, 就想成是妈妈来看你了 think of it as me visiting)
15. Simultaneously, a whale blows a circular net of bubbles around the fish. (翻译:同时一头大齿鲸喷出一圈气泡网 将小鱼群团团围住)