contact是什么意思 contact的中文翻译、读音、例句

contact是什么意思 contact的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇意义



- The two athletes collided in mid-air and made contact.


- I lost contact with my old friend after I moved to a new city.


- He is the company's main contact for customer service issues.


- I need to clean the contact points on my car's battery.


- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


2. 技术意义

在科技领域中,“contact”还有许多技术含义。比如“contact lens”指的是隐形眼镜;“contact tracing”指的是追踪接触史,这在疾病控制和预防方面非常重要;“contactless”则是指无接触的,这在支付领域越来越流行。


- After wearing contact lenses for a week, my eyes are much less tired.


- Contact tracing is an essential part of controlling the spread of infectious diseases.


- Many stores now accept contactless payment methods like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

(现在许多商店都接受像Apple Pay和Google Pay这样的无接触支付方式)

3. 法律意义

“contact”单词在法律上也拥有它独特的含义。在很多司法系统中,“contact”指的是一种对另外一方的非法接触,例如性骚扰等。因此,“no contact”指的是一项法律限制,被限制人不得与受害人进行任何形式的接触,否则将被判刑。


- The defendant was found guilty of sexual contact with a minor.


- After the restraining order was issued, the abuser was restricted from any contact with his wife and children.



'contact' 是英语中的一个单词,翻译为中文是“联系”,主要用于表示人与人之间或物与物之间的互动、交流、沟通等。


1. 联系

2. 接触

3. 联络

4. 交往


1. 通过电话、邮件、短信等方式与某人联系。

2. 与某物接触后产生反应。

3. 与某人发展交往关系。


1. I tried to contact him for several times, but failed.


2. The astronaut lost contact with the Earth during the spacewalk.


3. Please keep in contact with us while you are away.


4. Our company is in contact with several potential partners.


5. The virus will not spread by contact with objects.


6. She contacted the manager about the issue.


7. He always avoids contact with strangers.


8. My skin is sensitive to contact with some kinds of fabric.


9. The police contacted the victim's family immediately after the incident.





1. I need to contact my boss to ask for some time off work next week. (我需要联系我的老板,向他请下周的假期。)

2. It's important to maintain contact with old friends even if you can't see them often. (即使你不能经常见到老朋友,保持联系也很重要。)

3. The astronauts lost contact with mission control during re-entry. (宇航员在重返大气层期间失去了与任务控制中心的联系。)

4. The company's sales have increased since we made contact with that new client. (自从我们与那个新客户取得联系后,公司的销售额增加了。)

5. The doctor warned the patient to avoid contact with anyone who had a cold or flu. (医生警告患者要避免接触任何有感冒或流感的人。)




例句:Are you in contact with her? (since the attack. Are you in contact with her?)


例句:Will, you call your highest contact at the State Department. (you call your highest contact at the State Department.)


例句:Did seem very real. She gave me information I couldn't have acquired elsewhere. (保持对视 Maintain eye contact!)


例句:No contact report on this meeting. (翻译:不要做这次会面的报告 No contact report on this meeting.)


contact一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词、感叹词使用,如在in contact(接触)、in contact with(与...在接触中)、no contact(没有接触\n没有联系)等常见短语中出现较多。

in contact接触
in contact with与...在接触中
no contact没有接触\n没有联系
not in contact[网络] 不接触;在联系中
on contact联系\n接触
to contact[网络] 联系;与…联系;联络
will contact[网络] 将会联系
direct contact[医] 直接接触
drum contact[电] 鼓形触头
dry contact[计] 干接触


1. Did seem very real. She gave me information I couldn't have acquired elsewhere. (翻译:保持对视 Maintain eye contact!)

2. No contact report on this meeting. (翻译:不要做这次会面的报告 No contact report on this meeting.)

3. Make eye contact with these guys. (翻译:- Make eye contact with this guy. - 你根本不知道他们做过什么。)

4. - Well, can we contact them? (翻译:- Well, can we contact them?)

5. To come into contact with it. (翻译:最先接触到它的 to come into contact with it.)

6. Please contact on emergency frequency 133.75. (翻译:请用紧急频段133.75联系。Please contact on emergency frequency 133.75.)

7. How did they contact you, the leaders of Silk Road? (翻译:How did they contact you, 他们怎么联系你?)

8. Somebody will contact you. (翻译:会有人联系你的 相信我 Somebody will contact you.)

9. Then have Arkady make contact. (翻译:那就让Arkady联系他吧 Then have Arkady make contact.)

10. That was accidental contact. (翻译:That was accidental contact.)

11. Sonar, can you identify the contact? (翻译:能否辨认对方? Can you identify the contact?)

12. Right? And look, we can contact a Japanese manufacturer about pricing... (翻译:we can contact a Japanese manufacturer)

13. Calvin, what are you doing? (翻译:线人失联 We lost contact.)

14. My contact there agreed to hide her. (翻译:我那里的联络人同意藏着她 My contact there agreed to hide her.)

15. Contact and ready to approach... ready to approach... (翻译:调度联系 准备起飞 准备起飞 Contact and ready to approach... ready to approach...)

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